Why dream of an acorn - interpretation of sleep from dream books. Dream Interpretation: why the acorn is dreaming

1 Russian dream book

What do Acorns mean in a dream - health, prosperity and honors.

2 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Seeing acorns in a dream means:

Acorn - The acorn symbolizes the potential for future endeavors. There are acorns in a dream - the prospect of happiness will open before you. Collect acorns - to family cohesion or family replenishment.

3 Magic dream book

What do Acorns mean in a dream - to collect - to acquire material wealth.

4 Magic dream book

Sleeping with acorns means:

Huge potential.

5 English dream book

The meaning of sleep acorns:

Seeing acorns in a dream is a good sign. They promise health, strength and prosperity. For singles, this dream is a harbinger of a happy marriage and the promise of a large and strong family. And for married women, acorns can predict the birth of twins. For a merchant, this is a sign of well-being and wealth, and for everyone, without exception, acorns are a good sign. Lovers will be happy, and those who feel bad now will have better times.

6 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Acorn - you dream of acorns - ahead - pleasant events; you can relax and let yourself rest. You dream of immature green acorns - changes for the better are expected in your life; if until now at the common table you had a place only from the edge, now you will be put almost at the head. It’s like you are collecting acorns from the ground - you have to work hard, but the success that awaits you is worth it; a carpet will be laid in front of you. You pluck acorns from the branches - everything that you think of - whether in business or in love - will certainly come true. You dream of old half-decayed acorns - you do not know how to calculate the situation far in advance; you reject what is not profitable for you now, not thinking that it will be super beneficial for you later; thus, you will not make contact with a certain company (perhaps foreign) and will not gain benefits and prospects tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. A woman dreams that she eats acorns - this woman will have a happy turn in her fate.

7 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of an Acorn - Success in business and pleasant events in the future. Imagine that you are planting acorns in the ground.

8 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Acorns, in a dream mean:

If you dreamed of an acorn, this means that you will soon meet a person who will become your sexual partner. However, at present, you do not even think about such a scenario and prefer to communicate in a friendly way.

9 Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

health, wealth and honors.

10 Old Russian dream book

Acorns - Seeing in a dream portends poverty, hunger and high cost.

11 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Why do women dream of acorns:

What does an acorn mean in a dream. 1. To dream with acorns means that something huge begins to emerge from a small fraction. There is new potential for strength and hardness. Since acorns appear in autumn, it may be necessary to harvest some crop or combine all the ideas before they are forgotten and give them time to manifest. 2. There is a germ of an idea. Or you need to be patient in dealing with yourself and others. 3. Life, fertility and immortality symbolize the acorn.

12 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Seeing acorns in a dream means:

If you dream of acorns, this portends that successful events and a meeting with your loved one await you.
A woman who eats acorns in a dream - in reality she will be happy in love.
If you knock acorns off an oak, this portends good luck in matters of the heart.
The dream in which you collect acorns from the ground indicates that you will meet your chosen one at work.

13 Dream Interpretation 2012

A dream with acorns in a dream book is interpreted as:

Acorns are a reflection of great potential.

14 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

Sleeping with acorns means:

Acorn - poverty, price increase, health, honor, wealth, strength; pluck from oak - death; pick up the fallen - death.

15 Gypsy dream book

The meaning of sleep acorns:

Gypsies believe that acorns in a dream mean that your plans will soon not only come true, but the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

16 Esoteric dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of acorns:

To see acorns on an oak tree - you need to get together with a doctor, as a slight ailment threatens to turn into a serious illness.
Collect or see how they are harvested - your or your loved ones' diet and lifestyle can lead to illness.

17 Esoteric dream book

What acorns can dream of:

Acorn - dreams of pleasant events. For a young woman, a dream in which she eats acorns means that soon she will have a well-deserved rest from everyday worries, and she will enjoy freedom.
Collecting acorns from the ground is evidence that your tedious work will finally be crowned with success.
Shaking acorns from trees - to quickly achieve goals in business and love.
Picking green acorns from a tree means: your interests will suffer due to rash acts.
Rotten trampled acorns - portend disappointment and failure.

18 Phoebe's big dream book

Acorns, in a dream mean:

Acorn - to success in business, profit, respect, honors associated with professional success. Imagine that you are walking in an oak grove. In the grass you see a lot of fallen acorns. You bend down and start picking them up. As a result, you collect a whole bag or basket. You scoop up acorns with your hands, sort them out, hold them in your palms.

19 Women's dream book

If a girl dreams of acorns, then this means:

To dream about an Acorn - Acorns in a dream symbolize pleasant events that await you ahead. Collecting acorns from the ground is a great success after hard work. If a woman dreams that she is eating acorns, this is a sign that soon life will begin to please her. Throwing acorns from a tree - to the fulfillment of what was conceived in business and in love, this is how the Acorn interprets the dream book.

20 Jewish dream book

Why does a woman dream of acorns:

You dreamed of Acorns - To losses and lack of money.

21 Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Acorn - potential. Collect them from the ground - your work will be judged on merit; there are acorns - you are completely satisfied with your life; drop acorns from a tree - it is very good to use your own potential; green acorns on a tree or scattered on the ground - soon there will be an opportunity to prove oneself from the best side; remove them from the tree green or collect rotten ones - use your abilities for other purposes.

22 Slavic dream book

Acorns - to poverty.

23 Small dream book

If in a dream you see acorns, then pleasant events await you in the future. For a young woman, a dream in which she eats acorns means that she will soon have a well-deserved rest from everyday worries and she will enjoy freedom. Collecting acorns from the ground means that after tedious work you will come to natural success. Shaking acorns from trees in a dream means that you will quickly achieve your goals in business and love. Picking green acorns from a tree means that your interests will suffer due to your rash actions. Rotten trampled acorns portend disappointment and failure.

24 Miller's dream book

To see acorns in a dream - to pleasant events awaiting you ahead.
If you collect them from the earth, then in reality your hard work will reward you with great luck.
If a woman dreams that she is eating acorns, this is a sign that soon her life will become more pleasant and bring her joy.
Throwing acorns from a tree means the fulfillment of what was conceived in business and in love.
Green acorns on a tree or scattered on the ground are also good changes.
And just taking them off the tree green or picking up rotten ones does not bode well.

25 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Why do Acorns dream:

Oak strewn with acorns - to a good harvest.

26 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

Acorns to see - help from a friend in need / surprise.
There are acorns - joy.

27 Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Acorns seen in a dream are a harbinger of upcoming pleasant events.
If they are ripe - you will find success in solving financial and family problems, rotten - a collision with an insidious enemy, dropping acorns from a tree is a sign of the fulfillment of all desires.

28 Freud's dream book

If in a dream you saw an acorn, this indicates that in reality you are experiencing a period of the emergence of new relationships. You still do not think about what they will be like in an intimate way, and prefer to communicate on a platonic level.

29 Universal dream book

30 Russian dream book

Why do Acorns dream:

Acorns on a tree - profit; sell - loss, deceit.

31 Miller's dream book

Seeing - success in business, pleasant events in the future;
pick up from the ground - success after tedious work;
for a woman - there are acorns - hard work is replaced by a time of freedom and pleasure;
shake off trees - you will quickly achieve your goals in business and love;
grow green on a tree or scattered on the ground - things will change for the better;
rotten trampled - disappointment, failure;
picking green acorns from a tree - your interests will suffer due to your haste and imprudence.

32 Ukrainian dream book

Dream of an acorn or acorns - you will be healthy and strong; collect - benefit.

33 The latest dream book

Acorn - commit a minor dirty trick addressed to a neighbor (colleague).

34 ABC of dream interpretation

Acorn - symbolizes the potential for future affairs.
There are acorns in a dream - the prospect of happiness will open before you.
Collect acorns - to family cohesion or replenishment of the family.

35 Family dream book

Why do Acorns dream:

Acorns - dream of pleasant events.
They collected acorns from the ground in a dream - in reality you will be lucky in your work, thrown from a tree - everything conceived in business and in love will come true.
If a woman dreams that she eats acorns, then soon her life will become very pleasant.
Green acorns on a tree or scattered on the ground - dream of good changes, and just picking green acorns from a tree or collecting rotten ones is not a very good sign.

36 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To dream about how acorns fall from an oak tree to the ground - to an abundance of fruit in the garden.

40 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Why do Acorns dream:

If you dreamed of acorns, an event will soon happen that will greatly surprise you.
Collecting acorns in a dream is an unpleasant discovery.
In a dream, you watched someone picking acorns - soon you will learn something new about one of your loved ones.
There are acorns in a dream - you will not receive the news that you expected.
A dream in which you watched someone eat acorns - you will be deceived at the most unexpected moment.
Buying acorns is a waste.
You dreamed that you were selling acorns - you can suddenly get a small amount of money.

41 Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn
A dream in which someone eats acorns means that soon your life will become more pleasant and bring you joy and desired well-being. Feeding pigs with acorns in a dream means in reality to plan and fulfill bad intentions.

Throwing acorns in a dream means the fulfillment of what was conceived in love affairs. Green acorns or last year's ones lying on the ground promise positive changes in your life. However, collecting them does not bode well. Boil and drink acorn coffee in a dream - to make a small profit.

45 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Why do Acorns dream:

Strong, ripe acorns in a dream - symbolize pride in a well-established business. Perhaps you have to work hard, but success promises to be considerable.

At the same time, collect green acorns: a sign that you should not rush things and expect success ahead of time.

Rotten acorns: they say that in some business you run the risk of being very late or oversight, which can negate all your efforts.

46 The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Commit a petty dirty trick addressed to a neighbor (colleague).

Acorns in a dream symbolize pleasant events that await you ahead. Collecting acorns from the ground is a great success after hard work. If a woman dreams that she is eating acorns, this is a sign that soon life will begin to please her. Throwing acorns from a tree - to the fulfillment of what was conceived in business and in love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

See an acorn in a dream

If you dreamed of an acorn, this means that you will soon meet a person who will become your sexual partner.

However, at present, you do not even think about such a scenario and prefer to communicate in a friendly way.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

Dream about Acorn

Poverty, rising prices, health, honor, wealth, strength; pluck from oak - death; pick up the fallen - death.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does an acorn mean in a dream

Success in business and pleasant events in the future. Collect acorns - your many years of work will give tangible results. Shaking acorns from a tree is a success in love affairs. There are acorns - the money invested will begin to make a profit. Stuffing your pockets with acorns - your dreams of changing your marital status will become a reality. Oak strewn with acorns - guests whom you have been waiting for will come to you. Raking acorns in a heap is an unexpected legacy.

Imagine that you are planting acorns in the ground.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What does Acorn mean in a dream

The acorn symbolizes the potential for future endeavors.

There are acorns in a dream - the prospect of happiness will open before you.

Collect acorns - to family cohesion or replenishment of the family.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Interpretation of sleep Acorn

(See interpretation: oak)

Seeing ripe acorns in a dream is a sign of great benefit and prosperity. Collecting or eating them is a sign of great prosperity, good luck, happiness, satisfaction with one's life, unless they are green or rotten. Picking up acorns from the ground in a dream sometimes means adding a family or giving birth to twins. Eating acorns for women in a dream portends joyful events. For others, such a dream predicts rapid enrichment. Shaking acorns from a tree - to the fulfillment of a desire or success. Seeing green acorns is a good change. If acorns are scattered on the ground, then you will have to make efforts to succeed in your affairs.

Such a dream indicates to you that you should make more efforts to achieve the goal, and not waste your time on trifles.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does the Acorn predict in a dream

To see acorns in a dream - to pleasant events awaiting you ahead.

If you collect them from the earth, then in reality your hard work will reward you with great luck.

If a woman dreams that she is eating acorns, this is a sign that soon her life will become more pleasant and bring her joy.

Throwing acorns from a tree means the fulfillment of what was conceived in business and in love.

Green acorns on a tree or scattered on the ground are also good changes.

And just taking them off the tree green or picking up rotten ones does not bode well.

Interpretation of dreams from

Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree. As you know, they are a favorite delicacy of wild boars. And not in vain, because they contain a large amount of nutrients and easily digestible carbohydrates.

Previously, bread was baked from them, which helped to survive in the hungry years. In addition, porridge and even coffee are brewed from acorns. And why is the stomach dreaming? The following main meanings of this night image can be distinguished:

  • A bountiful harvest.
  • Meeting with your "soulmate".
  • Success in business.

But let's not miss important details and, taking them into account, find out what acorns mean in a dream.

Pluck, plant, collect

It is believed that those who managed to see these fruits will have success in business and a worthy reward. Especially when you collected them with . This means that you have worked hard and deserve good pay.

For a woman, this dream promises an increase and a long-awaited pregnancy. Perhaps it will be twins. If you shook them off, you will achieve everything in a short time and only thanks to your assertiveness and determination.

Let's also look at the dream book, ripe and ripe acorns - what meaning will they have for the dreamer? Such a dream predicts a favorable period, luck and success will become your constant companions. You will feel only joy and satisfaction from every day you live.

To the real owner or the owner of his own business, acorns in a dream promise success and prosperity. If you are a farmer or just a horticultural fan, expect a good harvest; businessmen expect successful transactions and making big profits. They promise family people the unity of all family members, as well as the possible birth of a child.

What is the dream of the acorn that you ate? A similar plot in a dream prophesies to the dreamer the appearance of good prospects: perhaps there will be an offer of a new job or a new position. You should not refuse, because these are new opportunities and prospects that will bring good results: your standard of living will increase significantly, what you previously denied yourself will become available.

A donated acorn may be dreamed of as a sign of a meeting with your "soul mate". At first, these relationships can have the character of a strong friendship, but later it will develop into love and a strong family. If you yourself presented acorns as a gift, this is a sign of reconciliation and mutual understanding. You will find a common language with someone, and those who quarreled will make up.

According to the dream book, an acorn can be a herald of changes in health status. Of course, they are positive, that is, sick dreamers will gain health, and healthy ones will not have problems with it.

Studded with acorns is a symbol of prosperity and well-being: the more fruits, the more successful you will be and the successful period will be longer. But a dream in which you saw from acorns promises a particularly large profit.

If you happen to see in a dream how you knock acorns off a tree, your most cherished desires will begin to come true in the very near future, because you are making every effort for this.

Those who dreamed of acorns as a material for crafts, in reality dodge household chores and their direct duties, shifting them to another. In this case, the dream book advises nevertheless to return to them and not be afraid of work.

Or maybe you planted acorns? This image is interpreted as having grandiose plans and ideas in your head. And right now you are laying the foundation for their implementation.

Subsequently, they will become great deeds that benefit others and a good income for you. You can be sure that you are moving in the right direction and doing a good job. That is what this image shows.

It will become more pleasant and bring her joy.

Throw acorns off the tree- means the fulfillment of the plan in deeds and in love.

Also good change. And just taking them off the tree green or picking up rotten ones does not bode well.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Acorn- symbolizes the potential for future affairs.

There are acorns in a dream- the prospect of happiness will open before you.

collect acorns- to family cohesion or replenishment of the family.

Freud's dream book

If in a dream you saw an acorn- this indicates that in reality you are experiencing a period of the emergence of new relationships. You still do not think about what they will be like in an intimate way, and prefer to communicate on a platonic level.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of acorns- this portends that successful events and a meeting with your loved one await you.

Woman who eats acorns in a dream- in reality she will be happy in love.

If you knock acorns off an oak tree- this portends good luck in matters of the heart.

A dream in which you collect acorns from the ground- says that you will meet your chosen one at work.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Strong, ripe acorns in a dream- symbolize pride in a well-established business. Perhaps you have to work hard, but success promises to be considerable.

At the same time, collect green acorns- a sign that you should not rush things and expect success ahead of time.

rotten acorns- they say that in some business you run the risk of being very late or oversight, which can negate all your efforts.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

acorns- ahead lies joy, success in the service and good luck in business.

collect acorns Your long and hard work will pay off.

Seeing acorns falling from a tree in a dream- all wishes will come true.

New family dream book

acorns- dream of pleasant events.

They collected acorns from the ground in a dream- in reality, good luck awaits you in work, thrown from a tree - everything conceived in business and in love will come true.

So soon her life will be very pleasant.

Green acorns on a tree or scattered on the ground- dream of good changes, and only remove acorns from a tree green or collect rotten- the sign is not very good.

Eastern female dream book

Acorn- dreams of pleasant events. For a young woman, a dream in which she eats acorns- means: soon she will have a well-deserved rest from everyday worries, and she will enjoy freedom.

Collect acorns from the ground- evidence that your tedious work will finally be crowned with success.

shake acorns from trees- to quickly achieve goals in business and love.

Plucking green acorns from a tree- means: your interests will suffer due to rash acts.

Rotten trampled acorns- portend disappointments and failures.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Acorn- commit a petty dirty trick addressed to a neighbor (colleague).

Complete dream book of the New Era

acorns- a reflection of great potential.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing in a dream how acorns fall from an oak tree to the ground- to the abundance of fruit in the garden.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Acorn- to please a man who is worse than a pig.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Acorns in a dream- portend that only pleasant events and impressions await you ahead. See the acorn-strewn oak- means in reality the growth of your well-being and generally favored in everything. Pick them up from the tree- it means that in reality hard work will be rewarded to you a hundredfold and luck will smile at you.

Dream in which someone eats acorns- to the fact that soon your life will become more pleasant and bring you joy and desired well-being. Feed pigs with acorns in a dream- means in reality to conceive and fulfill bad intentions.

Throw acorns in a dream- means the fulfillment of the plan in love affairs. Green acorns or last year's ones lying on the ground- promise positive changes in your life. However, collect them- does not bode well.

Boil and drink acorn coffee in a dream- to receive a small profit.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

acorns- health, wealth.

Women's dream book

Acorns in a dream- symbolize pleasant events awaiting you ahead.

Collect acorns from the ground- to great luck after hard work.

If a woman dreams that she eats acorns- this is a sign that soon life will begin to please her.

Throw acorns off the tree- to the fulfillment of the plan in business and in love.

General dream book

If you dreamed of acorns- an event will happen soon that will greatly surprise you.

Collect acorns in a dream- to an unpleasant discovery.

In a dream, you watched someone collect acorns- soon you will learn something new about one of your loved ones.

There are acorns in a dream- you will not receive the news that you expected.

A dream in which you watched someone eat acorns- you will be deceived at the most unexpected moment.

Buying acorns- to wasteful spending.

You dreamed that you were selling acorns You may suddenly receive a small amount of money.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

acorns is a good symbol of one's own potential. What should you especially cherish and cherish in your life that has the ability to give you strength, power, and confidence?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Acorns seen in a dream- a harbinger of upcoming pleasant events.

If they are ripe- you will be successful in solving financial and family problems, rotten- clash with an insidious enemy, throw acorns off a tree- a sign of the fulfillment of all desires.

English dream book

See acorns in a dream- good sign . They promise health, strength and prosperity. For the lonely- this dream is a harbinger of a happy marriage and the promise of a large and strong family. And married women have acorns- can predict the birth of twins. For merchant- this is a sign of prosperity and wealth, and for everyone, without exception, acorns are a good sign. lovers- they will be happy, and those who are feeling bad now will have better times.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dreamed of an acorn- this means that soon you will meet a person who will become your sexual partner. However, at present, you do not even think about such a scenario and prefer to communicate in a friendly way.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

See acorns in a dream- portends poverty, hunger and high cost.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Acorn- to good, mutual agreement.

Modern universal dream book

Is there any other seed that, more than the acorn, symbolizes inspiration and opportunity?

Acorns in a dream- can symbolize your cherished desires - desires that you hope will translate into great achievements. If in a dream you plant acorns, it means that ideas are being born in your head that will become serious things.

Acorn- it is also a symbol of secret treasures. Perhaps you are hiding great news or a fantastic idea from someone, or perhaps someone else is hiding it from you. An acorn in a dream is a sign that everything will be revealed at the right time. In some periods of our lives, we are surrounded by people who, by their behavior, promise us a lot of new things. Perhaps acorns symbolize just such a period in your life. If so, try to understand whether the people around you make only empty promises or you just need to be patient, and one day your hopes will grow into huge achievements.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Gypsies believe that acorns are in a dream- means that your plans will soon not only come true, but the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

see acorns- help from a friend in need / surprise.

There are acorns- joy.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Acorn- poverty, rising prices, health, honor, wealth, strength; pluck from oak- death; pick up the fallen- death.

Esoteric dream book

See acorns on the oak- you need to get together with a doctor, as a slight ailment threatens to turn into a serious illness.

Collect or see how they collect- food and
When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What is Vanga's dream book? Why did the collection of interpretations of the Bulgarian seer of the last century become one of the most widely read books of the new century and does not lose its relevance even in the modern world? The article will talk about the features and benefits of the dream book of the famous fortune teller.

Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books ever. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such accuracy in interpreting the world, which is practically not amenable to scientific understanding?

What is the dream of the Acorn

Acorn in a modern dream book

Mature acorns, appearing in a dream, are a harbinger of substantial income, prosperity. A sign of happiness, prosperity, satisfaction with the course of life will be a dream in which you collect ripe, intact acorns. A dream in which you take acorns from the ground can promise the birth of twins or the achievement of difficult but significant success. Eating acorns in a dream portends a rapid enrichment. Fulfillment of desire promises a dream in which you shake acorns from oak branches. Positive changes are predicted by green acorns that have visited your dream. Last year's dreamed, ripened acorns tell about the dreamer's short-sightedness. The inability to look into the future causes your miscalculations, losses.

Acorn in Miller's dream book

Upcoming joyful events are promised by a dream in which you see acorns. The dreamer, picking up acorns from the ground in a dream, is waiting for recognition and success in reality as a reward for hard, monotonous work. In reality, a woman's life will become even more interesting and secure if she eats acorns in a dream. Achieving the intended goal in business, personal relationships symbolizes a dream in which you shake acorns from a tree. Seeing green or scattered acorns on the ground is also a favorable omen in love, in the labor field. Nothing good awaits the dreamer who collects spoiled, rotten, green acorns.