All about divination by tarot cards.

Currently, there are thousands of different ways to read tarot cards. The layouts for the near future, which are used by modern predictors, are very diverse. They differ from each other both in the level of complexity and in their thematic focus. The simplest methods of divination on Tarot cards are considered to be in which from one to three cards are involved. They are easy to perform and easy to interpret. In the most difficult to interpret layouts, up to several dozen cards can be used. Such methods of divination for the development of the situation are very complex, but, at the same time, surprisingly informative.

Depending on what questions are asked of the Tarot cards, the layouts are divided into the following categories:

  • fortune-telling;
  • layouts for love and relationships;
  • layouts for the current situation;
  • divination by desire;
  • instant layouts;
  • fortune telling for making the right decision;
  • travel plans, etc.

How to read the meaning of cards in tarot layouts

Reading the layouts of the Tarot deck is one of the most difficult and responsible stages of divination. With it, it is necessary to pay attention both to specific characters and to the situation as a whole. You need to start the interpretation process by determining the meaning of individual Tarot cards in a love layout. When interpreting each symbol, one must start from the meaning of the question asked (from the situation that is considered in fortune-telling). In addition, you need to take into account the position of the Tarot card in the layout of the relationship. In this case, you need to use only one interpretation system chosen even before the start of fortune-telling.

After a separate study of each tarot card in a love relationship layout, you need to evaluate the whole picture. It is necessary to pay attention to the total number of Major and Minor Arcana. The predominance of the former means that it has a very strong influence on a person's life and special efforts must be made to solve it. If more Minor Arcana fell out in divination by the Tarot deck, then the events are most likely passing and do not play such a significant role.

In the process of interpretation, it is also necessary to determine the dominant suit (or element). In addition, you need to look at the repeating denominations. The most favorable layouts are considered to clarify the situation, where Tarot cards are balanced by suits and numbers.

Evaluation of repeated numbers and suits of Tarot cards in a spread

If the Tarot cards of the suit of the Wand predominate in the scenario for the future, then most likely the person has good intentions and spends a lot of energy, but his active actions do not bring any result. A large number of Cups indicates high emotionality, strong desires and unbridled feelings, under the influence of which rash decisions are made. Denarius symbolizes money.

If Tarot cards of this suit predominate in the fate scenario, it means that a person is looking for material gain and is too worried about financial issues. As for the Swords, their excess speaks of a person's tendency to empty discussions, disputes and conflicts.

If Tarot cards of repeated numbers are found in the layout for the near future, they should also be given special attention. The abundance of aces indicates the need for independent decisions. Repeating deuces indicate a serious choice that needs to be well considered. Threes, and fours predict inevitable changes. The predominance of fives indicates the seriousness of the conflict, sixes - the need for cooperation, and sevens - that you need to show all your ingenuity and creativity.

The repetition of such tarot cards as eights in the scenario for the situation emphasizes the importance of patience and hard work to achieve the goal. As for the dozens, they warn a person about the need to refrain from extremes.

Remember: - If the question is asked about a man over 40 years old, then the King is chosen as the Significator. - For a man who has not reached this age, a Knight is elected. - For a man who has not reached this age, a Knight is elected. - The queen personifies a woman over 40 years old. - The page symbolizes any woman under 40 years old. - Four figurine cards of Staves correspond to fair-haired and fair-skinned persons with blue eyes. - Curly cards of Cups are people with blond or light brown hair. - Sword cards represent dark-skinned people with light brown or gray eyes and dark brown hair. - Curly cards of Pentacles correspond to dark brown-haired or dark-skinned brunettes. These are the recommendations of the author of the deck, Arthur E. Waite. However, we do not urge you to blindly trust them, since our own life experience often suggests a much more correct decision. For example, everyone knows that burning brunettes, as a rule, have an energetic character, so it would be more correct to represent them with cards of Swords rather than Pentacles. And vice versa, phlegmatic and sluggish blondes are much more appropriate to refer to the Cups, and not to the Staves. It happens that not a specific person appears as the Significator, but a problem that occupies all the thoughts of the Questioner. In such a case, it is recommended to choose exactly that card of the Major or Minor Arcana, the value of which can at least somehow correspond to the essence of the problem that has arisen. Let's say you want to know: Do I need to start a lawsuit? In this case, Justice (XI card of the Major Arcana) is chosen as the Significator, since it is this card that is directly related to legal problems. If the question is: Will I win the lawsuit? - then for the Significator it is necessary to use any of the curly cards. 2. After you have completed choosing a Significator card, place it face up on the table. Next, shuffle the deck three times, making sure all cards are face down. 3. Now turn over the top card of the deck (it is also the FIRST CARD of the layout). Cover the Significator with it and say out loud: "This is on the Questioner." Remember: this card symbolizes the influences to which a particular person is subject, along with factors that directly affect the subject of divination. 4. Next, turn over the SECOND CARD and, placing it across the FIRST, say aloud: “This is for the Questioner across.” Remember: this card reflects the nature of the problems in the life of the Questioner (if it has a favorable meaning, then the forces opposing the Questioner are not so serious). 5. It is time to turn over the THIRD CARD; put it on the table above the Significator and say: "This is the crown of the Questioner." Remember: this card embodies the goals and dreams of the Questioner, as well as the maximum benefit that this situation promises the Questioner. 6. Now turn over the FOURTH CARD and, placing it below the Significator, say: "This is under the Questioner." Remember: this card reveals the background of the existing problem. 7. Then turn over the FIFTH CARD and place it to the right of the Significator (where he looks from), saying: "This is behind the Questioner." Remember: this card characterizes the former influences (or events of the past) that were once important for the Questioner. NB! In the event that the Significator is a card of the Major Arcana or any card of the Minor, whose character is not facing either side, the Questioner must independently decide which side to consider as the front. 8. Turn over the SIXTH CARD and place it to the left of the Significator (where he is looking), saying: "This is in front of the Questioner." Remember: this card indicates the future of the Questioner. So, as a result, our alignment took the form of a cross, in the center of which is the Significator, covered by the FIRST CARD. 9. The remaining 4 cards are sequentially turned over and stacked from bottom to top in a line on the table to the right of the cross. The right of them (it is also the SEVENTH CARD of the layout) is the Significator himself (a person or an object). According to this card, one can judge the attitude of the Questioner himself to the problem. 10. THE EIGHTH CARD is the so-called House of the Questioner, i.e. his immediate environment. This card sheds light on the life position and characterizes the peculiarities of the influence of persons close to him on the Questioner. 11. THE NINTH CARD is the Hopes and Fears of the Questioner related to the analyzed problem. 12. TENTH CARD - The final result, the result resulting from the total influence of all cards present in the layout. And the Questioner should especially focus on this card, since it embodies all the information that can be gleaned from the nine cards of the layout along with the Significator card. On this, our alignment can be considered complete. In the event that the final card does not allow you to come to a certain result (or decide on a way to successfully resolve the problem), you should repeat the alignment, choosing this time as the Significator, i.e. TENTH card. Next, the deck must be shuffled again and removed three times; then you must lay out ten cards, following the procedure described above. In addition, remember: - If the TENTH CARD is curly, then this indicates that the solution to the situation depends on the person represented by this card. In this state of affairs, it is most reasonable to use it as a Significator in an additional scenario. Then you will have an additional opportunity to understand for yourself all the features of the influence of the person you are looking for on the situation, as well as the consequences arising from it. This technique of divination on Tarot cards is called the "Celtic Cross" and is the simplest, and therefore the most popular. We hope that it will not be difficult for you to master it using our practical guide. Deck shuffling rules: - memorize the cards that fell out of the deck during the shuffling process - their appearance in the layout significantly affects its result; - it is accepted to remove cards with the left hand (since, in this way, the power of the Subconscious is activated); - no cards can be removed top down! When picking up from left to right let us conclude that the Questioner is oppressed by worries about the future. When picking up from right to left The questioner is tormented by memories of mistakes and blunders made in the past. Symbolic meanings of suits: Staves (FIRE) - ambition. Cups (WATER) - emotional sphere. Swords (AIR) - struggle, intellectual achievements. Pentacles (EARTH) - the financial sector. Predominance in the layout of cards: Major Arcana - the situation affects the life of the Questioner himself. Minor Arcana- the situation is controlled by the influence of other persons. flipped cards(both Major and Minor Arcana): - if all the cards of the layout are turned over, then it is more expedient to start a new one; - if at least half of the cards of the layout are in an inverted position, then we can conclude that the question painfully touches the most quivering strings in the soul of the Questioner. Aces, Twos and Threes- The situation is in its infancy. Fours, Fives, Sixes, Sevens- the peak of the development of the situation. Eight, Nine, Ten- final situation. Numerological patterns of the layout: - Number cards (from Two to Ten - "point" cards, and Aces matter - 5 ). - Figure cards (Kings, Queens, Knights matter - 4 , Pages - 7 ). - Cards under the sign of the element (Fool- Air, Hanged Man Water, Court- Fire matter - 3 ). - Cards under the sign of the Zodiac matter - 12. These include: Emperor (Aries), Justice (Libra), Hierophant (Taurus), Death (Scorpio), Chariot (Cancer), Hermit (Virgo), Lovers (Gemini), Temperance (Sagittarius), Devil (Capricorn), Strength (Leo), Moon (Pisces), Star (Aquarius). - Cards under the sign of the planets matter - 9. These include: Magician (Mercury), Sun (Sun), Tower (Mars), Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter), Empress (Venus), World (Saturn). Number interpretation: 1 - change; 2 - communication; 3 - increment; 4 - taking the situation under control; 5 - adversity and anxiety; 6 - safety; 7 - the revival of the soul; 8 - luck in the financial sector; 9 - the desire to meet the ideal; 10 - the completion of one stage and the beginning of the next; 11 - artistic creativity; 22 - power - both worldly and spiritual. Knowing all of the above, it is easy to determine the numerological trend of the layout. To do this, you need to: - add up the numerical values ​​of the cards of the Minor and Major Arcana present in the layout; - reduce the received amount to unambiguous number by adding the digits that make it up; - upon reaching 11 or 22 it is recommended to stop. The meanings of combinations of the same-name cards of the Minor Arcana (according to A.E. Waite) Four Kings- the greatest honors. Four Kings(inverted) - swiftness. Three Kings- solid, wise advice. Three Kings(inverted) - involvement in the financial sector. Two kings- a serious, fateful recommendation of an influential person. Two kings(inverted) - a new project. Four Queens- quarrels, disagreements. Four Queens(inverted) - disappointments in friends. Three Queens- betrayal of a friend. Three Queens(inverted) - a tendency to gluttony. Two Queens- a friend who comes to the rescue. Two Queens(inverted) - skill, professionalism. Four Knights- a serious task. Four Knights(inverted) - an unexpected commonwealth. Three Knights- cruel game. Three Knights(inverted) - competition, confrontation. Two Knights- alliance. Two Knights(inverted) - participation, responsiveness. Four Pages- a serious chronic illness. Four Page(inverted) - distress, need. Three Page- showdown. Three Page(inverted) - idleness. Two Page- confusion, excitement. Two Page(inverted) - joint work. Four Dozens- attacks, condemnation. Four Dozens(inverted) - an unexpected incident. Three Dozens- newly discovered circumstances, new news. Three Dozens(inverted) - a feeling of disappointment. Two Dozens- changes are coming. Two Dozens(inverted) - justified expectations. Four Nines- faithful, devoted friends. Four Nines(inverted) - activities in the financial sector. Three Nines- victory, conquest. Three Nines(inverted) - a reckless act. Two Nines- Fulfilled plans. Two Nines(inverted) - meager benefit. Four eights- return. Four eights(inverted) - mistake, miscalculation Three eights- marriage. Three eights(inverted) - fun, entertainment, spectacle. Two eights- new news, information. Two eights(inverted) - failure. Four Sevens- intrigues, intrigues. Four Sevens(inverted) - starting a quarrel. Three Sevens- helplessness, apathy. Three Sevens(inverted) - delight, joy. Two Sevens- unexpected news. Two Sevens(inverted) - a woman whose reputation is thrown into dust. Four Sixes- a major disadvantage. Four Sixes(inverted) - a lot of trouble. Three Sixes- success. Three Sixes(inverted) - satisfaction with what has been achieved. Two Sixes- nervousness. Two Sixes(inverted) - collapse, fall. Four Fives- virtuous, righteous life. Four Fives(inverted) - adherence to order. Three Fives- decisiveness. Three Fives(inverted) - doubts, self-doubt. Two Fives- alertness. Two Fives(inverted) - an unexpected result. Four Fours- the probability of travel, travel. Four Fours(inverted) - emigration. Three Fours- an occasion for reflection. Three Fours(inverted) - anxiety, anxiety. Two Fours- insomnia. Two Fours(inverted) - disharmony, disagreement. Four Threes- development, progress. Four Threes(inverted) - a significant achievement, an impressive success. Three Threes- unity. Three Threes(inverted) - peace of mind. Two Threes- serenity. Two Threes(inverted) - a sense of security. Four Twos- the delight of what has been achieved. Four Twos(inverted) - reconciliation. Three Twos- a past threat. Three Twos(inverted) - alertness. Two Twos- mutual understanding. Two Twos(inverted) - distrust. Four Aces- good chance. Four Aces(inverted) - dishonor. Three Aces- little progress. Three Aces(inverted) - depravity. Two Aces- intrigues, tricks, tricks. Two Aces(inverted) - a meeting with an ill-wisher. The meaning of special combinations of cards (according to A.E. Waite). Sun + Peace + Judgment + Six of Swords = thriving business. Sun (Reversed) + Peace (Reversed) + Judgment (Reversed) + Three of Swords = business collapse. Strength, Wheel of Fortune, Lovers, Chariot - confident health. Sun (reversed), Strength (reversed), Wheel of Fortune (reversed), Lovers (reversed) - health disorder. Four of Swords, Chariot, Temperance, Sun - physical well-being. Ten Staffs, Tower, Chariot (inverted) - suspected ailment. Lovers, Empress, King of Staves, Hierophant, Three of Cups - marriage, love. Lovers (reversed), Empress (reversed), Queen of Staves (reversed), Three of Cups, Moon - detected infidelity, divorce. Fool, Lovers, Seven of Cups - favorable choice. Fool (reversed), Lovers (reversed), Devil - bad choice. Justice, Chariot, Queen of Swords, Peace - won litigation. Justice (reversed), Chariot (reversed), Ten of Staves (reversed) - lost battle.

For a beginner in such a complex matter as fortune telling and making forecasts, any alignment is not given the first time. Every experienced magician knows how important it is to put a lot of effort and effort into understanding the signs in the Tarot deck. Ancient, powerful cards cover all sorts of components of human life, require well-deserved respect.

Tarot reading is like a new book that needs to be read correctly

How to guess on Tarot cards, if there is no experience behind you yet, and the desire to master the craft is haunting? Tarot for beginners is like a new book that needs to be read correctly. To begin with, a person will have to get acquainted with a mysterious, magical deck.

Choosing a Divinatory Tarot Deck

How to learn to read Tarot cards and is sacred knowledge accessible to everyone? Training, diligent implementation of all the recommendations of an experienced magician and the desire to comprehend something new, unknown, exciting consciousness, encourages a person to get acquainted with the cards of the Tarot deck. It is not so difficult to make an alignment with a special question or a general message, and such a magical ritual is available to everyone.

Problems arise when the combination of the dropped cards needs to be read. Individual symbols of the deck can have completely contradictory meanings. In order not to confuse yourself and others, a person must realize that there is no place for fun. If the desire to comprehend the craft of divination is serious and balanced, then no problems will arise.

Learning to work with the Tarot deck

Where to start learning Tarot, and how will it end? Experienced magicians claim that sensitive cards are very capricious in choosing the person with whom they will work. Deck selection occurs in that order. A person is chosen, and not he is looking for a deck of divination cards.

The established connection will serve as the basis for a future forecast, and therefore it is especially important to find a deck that does not have to be solved like a puzzle. It is not for nothing that they say that during fortune-telling the magician and cards are a single, inseparable whole.

Deck Features for Beginners

Tarot for the first layouts is a regular deck that can be purchased at a magical or occult shop. Over time, a person will get the hang of it and be able to choose more complex decks. A classic is the traditional Tarot deck, which consists of four suits.

There are many types of tarot cards. You should choose the one that suits you

There are many types of cards, they may differ in appearance, basic composition and symbol hierarchy. Every day there are new decks, with a specific purpose and appearance. Rune cards, Lenormand, Tarot Ibis or Rider-Waite deck? The choice is up to the newbie.

How to start learning Tarot? From getting to know each individual card. The meaning of the symbol, presented in the form of a colorful illustration, will make it possible to understand the role of the sign in the deck.

Simple divination techniques for beginners

How to learn to read Tarot? A beginner is tormented by a similar question for days on end, because not everyone can study the deck. The methods of divination on Tarot cards depend on the question with which the questioner invokes the magical attribute.

Common special layouts on the Tarot deck:

  • about professional life;
  • on personal relationships;
  • on the state of health;
  • about future self-development and spiritual growth;
  • on the results of the cases.

How much the world costs, so much a person is looking for spiritual harmony in all spheres of life. Having mastered ready-made layouts on given topics, a person will be able to look into the future. Popular Tarot layouts are in great demand to this day, because outwardly the magic deck has changed little.

Why you need to use special literature

The best tarot books for beginners help you understand the basics of any divination. It is useful to analyze the cards individually, but only tarot books for beginners allow you to delve into the meaning of ancient magical symbolism. It is not so difficult to interpret the Tarot on your own, if you are not afraid to admit your own incompetence.

The classical description of each lasso will not always coincide with the vision of a person, because any truths are interpreted by a person based on his personal experience.

You should not be afraid of such a confrontation, showing character, the fortuneteller becomes one step closer to the goal - the correct interpretation of the entire deck. The Tarot book will become an indispensable tool for anyone who masters the technique of divination. What other methods of tarot divination are available for a beginner?

Tarot card layouts for a beginner magician

Ready-made schemes, which are resorted to by experienced magicians, will allow you to make the right alignment for relationships or work affairs. Simple divination can be done even by a beginner who is just learning the true power of divination cards. Decomposing the finished layout will not be difficult. How to guess correctly according to ready-made, proven schemes?

Tarot, like any other magical attribute in rituals or rites, loves order and accuracy. The layouts on the cards are not made under the influence of emotions or a momentary impulse. The forecast should be the result of a balanced decision that a person will not regret. Laying out Tarot cards is necessary only on condition that the beginner feels well, is in a peaceful state and is ready to expand his own consciousness.

Tarot spreads for the first divination with interpretation have been used for centuries:

  • informative scheme "Cross";
  • alignment for the near, near future;
  • prognosis for personal life;
  • divination "Heart";
  • pyramid.

It's easy to do a tarot spread. You just need to keep practicing

A description of simple layouts is available to every beginner with an irresistible desire to comprehend the wisdom of the Tarot deck. Such types of fortune-telling will not take much time, but will give fairly truthful results. It is not difficult to make a layout if you tirelessly practice every free minute.

Interpretation of a simple layout

A person who has made a deal on a question of interest cannot wait for an answer. He must find it, receive it, like a mined precious stone. The interpretation of the symbols and their combination is more important than the correct order of the cards in the layout.

The main element of any prediction is the first card that left the deck. It serves as a guide, a prototype of a person who turned to the Tarot deck for advice. The clue that lies in the first character should not be ignored. It is the first character that answers questions regarding personal or professional life.

The layouts called "partnerships" are made according to the principle of the descending position of the main and auxiliary cards. The fortune-telling mechanism of such a ready-made scheme is quite simple: the first card remains in the middle of the layout, and the remaining Tarot signs lie (three by one) on either side of the main landmark of any suit. The first character always indicates the hidden essence of the answer, no matter what area of ​​​​life the forecast is made.

Technique for the near future includes a forecast that covers upcoming moments. The near future may bring many surprises. Fortune telling for a week or two is quite simple. To do this, lay out the major arcana of the Tarot deck in one row. The main meaning of the layout will be hidden in the first card, while the rest of the symbols will serve as additional clues. This technique can be done on any day and at any position of the moon.

Alignment for beginners "Pyramid"

The alignment, which is compiled in the form of a pyramid, allows you to see the future in the personal and work spheres. For the questioner, whose soul is disturbed by the difficulties that have arisen, this type of alignment is especially valuable. The wrong approach to the "Pyramid" scheme will not open a probable future, therefore, before making a deal, it is necessary to master its technique.

In total, ten cards, folded in four rows, will be needed for prediction. The layout displays the essence of the answer, options for the development of existing situations and tips for solving all the difficulties that have arisen in the way of the questioner. For a beginner, the Pyramid is a difficult but accessible way of predicting.

Fortune telling on cards for beginners is a complex process that brings a lot of stress and frustration. The expectation of a person about how the alignment is performed, and reality often do not coincide. How to understand Tarot and is it worth understanding it at all?

Everyone who takes on a fortune-telling deck must understand that it will not work to guess the future, if the main goal of a beginner is to have fun, then you should not start studying Tarot.

An expanded forecast is an opportunity, a weapon, advice and warning, and only then an exciting action. Magic does not tolerate partiality, frivolity, therefore, having started training, a person will have to go to the end.

Many beginner tarot masters face great difficulties in interpreting layouts. It is not difficult to arrange cards in a certain order, but not everyone can understand the meaning of the received prediction. Actually, the skill of a tarot reader lies in the ability to see what the cards say, regardless of the way he chooses to lay out the cards. Well, the recommendations below will help make the first stages of working with serious layouts easy and fun.

Firstly, always remember that the alignment is a holistic picture, it is impossible to split it into components. The cards in the layout can be compared to the strokes of an artist: each individual stroke may seem incomprehensible, strange, wrong, but if you look not at specific strokes, but at the whole picture, you can enjoy a real masterpiece.

Secondly, the ratio of suits and arcana is also important. It is on which suits there are more in the layout that his general “mood” and character depend. The abundance of Cups indicates that it is worth paying attention to the emotional side of the situation (relationships with people, inner feelings, etc.). Pentacles talk about the material side of the issue (money, wealth, career). Swords are about its mental component and conflicts (intellect, work on oneself). Wands, in turn, symbolize everything related to vitality (health, energy, state of mind). If the alignment consists mainly of the major arcana, and the suits only complement the picture, then, no matter what it is about, this event is very important for the querent and special attention should be paid to the future.

Third moment, which determines the value of the layout - the ratio of straight and inverted cards in it. There is an opinion that the fewer cards turned over, the better. But in fact, this is not entirely true. Indeed, a layout in which cards in the upright position dominate is easier to interpret, but it is impossible to give an exclusively negative meaning to inverted cards. The abundance of inverted cards may indicate problems in the inner world of the querent, his inability or unwillingness to solve them. If the meaning of the inverted card cannot be clarified, it is worth paying attention to neighboring positions and interpreting them together.

The palette of the layout is also important: be sure to evaluate the color scheme that dominates the layout. Does it depress or, on the contrary, cheer you up, what colors are the soloists, what combinations are most pronounced? These seemingly insignificant details can sometimes say a lot about the nature of problems and how to solve them. But in order to be able to correctly assess the color scheme of the layout, it is very important to choose a Tarot deck for work with high-quality printing performance and a rich palette.

If are in the schedule curly cards (Pages, Knights, Kings and Queens), then be sure to consider the location of the figures on the map and in the layout pattern. Such trifles as are very important: the direction of the drawn figure’s gaze (which cards it “looks at”), the position of the body (which cards the figure “stands with its back to”, which cards “her legs rest on”, which cards are “above her head”) . All these features can suggest the correct interpretation, if, of course, they are treated with due attention.

Well, and, finally, the most important secret, knowing which, you can not be afraid of an inaccurate interpretation of the received prediction: always listen to yourself. It is intuition, instinct, inner voice that helps you choose the right value from dozens, hundreds of possible options. Of course, practice helps to develop this skill: the more you trust your own feelings, the stronger they will be. The more often you train them, the easier the interpretation process will be. The main thing is to approach classes responsibly and seriously.

Rabbit Senya was in a hurry. Things were unrelenting. It was necessary to have time to do everything: “sharpen your dances” with the sloth Yanik, set a trap for the bat Lyulya, discuss the obscene behavior of the raccoon with the beaver Sen (“What’s his name?” - the Rabbit could not remember). A raccoon that appeared in the forest recently showed increased activity - all the time he was building something, washing, discussing and even showing interest in land plots that had not previously belonged to him. Senya sighed: absolutely nothing affected the raccoon - neither the forest laws, nor the general animal boycott. Even the obvious hostility of the orangutan Bamuki, the head of the forest community.
Suddenly, Senya stopped, the ends of his ears trembled slightly, and his heart began to pound furiously in his chest (it must be said that Senya was somewhat cowardly by nature) - SOMETHING was lying on the edge of the forest near the old oak tree and it was very shiny. Another time, Senya would have bypassed this suspicious object, but now ... now he is an honorary caretaker - a respected position among forest dwellers. I did not want to let anyone down, and the rabbit approached an unfamiliar object, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be a golden bag. Senya, with bated breath, lowered his paw into this bag. Cardboard cards of the same size with images were pulled out into the light. The rabbit examined them in bewilderment from all sides and even sniffed, but absolutely no thoughts appeared in his head on this matter - his consciousness remained clear and serene. Remembering the well-known proverb that two heads are better than one, Senya put the bag under his arm and galloped to the clearing, where the next meeting of forest dwellers was planned.
On the lawn you could see a motley crowd: here you have a sister fox, and a nimble snake, and a dull elk, and a wolf with a click, and even a cheerful squirrel. In the middle of the clearing there was a stump on which a boar who had escaped from the circus perched. Hog Petrunya was very fond of attention to his person (apparently, the circus past had an effect). And now, leaning his hooves on the edge of the stump, he ranted about something, and the rest listened to him. Senya, making his way through the crowd, shook out the contents of the bag in front of Petrunya. Silence hung over the clearing. "What is this? - Borov brought one of the pictures to his small eyes - oh, what! I would eat it! Well, let's not get distracted by trifles! - The picture discarded by Petrunya fell to the paws of the rabbit. Senya turned it face up. And then he caught his breath - a very beautiful woman with a straight posture and a proud look was looking at him from the picture. Under her left hand, bending over in anticipation of caress, stood a black, fanged, Petrunya-like pig. “Yes, you would have not only eaten it, but also washed it down,” Senya grinned, recalling Petrun's wild circus past - and she. You don't need to eat it, but love it. I would give my life for her. A hunting knife - so let the knife, a bullet - so a bullet!

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about the lasso "Strength". Looking at this card, you begin to involuntarily admire the will of a graceful woman who was not afraid of the beast. And you understand that not everything, far from everything in this life is decided from the standpoint of brute physical strength. Of course, there is no reception against the crowbar, but, as a rule, the one who holds this crowbar lacks intellect and spirit energy, and this is a big omission.
The “Strength” card teaches each of us to develop the maturity of the soul, and then our whole life, instead of being guided by instincts and passions, will strive for compassion and love. Only then will we understand the deeper aspects of our existence.
This does not mean at all that you need to become a kind of weak "nerd" who is afraid of every rustle. Not at all. Strength asks not to avoid conflicts, but to resolve them with love, faith, wisdom and understanding. The call of strength is to act firmly and decisively, not to kill, but to subdue. Therefore, this card depicts a weak girl defeating the beast with her bare hands. And she does it easily and naturally. I don’t know, looking at this lasso, it always seemed to me that the animal even liked this course of events. Therefore, it would be more accurate to say that the girl does not win, but convinces. But, that's not the point. The main idea of ​​this card is the superiority of the higher (strength, energy, anything) over the lower (this circumstance is indicated by the lemniscate over the head of the girl). And without any war or violence. So it was and so it will be. Always.
According to this card comes the boundless triumph of fortitude, helping us to control ourselves, our instincts and passionate desires. Therefore, if you have habits that you would like to get rid of or character traits that need to be changed, turn to the Force for help. Mentally place your image in the place of the girl, and weaknesses, complexes and other burdens in the place of the beast. Feel your power over your problem. Tame (but don't kill) an animal. And soon you will see how much control your life will become.

Osho says very well about the “Strength” card: “There is no need to fight the challenges of life or try to avoid or deny them. They are there, and we have to go through them like a seed that has to become a flower. Be brave to grow into the flower you need to be."

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