I dreamed of a white tablecloth. Products on the table

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    What means had a dream table- Vanga's dream book. For what dreaming table in the dream book of Frost. This dream favorable even if table not available tablecloth- This long table- a warning sign in a dream. Such an image in your dream"calling" you to be white table- For a girl dream beautiful. It marks the fact that the day is not far off when ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreamed white fabric on table, stained with goodies, there is reason to believe that you too easily rush into the abyss of entertainment and pleasure, without thinking what stains they can leave on your reputation. The dream interpretation offers a very positive explanation of why dreaming table, covered white tablecloth. Seen in dream says that a happy period will soon come in the life of the sleeper. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Especially if in dream it was littered with work papers and books. dreaming worker table- evidence that in reality you lack self-organization. dreamed that my brother and I are returning from the garage and we see that it is very covered long table, covered white clean tablecloth and it has a lot of goodies, but for table all relatives are sitting who only know what it is for?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    What does Tablecloth in dream: Tablecloth- Fill with wine white tablecloth Dream, dreamed on Monday night - to fun, which will end in tears; dream, dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a carefree pastime; seen on the night of saturday or sunday you see in dream tablecloth drenched in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion. girl dreaming that she covers tablecloth table- the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    if you dreaming white pure tablecloth- this means that a happy marriage and material well-being awaits you. See in dream dirty or torn tablecloth- to quarrels, troubles, poverty. If in dream you spill something on tablecloth- it means that in reality you will become the cause of contention. Dream interpretation for the whole family. See in dream Friday to Saturday tablecloth dreamed table...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me had a dream dream: round table With white tablecloth we sit with an ex-boyfriend in the middle of the intersection of streets. I drive around the car, toys and toys. I see a large bundle of bright red fabric. tablecloth. I start to unfold, I want to lay on table. table big long. stele tablecloth, but it is short and narrow, I don’t understand because the bundle was very large.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Long table indicates the duration of a certain event in reality. You can determine this from the plot. sleep. Round table- a sign of agreement. New table, acquired or received as a gift, means significant changes in life. Under table turn out to be in dream- to hide, to leave, to withdraw from obligations. Table covered with rich tablecloth, good table, dear, new - means future prosperity and well-being. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    If you dreamed, What table moves in a mysterious way - dissatisfaction will soon enter your life and you will seek relief in change. See in dream on table soiled tablecloth- a sign of disobedience of children or subordinates. saw long table, covered white tablecloth.Very beautifully served: alcohol, fruits in vases, sweets, snacks, sea .. flowers .. But there were no people ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See in dream Table– cover in dream on table- to the guests. If such dream had a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that soon you will have an addition to the family. Written table- a symbol of moral duty. Broken table dreaming to failure. If in dream you eat sitting down table, not covered tablecloth, is a sign that you will be independent in your actions and judgments. See in dream soiled tablecloth- to disobedience of children or subordinates, quarrels. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "prisnis"

    dreamed table With white tablecloth.Recently in dream saw written table With white tablecloth and this one dream repeated many times. It was my workplace, although in reality, in real life at work, I do not have table. Table was beautiful, wooden, looking very solid and rich.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    in dream was long table, covered tablecloth, about 15 people were sitting behind him, in dream there was a sense of danger, as if I was threatened by two men, they told me to go upstairs, but I put aside the request and said that I would go up later. had a dream table standing in the kitchen, covered white tablecloth, he was standing in the wrong place, not where he always was, and I decided to move him and asked my friends to help me, then I accidentally broke a glass standing on table.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams and dreams Table Daughter Dream with the participation of the former. feast in dream. For a birthday had a dream dream table with many people. Table covered white tablecloth and it has a lot of pies on it. White pigeon? in dream table. Long tablecloths there are plates with cutlery, there is no food, they are waiting for someone or something. I see it as if from the outside, I am not in this room.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    New white tablecloth - dreaming in dream dirty tablecloth- you love an insincere person who influences you with beautiful words and convincing pretense. See in dream Friday to Saturday tablecloth with stains of red wine or blood - to tragic events. If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you are setting dinner table tablecloth- this means that you will act as ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dreaming Tablecloth according to the dream book: Tablecloth- If you dreamed what do you eat for table, on which there is no tablecloths It means that you are an independent and independent person. See in dream clean tablecloth speaks of the devotion of a loved one. Lay in dream on table white tablecloth- a very good sign and portends liberation from false accusation, acquittal from slander, purity and purity of morals. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.magic-daily"

    Modern dream book Tablecloth. New white tablecloth dreaming to the fact that in your life there is already or will soon be a great pure love. See in dream dirty tablecloth- You love an insincere person who influences you with beautiful words and convincing pretense. Cover table tablecloth- for a girl, a symbol of a meeting with her fate. A man like that dream recommends weighing the pros and cons of the upcoming marriage.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams and dreams Wine glass Table I drink wine. War. Lover saved me in dream. Tonight (Wednesday to Thursday) I dreamed start of the war in Turkey. I supposedly went there with my friends. We were sitting at long table and ate. There was a lot of food. I am sitting with a friend in a restaurant and on a round table white tablecloth and a lot of cheese, pieces of different varieties, soft, hard, with herbs, with mold. Everything is fresh and delicious, I love cheese very much in my life.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astrocentr"

    TABLECLOTH- Modern Dream Interpretation. You see in dream clean white tablecloth- You will soon meet true love, which not everyone can meet. You are lucky, you will open the whole world from scratch. You see in dream tablecloth drenched in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion. girl dreaming that she covers tablecloth table- the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    See in dream Friday to Saturday tablecloth with stains of red wine or blood - to tragic events. If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you are setting dinner table tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives. If you dreaming white pure tablecloth, then this means that a happy marriage and material well-being awaits you. See in dream dirty or torn tablecloth- to quarrels, troubles, poverty. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Standing on the terrace long wood table. Along table - long wooden benches.see covered table, oval or round, generally without corners, With white tablecloth, us him food, and the Drowned on table in dream. dreamed strange dream work-related.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    feast in dream. For a birthday had a dream dream, I sit outside in the summer for a large table with many people. Table covered white tablecloth and it has a lot of pies on it. Behind table stands Tursuna Zakirova (a participant in the battle of psychics), bakes pies (rather pasties) and distributes to everyone. A snake bit her wife in dream long white teeth. They unfold into our atorona, we...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Table in dream covered dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Table in dream covered? If in dream you remove from table- this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference. Eat in dream behind table without tablecloths- means that soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    feast in dream. For a birthday had a dream dream, I sit outside in the summer for a large table with many people. Table covered white tablecloth and it has a lot of pies on it. dreams and dreams Table White tablecloth in dream. Three of us are walking along a rural street, me, my wife and daughter. There are wagons in the yards on both sides, and fat black snakes lie nearby and look at us. They feed like dragons long white teeth.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "SpellOnYou"

    See in dream white tablecloth on table- to the onset of a favorable period. Nobody can destroy your happiness. Tablecloth red is an unbridled passion that will overshadow the arguments of reason. color tablecloth in shades of green dreaming confident people who are not afraid of obstacles on the way to their goals. Such gambling people dream predicts a big win. See in dream torn tablecloth- to quarrels in the family due to lack of money. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    if you had a dream such dream, imagine that you cover table beautiful tablecloth. If on empty table there is an empty dish - all your affairs will move forward, but they will not bring profit. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming Dining table covered white in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: White tablecloth. Good evening. Please tell me, from 19.01. on 20.01. Sunday to Monday dreamed my boyfriend’s sister, now we have a distance in relation to him, and we have a good relationship with her. And we were sitting at table With white tablecloth beautiful, but table tent, like a canopy. We communicated well. Thanks a lot. Sincerely, Xenia. P.S. Table And tablecloth white dreaming for two nights in a row. Such tablecloth in my kitchen at home table covered.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    This afternoon to me had a dream dream.Since I have a small child, I try to use every free minute for sleep.So, in the evening I fell asleep and it seems to me that I am in my parents' house, I go into the kitchen. table,white tablecloth.Right of table my neighbor, who died two or three years ago, is sitting. He kisses me on the right cheek. And introduces me to his son, Sergei. In reality. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    feast in dream. For a birthday had a dream dream, I sit outside in the summer for a large table with many people. Table covered white tablecloth and it has a lot of pies on it. dreams and dreams Table White tablecloth Pies Feast. Wife bitten by a snake in dream. Three of us are walking along a rural street, me, my wife and daughter. There are wagons in the yards on both sides, and fat black snakes lie nearby and look at us. They feed like dragons long white teeth.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    So you can easily find out what dreams White owl With white, or what does in dream see White owl With white. White dress and black shoes in dream. To me dreamed that I was going to someone's wedding. White pigeon? in dream. In some dimly lit room table. Long, on a lot of people, on it on tablecloths there are plates with cutlery, there is no food, they are waiting for someone or something. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    feast in dream. For a birthday had a dream dream, I sit outside in the summer for a large table with many people. Table covered white tablecloth and there are a lot of pirogues on it. There are wagons in the yards on both sides, and fat black snakes lie nearby and look at us. They feed like dragons long white teeth. They turn into our atoron, we try to get through, I succeed, my daughter has the same thing and bites my wife, despite the stormy help of strangers in cars trying to push them back.

Ancient and modern interpretations of what the tablecloth is dreaming of do not have fundamental differences: the dream book considers the image seen in a dream to be a symbol of hospitality, cordiality and well-being. A dreamed self-assembly often personifies advice and love.

Color matters

Everything that a white tablecloth dreams about, the dream book connects with married life. A successful union awaits lonely dreamers, in which love and common sense perfectly complement each other. Those who are already married expect a change for the better.

If the white tablecloth sparkles with cleanliness, the dream book promises the same pure relationship and unclouded feelings in real life.

If you dreamed of a white cloth on the table, stained with goodies, there is reason to believe that you too easily rush into the abyss of entertainment and pleasure, without thinking about what stains they can leave on your reputation.

The dream interpretation offers a very positive explanation of what the table covered with a white tablecloth is dreaming of. What you see in a dream suggests that a happy period will soon come in the life of the sleeper.

A red tablecloth that suddenly appeared in the kitchen or living room portends an equally unexpected passion in reality.

An interpreter for the whole family offers an alarming explanation for what a tablecloth is dreaming of, red from wine stains. In the near future, beware of accidents and risky undertakings: they can end very badly.

If a green tablecloth appears in a dream, the plot speaks of your self-confidence. With the composure of a gambler, you move towards the goal. There is a high probability of a big win in the casino.


A new self-assembly in a dream reflects the well-being and generosity of the dreamer-hostess, which take place in reality.

The new tablecloth can be interpreted quite literally: in the near future, a table idyll is planned with the indispensable participation of the sleeping person.

A very unfavorable sign for newlyweds and lovers, if you dreamed of a new tablecloth with a defect inside. The image indicates that the relationship is insincere and even dangerous.

The birthday dreamer offers a very strange explanation of why one dreams of buying this serving attribute. It turns out that in a dream it symbolizes the path to a medical facility.

The ancient Persian prophet Taflisi is more optimistic. Buying a tablecloth in night dreams happens to those who in reality expect a long, nevertheless, pleasant trip.

The tablecloth that you were given is one of the most auspicious symbols. Circumstances will develop in such a way that Fate will give many years of health and prosperity.


If you dreamed that it was you who had the honor of setting the table and laying the tablecloth, then in reality you have to fulfill an important mission in your family or friendly circle.

It has been repeatedly observed that laying a tablecloth on the table before the arrival of guests in a dream often happens to young people on the eve of the wedding. The dream interpretation explains such a plot as a completely natural excitement.

If a dreamer tired of loneliness dreamed about how he sets the table, the dream book promises a meeting that will make life brighter and more varied.

Ancient and modern interpretations of what the tablecloth is dreaming of do not have fundamental differences: the dream book considers the image seen in a dream to be a symbol of hospitality, cordiality and well-being. A dreamed self-assembly often personifies advice and love.

Color matters

Everything that a white tablecloth dreams about, the dream book connects with married life. A successful union awaits lonely dreamers, in which love and common sense perfectly complement each other. Those who are already married expect a change for the better.

If the white tablecloth sparkles with cleanliness, the dream book promises the same pure relationship and unclouded feelings in real life.

If you dreamed of a white cloth on the table, stained with goodies, there is reason to believe that you too easily rush into the abyss of entertainment and pleasure, without thinking about what stains they can leave on your reputation.

The dream interpretation offers a very positive explanation of what the table covered with a white tablecloth is dreaming of. What you see in a dream suggests that a happy period will soon come in the life of the sleeper.

A red tablecloth that suddenly appeared in the kitchen or living room portends an equally unexpected passion in reality.

An interpreter for the whole family offers an alarming explanation for what a tablecloth is dreaming of, red from wine stains. In the near future, beware of accidents and risky undertakings: they can end very badly.

If a green tablecloth appears in a dream, the plot speaks of your self-confidence. With the composure of a gambler, you move towards the goal. There is a high probability of a big win in the casino.


A new self-assembly in a dream reflects the well-being and generosity of the dreamer-hostess, which take place in reality.

The new tablecloth can be interpreted quite literally: in the near future, a table idyll is planned with the indispensable participation of the sleeping person.

A very unfavorable sign for newlyweds and lovers, if you dreamed of a new tablecloth with a defect inside. The image indicates that the relationship is insincere and even dangerous.

The birthday dreamer offers a very strange explanation of why one dreams of buying this serving attribute. It turns out that in a dream it symbolizes the path to a medical facility.

The ancient Persian prophet Taflisi is more optimistic. Buying a tablecloth in night dreams happens to those who in reality expect a long, nevertheless, pleasant trip.

The tablecloth that you were given is one of the most auspicious symbols. Circumstances will develop in such a way that Fate will give many years of health and prosperity.


If you dreamed that it was you who had the honor of setting the table and laying the tablecloth, then in reality you have to fulfill an important mission in your family or friendly circle.

It has been repeatedly observed that laying a tablecloth on the table before the arrival of guests in a dream often happens to young people on the eve of the wedding. The dream interpretation explains such a plot as a completely natural excitement.

If a dreamer tired of loneliness dreamed about how he sets the table, the dream book promises a meeting that will make life brighter and more varied.

What will the oilcloth tell about

It is undesirable to see an oilcloth coating in a dream. It symbolizes the coming neglect and coldness in a once sincere and intimate relationship.

If a girl had to cover the tabletop with a beautiful oilcloth in a dream, the dream book believes that in reality she is just ice and flame.

Miller's predictions

Miller's dream book considers it an unkind sign to see a torn tablecloth in a dream. The symbol portends discord and quarrels due to lack of money.

This is not the only interpretation that the hopelessly damaged fabric dreamed of. You have to voluntarily give up your interests for the sake of distant relatives, friends, or just very nice people.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • For delicious food and drinks.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Tablecloth- good food and drink.

Ukrainian dream book

  • As a tablecloth dreams, then this is the road.

Ukrainian dream book

  • How does a tablecloth dream- it's a road.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • The tablecloth is clean, even, wrinkled or dirty- the state of affairs literally in the family, at work.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Tablecloth - clean, even, wrinkled or dirty - the state of affairs is literally (in the family, at work).

Dream interpretation for women

  • Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.
  • If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you were setting the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.
  • If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

Culinary dream book

  • A tablecloth that is too large for a table is the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Culinary dream book

  • Tablecloth too big for the table- the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Old Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Seeing in a dream a tablecloth covered with dishes - to receive in reality more than sufficient means for life and to gain longevity.

Russian dream book

  • Prosperity;
  • cover the table with it - receiving guests

Aesop's dream book

  • The tablecloth is a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.
  • If you dream of a white clean tablecloth, then this means that you will have a happy marriage and material well-being.
  • Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream - to quarrels, troubles, poverty.
  • If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Aesop's dream book

  • Tablecloth- a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.
  • If you dream of a white clean tablecloth- this means that a happy marriage and material well-being awaits you.
  • Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream- to quarrels, troubles, poverty.
  • If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth- it means that in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Russian dream book

  • A symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

  • a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Modern combined dream book

  • New white tablecloth- dreams that in your life there is already or soon there will be a big pure love.
  • Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream- you love an insincere person who influences you with beautiful words and convincing pretense.
  • Set the table with a tablecloth for a girl- a symbol of a meeting with her fate. A man has such a dream- recommends weighing the pros and cons of the upcoming marriage.
  • White tablecloth soaked in red wine- says that you will rush headlong into the abyss of passion, which will leave a mark on your whole life.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

  • Tablecloth- to a family idyll.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

  • Tablecloth is the road to the hospital.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

  • Tablecloth- A long journey awaits you.

Collection of dream books

  • Tablecloth- prosperity; cover the table- receiving guests.
  • Tablecloth- unexpected rescue.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • Tablecloth- road.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • To dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood- tragic events.
  • If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you were setting the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.
  • If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth- it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts more tightly, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

Ancient and popular interpretations of what a tablecloth is dreaming of are fundamentally no different. The dream book refers a similar image in a dream to a sign of a warm welcome, hospitality and happiness. A dreamed tablecloth expresses peace and love.

Color matters

What the white tablecloth is dreaming of, the dream book compares with family life. Sleeping people who do not have a soul mate will have a good union, in which love and intelligence will perfectly complement each other. For those who are in marriage, changes for the better are foreseen.

When the light tablecloth is clean, the dream book promises a sincere relationship, nothing upset feelings in reality.

I dreamed of a white tablecloth smeared with sweet treats, it is worth considering that you are prone to frivolity, devote a lot of time to entertainment. So, you do not think that your authority can be spoiled.

The dream interpretation gives a favorable explanation of what the table is dreaming of, covered with a light tablecloth. Dreaming in a dream indicates that soon fortune will be on your side.

The sudden appearance of a red tablecloth on the kitchen table or in the living room promises the same unexpected passion in materiality.

The family dream interpreter presents an exciting interpretation of what a tablecloth dreaming of has stains from. In the future, protect yourself from dangerous incidents and risky plans: their result will not lead to anything good.

When a green tablecloth is visible in a dream vision, this indicates your self-confidence. With the endurance of a gambling personality, you are close to the goal. You might hit the jackpot at the casino.


A recently purchased tablecloth in a dream reflects the dreamer's pleasure and generosity, which she possesses in essential reality.

Such an image can be interpreted literally: soon you will share a pleasant conversation in the company of a person at the table.

A bad omen for newly-made and couples in love when they dreamed of a new tablecloth with damage from the inside. The image suggests that the relationship is fake and poses a threat.

The interpreter of Birthdays gives an unusual explanation of why it is seen to acquire this thing. In fact, in a dream, he expresses the road to.

The ancient Persian prophet Taflisi gives a more optimistic forecast. To buy a self-assembly in a dream is for someone who in reality foresees a distant, but pleasant road.

The dream interpretation tablecloth presented symbolizes one of the most positive signs. The situation will develop in such a way that fate will favor you and give you good health and happiness.


When you dreamed that you were lucky enough to set the table and lay the tablecloth, in reality it is expected to carry out the main mission in the family or among friends.

Often, laying a self-assembly on the table in anticipation of visitors in a dream is brought to the newlyweds on the eve of the wedding. The dream interpretation explains such a plot with well-founded experiences.

A lonely sleeping person in reality dreamed that he was preparing a table, the dream book promises a date that made his life richer and more diverse.

What will the oilcloth tell about

It is unsuitable to consider oilcloth fabric in a dream. She embodies the approaching contempt and indifference in a recently real and open relationship.

The girl happened to lay an oilcloth on the table, which has an attractive appearance, the dream book believes that in reality it combines a cold and hot temper.

Miller's predictions

Miller's dream book indicates that seeing a torn tablecloth in a dream is a bad sign. The symbol prophesies swearing and conflicts due to lack of finances.

This is not a single explanation of what the utterly damaged fabric dreamed of. It is foreseen, of good will, to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of, or people pleasant to you.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 04/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

All dream books agree that a tablecloth in a dream is a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. Often this dream advises the dreamer to continue moving in the chosen direction. This article will tell you in detail what the tablecloth is dreaming of.

If you dreamed of a white tablecloth, then the interpretation will be related to the dreamer's personal life. If this symbol was seen by a lonely person, then soon he will be able to conclude a successful alliance. Those who are married expect clear improvements in relationships.

Was the white tablecloth sparkling clean? This means that in real life the same pure relationships await you, feelings will not be overshadowed by absolutely nothing. Were there food marks on the fabric? It seems that in reality you behave in such a way that you leave stains on your reputation. The interpreter calls to lead a measured life and think about the consequences.

Did you see a red tablecloth in the living room or in the kitchen? Most likely, in the near future you will have a strong passion. Of alarming significance is the dream in which the fabric appeared, red from wine stains. You should beware of risky undertakings and accidents.

The dreaming green tablecloth represents the dreamer's self-confidence. You are cold-blooded and purposeful, nothing prevents you from moving towards your goal.

If you saw in a dream a new, just bought tablecloth, then this may portend the imminent arrival of guests. Also, this dream is the personification of the dreamer's hospitality.

Was the new tablecloth defective? It is not difficult to guess that this symbol belongs to the category of unfavorable. It looks like your relationship will crack in the very near future.

The fulfillment of an important mission in reality awaits the one who spread the tablecloth on the table in a dream. It looks like you are the one who will have to save the relationship in the family. If you are alone and saw such a dream, then events await you ahead that will make your life much brighter.

Oilcloth coating is an unfavorable symbol. Having seen such a dream, one should expect coldness and neglect in relationships that were previously sincere and warm. Discord and quarrels are also expected in the life of a dreamer who sees a torn tablecloth. Big expenses are promised by a dream in which the tablecloth was larger than you need. If you managed to spill something on her, then in reality you are destined to become the cause of quarrels and strife.

Was the tablecloth covered with food? Well, you will have a long and very prosperous life. In the near future you will be able to get a good amount of money, which will solve most of your problems.

A hopelessly damaged tablecloth warns that for the sake of others you will have to sacrifice your principles or interests. A tablecloth with holes indicates that you and your family will need to tie their belts tighter. Improving the material condition in the near future is not expected, but the costs can be very significant.

Buying a tablecloth in a dream promises a trip in real life. Great if you were presented with this important attribute of the feast. Such a dream promises you good health.