What are the symptoms and treatment of caries under a filling. Caries under a filling, replacement of old fillings, please contact us! Whether to form caries under the filling

It seems that caries can be forgotten after contacting the dentist and placing a filling. Most of the time this happens, but not always. Due to the unprofessionalism of the doctor or for other reasons, secondary caries may form. It is difficult for the patient to find out about its existence until severe pain begins, and the disease does not develop into a more serious one.

Why can caries form under a filling?

Caries under the filling develops for various reasons:

It is unlikely that it will be possible to understand why recurrent caries has arisen. Usually it is caused by several reasons at once.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

The patient will not be able to independently diagnose secondary caries, but it is enough to pay attention to the following symptoms:

Any of these signs or the condition of the tooth, as in the photo, is an indication for visiting the hospital. The doctor is able to determine the presence of secondary caries during a visual examination. However, this is not enough; a visiograph is often used to make a diagnosis.

Visiography appeared relatively recently, it allows you to correctly assess the condition of the oral cavity and prescribe the correct treatment. It has significant advantages over radiography:

  • fast shooting process;
  • safety - the radiation dose is ten times less;
  • a clear picture coming to the computer monitor allows you to identify all the foci of secondary caries.

The visiograph is used directly during the entire period of treatment. It helps to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.


Methods for the treatment of secondary caries depend on the volume of affected tissues. If the secondary caries did not have time to fully develop, then the old filling is simply removed. The cavity is thoroughly disinfected, treated with medicine and refilled. In some cases, only the part of the filling material where the defect is observed is removed.

If the tooth is practically rotting, filling will not help. Either special tabs or prostheses are used. In advanced cases, the tooth is removed.

Removal of the old filling and re-filling

Re-filling is a procedure that requires special attention. In the event of an error, there is a high probability of relapse, the tooth is unlikely to be cured again. The process takes place in several stages:

Often, photopolymer composites are used as a filling material, which are distinguished by a long service life and high wear resistance. The dentist stains carious areas with a special tool that shows whether the affected tissue remains.

The doctor's task is to install a high-quality filling without defects and gaps between the material and the tooth. The patient can help the dentist without interfering with his work:

  • keeping the mouth wide open;
  • without moving the tongue;
  • without swallowing saliva;
  • not speaking;
  • without making any extra moves.

Adhesive restoration

Sometimes, due to extensive damage to the tooth by secondary caries, a crown is placed on it after the defect has been eliminated by filling. Adhesive restoration is an alternative treatment for recurrent caries. Its advantage lies in the minimal impact on the enamel and maintaining the integrity of the tooth.

The procedure is carried out in one stage, the tooth affected by secondary caries is treated with an adhesive polymer. It restores damaged enamel and reduces its sensitivity.

Crowns and inlays

The dentist installs a crown if the use of other treatment methods is impractical, but if the tooth root is damaged by secondary caries, prosthetics are impossible. In this case, deletion is shown.

Crowns are made from various materials:

  • medical steel alloys have an unaesthetic appearance, therefore they are used for the treatment of chewing teeth;
  • cermet is durable and aesthetic;
  • ceramics has the maximum similarity with the natural color of the teeth, but is not able to cope with high loads.

The crown is made according to an individual impression and is first installed for a while. The reaction of the tooth is being studied - if it is positive, the prosthesis is fixed on a permanent basis.

Microprosthetics - the installation of special prosthesis tabs according to the cast. They are similar to teeth in color and shape, and are tightly fixed without causing discomfort.

Prevention of secondary caries

It is almost impossible to prevent the development of a secondary carious process if it is caused by a dentist's mistake. However, following the recommendations will help slow down the development of caries or prevent it.

  1. Oral hygiene is the main rule for the prevention of any dental diseases. You need to brush your teeth regularly. You should pay attention to hard-to-reach places, as well as responsibly approach the choice of toothpaste and brush.
  2. Pay attention to your diet. Food should have an optimal temperature so as not to provoke the appearance of microcracks. They quickly get microorganisms that cause secondary caries.
  3. You should visit the dentist's office regularly. Adults - 2 times a year, children - 4. The doctor will be able to identify defects in the teeth or the onset of a secondary carious process in time. In the presence of tartar or plaque, professional cleaning is recommended.

Treatment and filling of carious lesions is not a guarantee of complete elimination of the problem. There are frequent cases of caries formation under the filling after some time. As a rule, this occurs 2-4 years after the intervention of the dentist. At the same time, it is far from always possible to immediately identify the inflammatory process, and a person goes to the doctor when he has already begun to feel pronounced symptoms. In order to avoid further complications, at the first signs of inflammation, it is worth contacting a qualified specialist.

In this article, we will comprehensively highlight the problem of caries under a filling and consider the following aspects:

What is the difference between secondary caries and recurrence?

Caries under a filling (in dentistry - another caries) is a secondary formation of carious foci under a previously installed filling. The cause of the occurrence is considered to be the ingress of bacteria into the area between the filling and the hard tissue of the tooth. Secondary caries is also understood as the spread of the lesion to the area of ​​​​healthy enamel next to the filling.

Recurrent caries is the resumption of the carious process at the site of the treatment. Such relapses can be caused by the negligence of the dentist, who did not carefully treat the tooth cavity or did not use special antiseptic agents during the treatment.

At the same time, the development of recurrent and secondary lesions of dental tissues can take place simultaneously, and it is almost impossible to establish the exact cause of the pathology.

The development of caries under the filling

Secondary caries affects the healthy tissues of the tooth, which are in close proximity to the filling. The disease progresses in several stages:

  • The formation of micro-slits between the hard tissue of the tooth and the filling. It can be caused both as a result of poor-quality work of the doctor, and due to shrinkage of the filling material.
  • The entry of bacteria and other pathogens into microcracks. This is especially common with improper oral care.
  • Active reproduction of bacteria. During the vital activity of bacteria, acids are produced that have a negative effect on the filling and tooth enamel, as a result of which the composite is torn away from the tooth.

In most cases, the first symptoms of secondary caries appear only at the third stage, when the disease is already in a progressive stage.

Causes of secondary caries

Most often, caries under the filling occurs due to incorrectly performed primary treatment of the diseased tooth. The main reasons for the development of the disease dentists include:

  • Poor cleaning of the carious cavity. If not all areas of the affected tissue were removed, then the likelihood of secondary caries is high.
  • Inadequate preparation of the outer surface of the tooth before filling. It is fraught with a loose fit of dental tissues to the filling. As a result, the tooth begins to crumble, and new carious foci appear in place of the cracks that have appeared.
  • Features of shrinkage of the seal. The filling material can sag over time, causing secondary destruction of already affected tissues. This is especially common with light-polymer fillings, which can change in size when exposed to light. As a result, microcracks form between the material and dental tissues, through which pathogens penetrate.

Provoking factors can be simultaneous effects on tooth enamel of high and low temperatures, the abuse of solid food, pathological features in the structure of the jaw, bruxism and neglect of oral hygiene.

Symptoms of caries under filling

Caries under the filling proceeds almost asymptomatically, and often when the first “alarm bells” appear, it is no longer possible to do with a second filling. Dentists recommend immediately seeking help in the following cases:

  • Bleeding gums.
  • Pain in teeth and jaw, aggravated by touch.
  • The presence of inflammation and swelling under the filling.
  • Redness of the oral mucosa.
  • Bad breath.
  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.

With visual changes in the condition of the tooth and filling, you should also not postpone going to the dental clinic. The cause for concern is the darkening of the filling material or the appearance of black dots on the tooth enamel. The occurrence of acute pain indicates an advanced stage of the disease, and radical methods will certainly be required to treat this form of caries.


In most cases, pathology is diagnosed during a standard examination by a dentist. If the disease is advanced, then the doctor can use a visiograph, which allows a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the gums and teeth. Advanced diagnostics using special equipment is usually carried out with complicated caries, pulpitis and periodontitis. The benefits of imaging usually include:

  • Efficiency. Taking a picture takes a little time.
  • Safety. Compared to conventional x-rays, the patient receives a much lower dose of radiation.
  • Accuracy and information content. The computer monitor displays a picture on which you can see all the foci of inflammation.

Visiography is actively used not only in the diagnosis, but also in the treatment of the affected area. This method allows you to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of restoring a diseased tooth.

Treatment Methods

The method of therapy is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. To date, there are the following methods of treatment of secondary caries:

  • Refilling. The damaged part of the tooth is reamed, after which the affected dental tissue or enamel is removed. Next, the enamel and dentin are thoroughly cleaned, the tooth cavity is treated with antiseptic agents and an insulating lining is laid. At the final stage, a new seal is installed.
  • adhesive restoration. This procedure is an alternative to the installation of a dental crown and is reduced to the restoration of tooth enamel.
  • Microprosthetics. The technology involves the installation of special prosthesis tabs that correspond to the shape, size and color of the tooth.
  • Crown installation. The decision to use a crown is made with a healthy tooth root and the impossibility of using more gentle treatment methods - filling, adhesive restoration or microprosthetics.

If caries under the filling is in an advanced stage, then the doctor may decide to remove the tooth. Surgery is only possible if alternative treatments cannot be used.

Consequences of late treatment

At the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of caries under the filling, you should immediately contact a qualified doctor. Late treatment can be fraught with the following consequences:

  • Damage to bone tissue. In this case, the disease can progress down to its deep layers.
  • Destruction of the root and canal of the tooth. When the root is destroyed, the only treatment is tooth extraction.
  • Damage to adjacent teeth. Perfectly healthy "neighbors" can suffer.
  • Complete destruction of the tooth. As a rule, in this case, the root system is also destroyed.

A particular danger in secondary caries lies in the inflammatory processes of the pulp and its subsequent necrosis. This can be caused by the use of irritating substances in the treatment of the oral cavity, traumatic preparation and toxic effects of the filling.

Prevention of caries under filling

The basis of prevention is hygienic treatment of the oral cavity, which should not be neglected. Dentists recommend using certified toothpastes, dental floss, and antiseptic rinses. Do not forget about regular visits to the dental office. Ideally, you need to visit a doctor twice a year, especially if you have previously had crowns or fillings.

Compliance with these simple preventive measures makes it possible to detect secondary caries in time and prevent the development of the disease.

Some doctors may not place a filling as well as they would like, so carious cavities are formed. No one is immune from such a problem. Finding out what causes caries and how to treat it in a secondary manifestation is useful to many. You should carefully monitor any symptoms of the disease in order to eliminate them immediately.

Why does a tooth hurt under a filling

People often come to dental clinics with a situation where a tooth with a filling hurts. This symptom may indicate the development of caries in the sealed cavity. The causes of the disease are different factors: from shrinkage of the filling to secondary damage to the dentin. Also, the occurrence of the disease will be influenced by the fact that the tooth surface was poorly prepared before filling or a microcrack filled with microbes formed. Fighting the signs should begin immediately to prevent severe pathology in the form of pulpitis.

Prevention of the occurrence of caries under the filling already installed by the doctor consists in the following activities:

  • quality treatment of the primary type of disease;
  • regular diagnostics at the dentist for the integrity of sealed cavities, their condition;
  • polishing the sealed place to eliminate rough edges at the junction with the tooth surface;
  • periodic professional cleaning of enamel from plaque, removal of stone.

Seal shrinkage

Secondary caries under the filling may occur due to shrinkage of the filling material. This is due to the peculiarity of the light-polymer agent, when under the influence of light it decreases in size. If the shrinkage is large, then a gap is formed, which will become an area for the development of bacteria. The depth is affected by the size of the filling - the larger it is, the more it shrinks. To prevent this factor, the dentist needs to carefully monitor the procedure in order to add material to the cavity, if necessary, to seal it tightly.

Secondary dentine caries

If the doctor, in the treatment of primary caries, did not clean the cavity well, did not completely lay down the medicine and left at least a small area of ​​the affected dentin, then hidden caries may appear already under the sealed place. This is called secondary caries, which progresses rapidly, can damage the tooth from the inside, lead to painful sensations, requiring immediate treatment.


  • there is pain, a reaction to a change in food temperature (cold, hot);
  • swelling, inflammation of the gums, sometimes bleeding;
  • you can notice bad breath;
  • the color of the sealed place looks different;
  • enamel chips, cracks.

Tooth hurts from hot and cold

When a sealed tooth reacts to cold and hot, it may be a sign of latent caries. An indicator of this disease is the fact of the disappearance of unpleasant sensations after the elimination of irritants. If the pain begins to appear without a source, then this indicates a transition to the next stage - pulpitis. When the carious cavity is deep, pain is felt from mechanical pressure - biting, chewing solid food. Sour, salty, sweet foods intensify the pain, acting on their chemical constituents.

Darkening of tooth enamel

With the development of caries under the sealed cavity, the enamel may darken. This is due to the destruction of the filling material, the penetration of microorganisms, the change in the color of the dentin from white to gray. At the first detection of translucence of dentin through the enamel, a visit to the doctor is necessary, which will eliminate the disease: clean the cavity, seal it again.

The filling is loose

When the patient feels the mobility of the filling with his tongue, this directly indicates the development of secondary caries under it. Wobble causes aging of materials, which eventually chip off at the edges, absorb dyes from food, gradually breaking down. A gap appears between the loose filling and the enamel, where food remains get stuck, bacteria multiply, leading to a disease that can spread to neighboring teeth.

What to do if a sealed tooth hurts

It is possible to eliminate pain by contacting a doctor with the corresponding symptoms and complaints. During the examination, the specialist will detect the disease, if necessary, conduct an x-ray or visiography to make an accurate diagnosis, identify the condition of the channels. After that, a series of measures (treatment, hygiene, filling replacement) will be carried out, which will eliminate the symptoms of the disease and restore health.

Removing an old filling

The first step in eliminating caries formed under the installed filling will be its removal. To do this, the doctor uses a drill: reams the materials, trying to cover the entire cavity. At the same time, a thorough removal of the filling base is carried out in order to prevent its influence on subsequent treatment. During it, it is necessary to remove the affected tissues, seal the healthy cavity again.

Removal of caries under filling

The resulting secondary caries under the old filling must be removed. It is more difficult to do this than in the treatment of the primary type, because the resulting cavity is larger, which requires a responsible approach. After the filling is removed and the cavity is cleaned, all the affected tooth tissues are removed, which are no longer able to heal themselves. With special tools, the dentist processes the enamel with dentin, which line the walls of the carious cavity.

After that, the doctor checks for the conscientiousness of cleaning with a caries detector - stains carious tissues to understand the quality of removal. The cleaned cavity is disinfected with antiseptics, after which a special insulating gasket is placed in it to prevent the recurrence of the disease. After removal of diseased tissues, depending on the degree of damage, the cavity can be sealed, an inlay, crown, or adhesive restoration can be performed.

Filling of carious cavity

After the removal of the old filling, preparation and filling of the medicine, the affected area is sealed. If the cavity size is small, then a special photopolymer material is used, which shrinks less compared to chemical bases. When filling, the doctor must ensure that the process goes well, without the formation of microcracks and cavities, in order to prevent the risk of recurrence of the disease.

When the cavity is large in area, the doctor replaces the filling method with the method of installing inlays or crowns. The first are microprostheses of the crown part of the tooth, made of ceramics or cermets. During the installation process, an impression is made, the orthodontist makes an overlay, fixes it on the tooth with the help of special cement. Inlays are considered more durable and attractive materials compared to filling materials due to:

  • high aesthetic properties;
  • exact fit to the surface;
  • increased strength.

Crowns, along with inlays, are an alternative to fillings. When installing them, you should prepare: remove the nerve, grind the tooth, put the prosthesis itself. For fixing use metal or fiberglass pins, stump tabs. The installation process is lengthy, it takes about a month, because the manufacture and fitting of crowns must be carried out carefully, taking into account the characteristics of the patient.

A modern replacement for a crown in the treatment of secondary caries is an adhesive restoration. If earlier, due to the removal of a large amount of tissue, it was necessary to replace them with artificial ceramic or metal-ceramic crowns, now the integrity of the tooth is restored using highly adhesive materials. During one-stage treatment, a polymer with the necessary properties is applied to the tooth, thereby eliminating the problem of hypersensitivity.

Video: a tooth aches under a filling

Caries under a filling is a common occurrence. Everyone who has ever visited a dentist for the purpose of filling their teeth, over time, noted the appearance of a dark outline around the filling. This is one of the most pronounced signs of the resumption of the carious process. Such a symptom may appear due to the aging of the filling and develop 2-4 years after its setting. In this case, secondary caries is diagnosed. If the darkening appears in the first 6 months after treatment, this process is called recurrent. Its main reason is poor-quality therapy.

How to understand that caries develops under the filling?

It is possible to suspect that the tooth inside is rotting under the filling, according to other signs, in addition to the appearance of a dark strip along the contour of the filling material. These indicators include:

The formation of secondary caries under the filling can also be observed on x-rays. At the same time, a defect is noted in the picture below it - an area of ​​rarefaction of hard tissues, darker than healthy enamel and dentin.

Relapse can develop both in teeth with live pulp and in depulped ones, in which root canals were previously treated. In living teeth, caries will be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, while in “dead” teeth it can be almost asymptomatic.

Causes of caries under filling

By the appearance of the tooth, it is difficult to establish the cause of caries under the filling, photos of teeth with both types of repeated caries practically do not differ from each other (we recommend reading: what to do if the filled tooth hurts?).

However, the causes of these two types of pathological process are different, and it is important to consider them in order to avoid similar problems in the future.


Secondary caries develops as a result of the aging of the filling. The use of rough food of contrasting temperatures leads to the gradual destruction and shrinkage of the filling material. The filling decreases in size, and microscopic gaps and defects appear between it and the tissues of the tooth.

They get saliva containing bacteria that produce acids, destroying the enamel and dentin at the border with the filling. Poor oral hygiene can exacerbate and speed up the process. If such phenomena occur no earlier than 2 years from the date of the visit, this is normal. All that is needed is a timely replacement of the old filling with a new one.


A recurrent secondary process, as a rule, is the result of poor-quality treatment. This includes:

If these treatment steps are not followed, darkening and pain may appear as early as a few weeks or months after treatment. In this case, re-treatment must be carried out under warranty.

Treatment Methods

If caries is detected under the filling, its treatment depends on whether complications have developed. In the absence of complications in the form of pulpitis and periodontitis, it is treated according to the following scheme:

When caries that has developed under a filling has become complicated by pulpitis or periodontitis, endodontic treatment is required. It consists in removing the inflamed, infected pulp from the root canals, which causes pain. After the canals are released, they are passed, expanded, treated with an antiseptic according to the protocol and sealed with a special filling material.

Often, after the cavity is completely cleansed of altered tissues, it turns out to be very large - it can cover up to two-thirds of the crown part of the tooth. In this case, filling material alone is not enough to restore chewing function. Such a filling simply will not withstand the load, it will crumble or fall out. In this case, ceramic inlays can be used, and if the tooth is pulpless, then anchor pins or crowns.

How to prevent the problem?

It is impossible to completely prevent the appearance of caries under the filling, the signs of which were described above. Any, even the most expensive, filling material eventually collapses and shrinks. To maximize the life of the filling and delay the appearance of secondary caries, you need to:

The main prevention of recurrent caries is the observance of treatment standards by the dentist:

  • sufficient anesthesia for complete treatment of the cavity;
  • checking the quality of preparation with a caries marker;
  • use of an antiseptic before filling;
  • dense filling of the cavity without gaps, defects and pores;
  • it is desirable to cover the seal with varnish after finishing polishing.

Caries under the seal is often called secondary. In the article we will understand why such a pathology occurs and how to deal with it.

Such caries is localized in those places where the fillings were installed. Caries under the filling has a completely different etiology. In order to see the development of this pathology in time and prevent it in time, it is necessary to carefully understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Dentists identify two main reasons why caries appears at the treatment site.

  1. The seal, delivered earlier, was made of poor quality or not on time.
  2. The dentist could make a mistake in installing the filling, for example, because of his inexperience. In this case, the seal itself can be inserted loosely and lose its tightness over time. This can also happen if the patient has been with a temporary filling for too long, delaying the installation of a permanent one.

Some time after the procedure, a new center of caries may begin to form under the base of the filling. Experts recommend that you come in for a filling replacement every two to four years. This is necessary because fillings, even if they were placed correctly, begin to gradually deform over time.

Also, in order to prevent the appearance of a secondary carious lesion, during the procedure, the dentist must use a special marker - this helps to see the remaining carious areas in the tooth cavity. Such use of special devices helps in the prevention of recurrent caries.

How does secondary caries proceed?

  1. A microscopic gap appears between the tooth wall and the poorly inserted filling material.
  2. Gradually, human saliva, microscopic particles or pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the resulting crack.
  3. Once in the tooth cavity, microorganisms begin active reproduction, gradually destroying the tooth deeper and deeper. And the pathogenic environment that they form as a result of their vital activity begins to split the remaining filling and tear it away from the tooth wall more and more. Ultimately, such a filling is most often.

The main symptom that indicates the presence of a secondary lesion is the darkening of the areas along the edge of the installed filling. Many patients note that this process begins to be accompanied by a slight, but noticeable aching in the tooth.

Important! If some time after the installation of the filling, the patient feels that the tooth begins to ache and this does not go away for a sufficiently long time, this is a weighty argument in order to visit your dentist.

When a person begins to develop secondary caries, he may simply not notice it for quite a long time. This is because a filling was previously installed, which, although not hermetically inserted into the tooth cavity, still protects it from external irritants. In this case, serious pain manifests itself already at those stages when caries has penetrated into the very depths of the tooth.

Important! Another fairly common symptom that indicates the occurrence of secondary caries is the appearance of a characteristic bad breath in the patient.

It also happens that the patient does not neglect the recommendations of the doctor, and also follows all the rules of oral hygiene, while he regularly visits and at the moment all the affected teeth are healed, but he is still present from the mouth and begins to manifest itself some time after brushing his teeth . It is in such cases that it is necessary to check the existing fillings, because with such a symptom it is quite possible that a secondary carious lesion begins to develop in the cavity of the filled tooth.

Bad breath that appears soon after brushing your teeth is a sign of caries

Why does a filling wear out?

Carious lesions that have arisen in the cavity of the tooth under the filling are very dangerous and, if left untreated, can cause many more serious complications. There are several factors that cause premature wear of the filling.

Temperature effectOne of the main reasons for the rapid deterioration of the filling is the consistent intake of very cold and very hot dishes. When a person often changes the temperature of the food he eats, such changes begin to negatively affect the enamel of the teeth, provoking new microcracks. In this case, not only healthy teeth can crack, but also filling material, especially at the place of its attachment to the tooth body.
solid foodsThe consumption of various hard foods can lead to the wear of the filling. Such exposure can also cause damage to the filling, not to mention the fact that cracks and chips also appear on healthy teeth during this exposure.
MalocclusionThere are cases when the integrity of the seal is broken as a result of an incorrectly formed bite. In this case, the filling can simply fray and deform under the onslaught of other teeth.
Poor oral hygieneThe main reason for the appearance of caries under the seal is still insufficient oral hygiene or its complete absence. If the tooth has previously begun to be destroyed by some kind of mechanical impact, then non-compliance with dental hygiene can only aggravate the process and cause accelerated reproduction of bacteria inside the tooth. Provoking the growth of bacteria can also be insufficient brushing of the teeth, since the residual particles of food between the teeth can provoke an increased reproduction of microorganisms, which will lead to the rapid growth of the carious area.

The main reasons why fillings are replaced

Even a permanent filling cannot last forever. Those fillings that are selected specifically for the color of the tooth (most often this is done during dental treatment so that the intervention is not noticeable), over time they nevertheless begin to change color, most often to yellowish. In this case, for the aesthetic appearance of a smile, such fillings are replaced with new ones.

Important! Over time, when chewing, the filling mass can be worn out or deformed. In this case, such pressure on the filling can lead to the fact that at some point it will crumble or separate from the body of the tooth and fall out.

The filling may need to be replaced even a few days after the filling procedure. This happens in cases where a doctor's mistake was made during the filling, the filling material was incorrectly selected, or the patient himself did not follow the necessary recommendations, as a result of which the filling may simply fall out. If this happens, the patient must definitely apply for a new filling, otherwise pathogenic microflora or food particles can get into the cavity of the affected tooth, which can cause not only caries, but also more serious complications.

If the filling was installed incorrectly, then the filling material begins to move away from the wall of the healed tooth and a small gap begins to form between the filling and the wall of the tooth. Pathogenic microflora with saliva or food particles can penetrate into the gap formed. Having penetrated into the cavity of the tooth, the bacteria begin to form an acidic environment, which gradually begins to corrode and destroy the cavity inside the tooth. Since the cavity of the tooth is still closed by the filling, external irritants, such as cold or hot food, cannot act on the area affected by caries, as a result of which the patient may notice caries under the filling already at the stage of the lesion. That is why it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations at the dentist, including checking the condition of the installed fillings.

Why do fillings fall out of a tooth cavity?

If the caries lesion on the tooth was too extensive, after treatment it is necessary to apply a filling of a sufficiently large size to it. The larger the filling, the more likely it is to fall out when chewed, especially if the patient will frequently eat solid foods.

In some cases, when it becomes necessary to clean a large area of ​​the tooth from caries or a part of the tooth was previously missing, it is recommended to install a special crown in addition to the filling, which will maintain the shape of the tooth and prevent the filling from deforming as a result of chewing. There is another way to protect a tooth without using a crown. In this case, a special filling can be installed on a large area, which, by its properties, is more durable than standard filling materials, since it contains plastic.

Important! But even such a filling under strong pressure, for example, biting something, can crack or fall out.

During the installation of the filling, the dentist must carefully monitor the cavity of the affected tooth so that when the material itself is applied, there is no saliva in it. If the saliva is closed in the cavity of the tooth, then its components begin to act on composite resins - the main components of the filling material - as a result of which the filling begins to gradually move away from the edges of the tooth and eventually falls out.

Why do cracks form in the filling?

In fillings made of different materials, sooner or later, chips and cracks can form. Such phenomena occur for several reasons.

If the filling is installed so that its tip rises above the level of the rest of the teeth, then in this case the pressure will be exceeded on it during chewing, which means that sooner or later it will begin to collapse due to constant pressure. Cracks can also occur when worn for a long time, since any filling, no matter how well it is installed, is subjected to pressure over time.

Also, the seal can gradually wear off. This process can be seen by the resulting cracks on the borders of the filling and the body of the tooth. If the patient turns to a specialist in time, the filling can be restored without replacing it.

Why does the seal become leaky?

If a crack occurs on one of the sides of the filling, between its body and the tooth wall, this means that the space of the tooth cavity is no longer tight. At this moment, food particles, pathogenic microorganisms transferred from other affected areas, or with human saliva can enter the gap that has appeared at this moment. It is at the moment when pathogenic microflora enters the tooth body that the process of secondary caries begins.

Any type of currently available fillings can lose their tightness if it is not properly installed or properly maintained after the procedure. First of all, changes under the filling are manifested by increased sensitivity of the affected tooth to cold food and drinks. Very many patients in this period do not pay attention to the increase in sensitivity, since after two to three weeks after the installation of the seal, the sensitivity gradually subsides, and later disappears completely. It is during this period that the main changes occur in the filling material itself - various cracks, spalls, and deformations appear. If the patient has an amalgam filling installed, then during the period of its changes, the filling substance can, by its deformation, close the previously existing gap.

Important! When installing composite fillings, they are most often damaged due to exposure to saliva. This is due to the fact that saliva is able to weaken the bond of the substance to the edges of the tooth, which occurs when exposed to certain chemicals.

Some time after installation, the filling may begin to dry out. Most often this is the result of improper oral hygiene and non-compliance with all doctor's recommendations. When the filling mass dries out, gaps also appear between the filling itself and the tooth body.

How long can a filling be worn?

How long fillings last depends on their size and material. An important role is played by the life of the patient, lifestyle and regular observance of oral hygiene. Some fillings, if you follow all the rules for wearing them, can serve the patient up to fifteen years or more. True, most often they need to be changed after five years. If the patient regularly visits the dentist for a preventive examination, then the specialist can notice in time which filling has worn out.

Why does a person grind his teeth?

Many patients have a habit that is unfavorable for fillings, such as grinding their teeth, including during sleep, as well as too tight clenching of the jaws. Such an impact on the seal can lead to its damage or deformation. When the patient constantly clenches his teeth too hard, microcracks appear on the body of the filling, which gradually destroy the filling from all sides. The same problem can await patients who have malocclusion. In this case, the teeth can exert increased negative pressure on the upper part of the filling, which over time will also lead to its deformation.

How are the symptoms of carious formations under the filling manifested?

Important! That is why, after installing a filling on a tooth, it is necessary to carefully monitor its external changes and sensations while eating. For any deformations and color changes, you must contact a specialist.

If caries has penetrated too deep into the tooth cavity, also affecting nearby tissues with the appearance of pulpitis or other serious complications, a procedure such as visiography is also performed. Such a study will help to more accurately examine the condition of not only the affected area, but also neighboring teeth, as well as gums. When the necessary diagnoses are received, treatment is prescribed.

Video - The dentist briefly talks about caries under the seal

Types of caries

There are two types of caries: recurrent and secondary. Do they have any differences?

Recurrent caries can occur in the cavity of the tooth after a filling is placed on it, but it differs from the secondary one in that it occurs due to poor-quality treatment, namely, the incomplete cleaning of all carious formations in the tooth. As a result, the remaining caries also begins to spread under the filling, despite the fact that the filling itself is installed with high quality. Even if the smallest part of the carious formation remains on the surface of the tooth, caries will recur. That is why, after cleaning the cavity of the tooth, specialists should use special markers that show the remaining parts of caries, if any.

Unlike this type of caries, secondary, as mentioned earlier, appears due to improper installation or damage to the filling itself.

The recurrence of caries, unlike the secondary one, develops much faster, which means that it manifests itself soon after the installation of the filling. There are cases when both types of caries occur at the same time, which further complicates the treatment process.

How to prevent the development of caries under the filling?

First of all, it is necessary to correctly follow all the recommendations of the doctor, which were given immediately after the installation of the seal. Do not neglect the rules of oral hygiene. teeth should be done at least twice a day, but it is advisable to carry out this procedure after each meal. It is also recommended to use a toothbrush.

For timely diagnosis of the development of secondary caries, it is necessary to visit the dentist for preventive purposes. Experts recommend checking at least twice a year.