Causes of Poisoning by Louise Hailey. The Hidden Causes of Illness by Louise Hay

Many diseases of the joints have an unexplained cause, are difficult to treat, and are characterized by frequent relapses. Unfortunately, official medicine does not always take into account the psychological factors that can affect the nature of the disease and its course. Negative experiences are the main cause of joint diseases according to Louise Hay. In her book, she described the psychosomatics of various pathological processes, outlined the relationship between character traits and a tendency to various diseases.

Knowing the psychological causes of diseases and ways to influence them, you can not only speed up recovery, but also restore emotional well-being.

And - these are the most common joint diseases that occur among all age groups of the population. Stiffness of movement and pain are typical manifestations of articular pathology. Violation of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the joints equally often occurs in the arms and legs, both small and large joints are affected.

With age, wear and tear of intra-articular cartilage occurs, which is a physiological process. But nowadays, joint degeneration often occurs at a young age, is characterized by rapid progression, and can lead to limited ability to work and self-care opportunities.

Reference. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease, accompanied by pain and limited functionality of the joint. Arthrosis is a chronic pathology without obvious signs of inflammation with deformity of the joints and progressive restriction of movements in them.

Such qualities in a person's character as diligence and optimism, the ability to forgive, love oneself and others, from the point of view of psychosomatics, ensure the health of bones, cartilage, ligaments.

According to the theory of Louise Hay, a sick ankle joint is a consequence of a guilt complex, lack of flexibility of character and inability to enjoy life.

Affirmation for Ankle Health: “I deserve pleasure, I accept every opportunity to be happy, and I thank life for the ability to enjoy it.”

This is a violation that signals the presence of mental and emotional blockages. The disease of this area is typical for a notorious person with a too serious attitude to life, making high demands on himself and others. Anger, frustration, vindictiveness, a sense of loss of control over the situation are key factors in ankle damage.


In terms of psychosomatics, it develops with a feeling of insecurity, inability to resist life's adversities and move towards the goal, despite difficulties and failures.

Affirmation for Hip Health: "I stand firmly on my feet, with a feeling of lightness and joy, I go forward towards my goal, taking advantage of all opportunities and enjoying personal freedom."

According to Louise Hay, pathology is caused by unwillingness and fear of any changes in life, even if they can give a positive experience.

Affirmation for shoulder health: “Now my life experience is only pleasant and joyful, I gratefully accept all the difficulties, I solve the problems that have arisen for my own benefit.”

The reason is pride and stubbornness, hidden fear and lack of flexibility, unwillingness to forgive yourself and others.

Affirmation for knee health: “I am learning to understand and forgive, I like to give in to my neighbor and feel the ease of forgiveness.”

The connection between diseases and emotions

Pain in the joints, inflammation and swelling of the periarticular tissues, limitation of function and deformation of the joints are caused by a feeling of despair, disappointment, resentment, anger, and indecision.

Why does arthritis and arthrosis develop? According to psychosomatic theories, the following problems lead to these diseases:

  1. Despair, unsatisfying work, a sense of hopelessness contribute to the development of muscle tension and joint stiffness. Internal discomfort leads to gradual destruction of intra-articular structures and limitation of articular function.
  2. Resentment, anger, the desire to take revenge on someone lead to self-destruction. Internal suffering is transformed into joint diseases. Knees, hips, feet begin to ache from dissatisfaction with oneself and the world around.
  3. Frustration, lack of purpose and interest in life contribute to the limitation of movements in the limbs. There is a gradual destruction of the ankle and foot joints, which often leads to clubfoot.
  4. Overly critical of oneself and others. It often gives rise to despair and anger, develops into hatred for an individual subject or oneself. There is an accumulation of negative energy, which reduces immunity. In this case, the feet, ankles, and ankles suffer.

The most detrimental psychosomatic factors of inflammation include rage and fear. Arthritis is a reflection of an internal conflict, a discrepancy between desires and established rules. Flat feet signal fear of the future. Inflammation of the ankle and pain in the legs are a signal of the loss of life guidelines and ideals. Pain in the knees symbolizes the unwillingness to develop, to move on.

Pain in the right knee joint can be interpreted as a result of an inferiority complex, fear of humiliation in society, in the left - as a manifestation of failure in personal life. In psychosomatics, legs are defined as protection and support. Fractures, dislocations and arthrosis are often associated by experts with a turning point in life experienced and an attempt to restore the past.


In the book Heal Your Body, Louise Hay not only compiled a table of diseases and the psychological factors leading to them, but also offered healing affirmations. They are short phrases that consist of words that promote recovery. Affirmations do not have to be memorized, it is more effective to write them yourself, taking into account personal experiences and circumstances.
The purpose of affirmations is to get rid of the psychological cause of joint diseases according to Louise Hay.

Their regular repetition before going to bed and during rest gives a good result, improves the physical and psychological state of the patient, as a result, you can feel the meaning of the proverb - "A good word heals, an evil word cripples."

People themselves create diseases for themselves, which means that only they themselves can get rid of them. The causes of diseases are in ourselves and they are as follows:

a) lack of understanding of the purpose, meaning and purpose of one's life;

b) misunderstanding and non-compliance with the laws of nature, the universe;

c) the presence in the subconscious and consciousness of harmful, aggressive thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Human diseases and their psychological prerequisites.

Illness is a signal of imbalance, harmony with the Universe. Illness is an external reflection of our harmful thoughts, our behavior and our intentions, that is, our worldview. This is the subconscious protection of ourselves from our own destructive behavior or thoughts. A sick person is a person who has a sick worldview. Therefore, in order to cure the disease, it is necessary to change your worldview.

Many people, when their body is in pain, rush to get rid of it as soon as possible with the help of a “magic”, “relieving everything bad”, Her Majesty - pills.

They "have no time" to think about the causes of the problem in the body, and some simply do not want to endure the pain. Indeed, why endure pain if it can simply be "removed", "suppressed", "destroyed"!? It is enough to know that there are painkillers in abundance. And the reason most often remains unresolved.

Among the causes of various diseases, in addition to other adverse factors, psychological characteristics are also called. Any disease is a signal of some disturbance in the system that unites the mind, body and emotions. There is a causal relationship between the psychology of a particular person and somatic diseases, but it is indirect, ambiguous and does not fit into elementary schemes. You can get acquainted with the theory of the psychology of diseases of the body.

The reasons given for disease are repressed feelings deeply felt within. For some diseases, several options are given, which means that the data of different researchers differ (or they simply talk about the same thing in different terms). The table is designed to help traditional medicine, not replace it.

For people trying to find out the cause of illness, we give a list of diseases and their causes on the mental plane. But this does not mean at all that you should not contact a specialist. Some diseases have a complex component and deep "roots" that only a specialist can recognize! The list is given for mental analysis and reflection on the "standard" of one's existence - the spiritual principles of life.

Table of interrelations of somatic disease and psychological prerequisites.

The main emotions leading to diseases: envy, anger, fear, doubt, self-pity. It is enough to completely get rid of these emotions for a complete recovery of the soul and body. It is to get rid of such emotions that never arise in your mind, and not to suppress them. Suppression of emotion = disease.

List of diseases, diseased organs, parts of the body or affected systems of the human body.
Possible mental causes of disease or injury. Supplemented and revised materials by Louise Hay and Vladimir Zhikarentsev

1. Abscess, abscess, abscess. A person is disturbed by thoughts of the evil that has been done to him, of inattention and revenge.

2. Adenoids. They swell from sadness, or become inflamed from humiliation. Family tensions, disputes. Sometimes - the presence of a childish feeling of undesirability.

3. Addison's disease - (see Adrenaline disease) adrenal insufficiency. Severe lack of emotional nourishment. Anger at yourself.

4. Adrenaline diseases - diseases of the adrenal glands. Defeatism. I hate to take care of myself. Anxiety, anxiety.

5. Alzheimer's disease - a kind of senile dementia, manifested by total dementia with progressive memory decay and cortical focal disorders. (see also Dementia, Old Age, Decrepitude).
Desire to leave this planet. The inability to face life as it is. Refusal to interact with the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.

6. Alcoholism. Sadness breeds alcoholism. Feeling of worthlessness, emptiness, guilt, inconsistency with the world around. Self denial. Alcoholics are people who do not want to be aggressive and cruel. They want to be joyful and bring joy to others. They are looking for the easiest way to escape from everyday problems. As a natural product, alcohol is a balancing act.

He gives the person what he needs. It temporarily solves the problems that have accumulated in the soul, relieves the tension from the drinker. Alcohol reveals the true face of a person. Acoholism recedes when treated with kindness and love. Alcoholism is the fear of not being loved. Alcoholism destroys the physical body.

7. Allergic rash on the face. Man is humiliated by the fact that against his will everything has become clear. Seemingly good and fair humiliates a person so much that there is no strength to endure.

8. Allergy.
A tangled ball of love, fear and anger. Who do you not tolerate? Fear of malice - fear that anger will destroy love. This causes anxiety and panic and, as a result, allergies.
- in adults - the body loves a person and hopes for an improvement in the emotional state. It feels like it doesn't want to die of cancer. He sees better.
- on animal hair - during pregnancy, the mother was frightened or angry, or the mother does not like animals.
- on flower pollen (hay fever) - the child is afraid that he will not be allowed into the yard and becomes embittered by this, the adult is upset in connection with some incident in nature or in the village.
- for fish - a person does not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of others, a protest against self-sacrifice. For a child - if the parents sacrifice themselves and their families for the good of society.

Denial of one's own power. A protest against something that cannot be expressed.

9. Amenorrhea - the absence of regulation for 6 months or more at the age of 16-45 years.
(See Women's Problems, Menstrual Problems, Absence (reduction) of menstruation) Reluctance to be a woman, self-loathing.

10. Amnesia - partial or complete lack of memory. Fear. Escapism. Inability to take care of oneself.

11. Anaerobic infection. A man is desperately fighting to destroy the dungeon, to get out of it to freedom. Pus itself rushes to the air, looking for a way out. Anaerobic infection does not look for a way out; even without oxygen, it is capable of destroying the dungeon. The more extensive the focus of the disease, the more likely the likelihood of blood poisoning.

12. Angina, purulent tonsillitis.
A strong belief that you cannot speak up for your views and ask for your needs to be met. You refrain from harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
- berate yourself or others
- subconscious resentment towards oneself,
- the child has problems in relations between parents, - the removal of the tonsils - the parental desire that the child obey big and smart adults,
- the tonsils are the ears of self-conceit, - non-existent ears will no longer perceive the words. From now on, any offense will cultivate his conceit - ego. He can hear about himself - heartless. It is no longer easy to make him dance to someone else's tune. If this happens, then other tissues of the larynx are affected.

13. Anemia - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Lack of joy in life. Fear of life. Feeling that they are not good enough for the world around them.

14. Anorexia - loss of appetite.
Unwillingness to live the life of a dead man. For a person, they think convincingly and deftly and make decisions - thereby imposing their will. The weaker the will to live, the weaker the appetite. Food is a factor that prolongs such a life and mental anguish. Self-hatred and self-denial. The presence of extreme fear. The denial of life itself.

15. Enuresis.
Bedwetting in children - the mother's fear for her husband is transmitted to the child in the form of fear for the father, and the kidneys blocked by fear can be released and do their work in a dream. Daytime urinary incontinence - the child is afraid of his father, due to the fact that he is too angry and harsh.

16. Anuria - cessation of urine flow to the bladder due to impaired blood flow in the kidneys, diffuse damage to their parenchyma or obstruction of the upper urinary tract.
A person does not want to give vent to bitterness from unfulfilled desires.

17. Anus - (point of release from excess load, dropping to the ground.)
- abscess - anger towards something from which you do not want to be freed.
- pain - guilt, not good enough.
- itching - a sense of guilt before the past, remorse, remorse.
- fistula - continue to stubbornly cling to the trash of the past.

18. Apathy. Resistance to feelings, drowning out one's self.

19. Apoplexy, seizure. Escape from family, from myself, from life.

20. Appendicitis. Humiliation from an impasse, when experiencing shame and humiliation about this, the appendix bursts and peritonitis occurs. Stopping the flow of good.

21. Appetite (food cravings).
Excessive - the need for protection.
Loss is self-defense, distrust of life.
Appetite for various dishes and products arises as a subconscious desire to compensate for the lack of energy. It contains information about what is happening in you now:
- I want sour - a feeling of guilt needs to be recharged,
- sweets - you have a great fear, the consumption of sweets causes a pleasant feeling of calm,
- craving for meat - you are embittered, and anger can only be nourished by meat,
Each stress has its own fluctuation amplitude, and each food product or dish has its own, when they match, the body's need is satisfied.
- loves - tends to deny his mistakes, but notices the mistakes of others,
- does not love - wants to know the truth, even if it is terrible. He rather agrees to the bitter truth than to sweet lies,
- does not tolerate - does not tolerate lies,
- overdoing it - you won’t get the truth from that.
- loves - loves peace of mind, in the name of which they have made efforts, - does not love - does not want either apathy or peace of mind, is afraid of passivity, inactivity, laziness,
- does not tolerate - does not tolerate indifference, laziness, even peace of mind, wants life to boil around him,
- loves fresh fish - wants to live in the world quietly, so that no one touches him and he himself does not disturb others,
- loves salted fish - beats his chest with his fist and declares: "Here he is, a good man." Salt increases decisiveness, self-confidence.
- drinks little - a person has a heightened vision of the world and a sharp perception,
- drinks a lot - the world is vague and unclear for him, but supportive and benevolent.
Energy of some products:
- lean meat - honest open malice,
- fatty meat - secret vile malice,
- cereals - responsibility to the world,
- rye - interest in comprehending the deep wisdom of life,
- wheat - interest in comprehending the superficial wisdom of life,
- rice - accurate balanced perfect vision of the world,
- corn - easy getting everything from life,
- barley - self-confidence,
- oats - thirst for knowledge, curiosity,
- potatoes - seriousness,
- carrots - laughter,
- cabbage - heartiness,
- swede - craving for knowledge,
- beets - the ability to explain complex things intelligibly,
- cucumber - languor, daydreaming,
- tomato - faith in yourself,
- peas - logical thinking,
- bow - recognition of one's own mistakes,
- garlic - self-confident intransigence,
- apple - prudence,
- dill - patience and endurance,
- lemon - critical mind,
- banana - frivolity,
- grapes - satisfaction,
- egg - craving for perfection,
- honey - gives perfect motherly love and warmth, like a mother's hug.

22. Arrhythmia. Fear of being guilty.

23. Arteries and veins. They bring joy to life. Arteries symbolically correlate with a woman, they are more often sick in men. Veins correlate with men, more often they get sick in women.
Arterial disease in men - embitterment due to the fact that women poke their nose into the economy.
Gangrene - a man scolds himself for stupidity, cowardice and helplessness.
Expansion of the veins in men - considers the economic side of his duty, constantly worried about the family budget.
Ulceration of the skin is the belligerent desire of a man to settle matters with his fists.
A trophic ulcer is a drainpipe in a reservoir of anger; if the anger is not released, the ulcer will not heal, and a plant-based diet will not help either.
Expansion of the veins in women is the accumulation in oneself of economic problems that cause anger.
Inflammation of the veins - anger at the economic problems of the husband or men.
Inflammation of the arteries - anger at oneself or women due to economic problems.

24. Asthma. Suppressed urge to cry. Suppression, suffocation of feelings.
The fear that they do not love me causes the need to suppress my panicky anger, not to protest, then they will love, secret fear, suppression of feelings and, as a result, asthma.
Nursery - fear of life, repressed feelings in the family, repressed crying, repressed feeling of love, the child is afraid of life and does not want to live anymore. The elders surround the soul of the child with their anxieties, fears, disappointments, etc.

25. Atelectasis - collapse of the entire lung or part of it due to impaired ventilation due to obstruction of the bronchus or compression of the lung.
It comes from sadness due to the inevitable feeling of a lack of strength to fight for one's freedom.

26. Atherosclerosis.
- rigid inflexible ideas, complete confidence in one's rightness, the inability to open the door for a new one.
- Possibly a sagging spine.
- senile dementia - a person longs for an easy life, attracts what he wants, until his mind degrades to the level of an idiot.

27. Muscle atrophy. see Muscular atrophy.

28. Bacteria.
- Streptococcus pyogenes - a savage desire to hang someone without rights on a bitch, the realization of one's unbearable humiliation. - other Beta-hemolytic streptococci (Sanginosus) - growing like a ninth wave challenge to those who deprive of freedom (I will live to harm you) - Arcanobacterium haemolyticum - waiting for the right moment to commit petty deceit and malicious meanness - Actinomyces pyogenes - imperturbable-looking weaving nets and setting traps to take revenge.

29. Hips.
They express vital economic stability or strength, endurance, strength, influence, generosity, superiority. They carry great faith in moving forward.
Hip problems: - fear of going forward with determination, there is nothing or little that is worth going towards. - fracture - the more difficult, the more severe the person's thoughts about the future. - meatiness - fear and grief about their vitality.

30. Childlessness. (Infertility.)
- Fear and resistance towards the process of life. No need to go through the experience of parenthood.
- The fear of being childless leads to a malfunction of the ovaries and the cell is released exactly when you do not want it.
- Children of the new time want to come into this world without stress, and not to correct the mistakes of their parents, because. by them (children) - they have already been learned and they do not want to repeat them. A woman who does not have children, first of all, needs to revise her relationship with her mother, and then mother and father. Understand and realize the stresses absorbed from them, forgive them, and ask for forgiveness from your unborn child.
- It is possible that there is no spirit that needs this body, or it decides not to come, because:
1. - he does not wish his mother bad, 2. - you can love your mother even as a spirit, 3. - he does not want to be guilty, 4. - he does not want to be born to a mother who does not believe that wisdom and wisdom are in the hands of a child the power of birth, 5. - he knows that under the load of stress (the mother draws pictures of defective development, birth trauma, etc.), he will not be able to fulfill his life task.

31. Anxiety, anxiety. Distrust of how life flows and develops.

32. Insomnia. Distrust in the process of life. Guilt.

33. Rabies, rabies. Belief that violence is the only solution. Anger.

34. Diseases of the veins and arteries. Blaming men or women respectively due to failure in household affairs.

35. Diseases of the intestinal tract. They occur similarly to diseases of the bladder.

36. Alzheimer's disease.
Brain exhaustion. overload disease. It occurs in people who completely denying emotions, absolutize the potential of their brain. It arises in those who have a maximalistic desire to receive, as well as the consciousness that in order to receive it is necessary to fully use the potential of their mind.

37. Pains are prolonged, dull. Thirst for love. Craving to be possessed.

38. Pain. Guilt. Guilt is always looking for punishment.
Sharp pain, sharp anger - someone just got angry.
Dull pain, dull anger - a feeling of helplessness about the realization of one's anger.
Boring pain, boring anger - I would like to take revenge, but I can not.
Chronic pain, long-term anger - an increase or decrease in pain indicates an ebb or flow of anger.
Sudden pain - sudden anger.
Headache, anger due to the fact that I am not loved, I am neglected, everything is not as I want.
Abdominal pain is anger associated with dominating oneself or others.
Pain in the legs - anger associated with doing work, receiving or spending money - economic problems.
Pain in the knees - anger preventing progress.
Pain in the whole body - anger against everything, because everything is not the way I want.
Pain in these places indicates a critical increase in this character trait: - forehead - prudence, - eyes - clarity, - ears - importance, - nose - arrogance, - jaws - pride.

39. Sores, wounds, ulcers. Unreleased anger.

40. Warts.
Small expressions of hate. Belief in your own ugliness.
- on the sole - anger about the very foundations of your understanding. Deepening feelings of frustration about the future.

41. Bronchitis.
Heated atmosphere in the family. Quarrel, disputes and abuse. Sometimes boiling inside.
- In the family, despondency, anxiety, fatigue from life.
- The feeling of love is infringed, oppressive problems of relationships with the mother or husband.
- Who feels guilty and throws it out in the form of accusations.

42. Bulimia.
Insatiable hunger. (Pathological increase in appetite.) - the desire to go through life with noise.
- the desire to take possession of an illusory future, which is actually disgusted.

43. Bursitis - inflammation of the synovial bag of the joint. The desire to beat someone. Suppressed anger.

44. Vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina. Sexual guilt. Self punishment. Anger at a spouse, partner.

45. Venereal diseases.
Sexual guilt. The need for punishment. Thoughts that the genitals are the place of sin. Insult, mistreatment of other people.

46. ​​Varicose veins. (Knobby - extended.)
Being in a situation you hate. Depression, discouragement. Feeling overworked and overworked.

47. Overweight.
The need for protection. Escape from feelings. Lack of a sense of security, self-denial, search for self-realization.

48. Thymus gland - an organ of immunity.
In a child: - too small - parents are afraid that nothing will come of it. The stronger the fear, the stronger her spasm.
- greatly increased - the parents' firm focus on the fact that the child must become famous at any cost and he already boasts of himself before the deadline.
- is a huge shapeless mass - parental ambitions for the child are excessive, but not clear.
In an adult: The person feels guilty and blames himself.
- a decrease in the thymus gland indicates how much a person misinterprets the law of cause and effect.
- dispersal in the lymphatic system - confuses causes with effects.
And the lymphatic system has to eliminate the consequences with redoubled energy.

49. Viral diseases.
- Rhinovirus - desperate throwing because of their mistakes.
- Coronavirus - terrifying thoughts about their mistakes.
- Adenovirus - chaotic fuss, dictated by the desire to make the impossible possible, the desire to atone for their mistakes.
- influenza A and B - despair due to the inability to correct their mistakes, depression, the desire not to be.
- Paramyxovirus - the desire to correct their mistakes in one fell swoop, while knowing that this is impossible.
- herpes - the desire to remake the world, self-flagellation because of the surrounding evil, a sense of responsibility due to its eradication.
- Coxsackievirus A - the desire, at least crawling away from their mistakes.
- Epstein-Barr virus - a game of generosity with one's own limited abilities in the hope that what is offered will not be accepted, simultaneous dissatisfaction with oneself, pushing a person beyond the boundaries of the possible. Depletion of all internal support. (The stress virus).
- Cytomegalovirus - conscious poisonous anger at one's own sluggishness and at enemies, the desire to wipe everyone and everything into powder, not the realization of hatred.
- AIDS - a violent unwillingness to be a nonentity.

50. Vitiligo is a depigmented spot.
The feeling that you are outside of things. Not related to anything. Do not belong to any of the groups.

51. Ectopic pregnancy.
Occurs when a woman does not want to share a child with anyone. It speaks of maternal jealousy, opposed to anyone encroaching on the child.

52. Dropsy, edema. What or who do you not want to get rid of?

53. Dropsy of the brain. The mother of the child accumulates in herself unshed tears of sadness about the fact that they do not love her, do not understand, do not regret that everything is not the way she wants. The child may be born already with dropsy.

54. Age problems. Faith in society. Old thinking. Denial of the present. Fear of being someone else's me.

55. Blisters, water blisters. Lack of emotional protection. Resistance.

56. Hairiness. Willingness to blame. There is often a reluctance to feed oneself. Anger that is covered.

57. Hair is gray. Overwork, stress. Faith in pressure and tension.

58. Lupus, skin tuberculosis. Concession, refusal to fight, for defending one's interests. Better to die than stand up for yourself.

59. Inflammation. Inflamed thinking. Excited thinking.

60. Bladder inflammation. A person feels humiliated because of the accumulated disappointments.

61. Allocations. Tears - appear from the fact that a person does not get what he wants from life.
Sweat - removes the most different types of malice from the body in the greatest amount. By the smell of sweat, you can determine the nature of a person.
Saliva - indicates how a person achieves his goals. Fear of worldly affairs dries up the mouth. Increased salivation occurs from the rush to get rid of their problems. Because of a bad mood, a person wants to spit.
Mucus from the nose - anger due to resentment. Chronic runny nose - a state of constant resentment.
Sneezing is an attempt by the body to sharply throw out grievances from itself, including those inflicted by others.
Phlegm is anger at whiners and whiners and the problems associated with them.
Vomiting is an aversion to life. Anger against the excesses of others, and so on. against their own wickedness.
Pus - accompanies anger caused by helplessness and impotence - humiliated anger. This is a hostile malice caused by dissatisfaction with life in general.
Sexual secretion - exasperation associated with sexual activity.
- trichomoniasis - the desperate malice of the frivolous, - gonorrhea - the gloomy anger of the humiliated, - chlamydia - imperious anger, - syphilis - the anger of losing a sense of responsibility to life.
Blood - symbolically corresponds to the malice of the struggle, vengeful malice. Thirst for revenge is looking for a way out.
Urine - disappointments associated with the life of feelings are removed with it.
- acid m. - the person is no longer able to bear the accusations.
- protein in m. - greater discharge of guilt and accusations, the body has reached a physical crisis.
Kal - disappointments associated with the volitional sphere are displayed.

62. Miscarriage. Pregnancy is terminated when: - the child feels unloved and more and more burdens are thrown on him until the critical point is reached and the spirit is gone. How much can you endure?
If a woman devotes herself with care and love to preserving the pregnancy, then the child will remain.
But if the fear of losing a child and the search for the guilty are added to the previous stresses, then no treatment will help. Fear blocks the adrenal glands, and the child decides that it is better to leave than to live such a life.
Many months, forced preservation of pregnancy with unresolved stresses, as a result, gives an abnormal birth and a sick child.
- the spine sank. The 4th lumbar vertebra supplies energy to the uterus, the baby's cradle. The uterus is the organ of motherhood. The stresses of the mother and her daughter - the future mother - make the uterus heavier, the positive energy is destroyed, and the uterus is not able to maintain the pregnancy.
- if the 4th lumbar vertebra sank, it does not protect it during pregnancy; during childbirth prevents the exit of the fetus.

63. Gases, flatulence. Undigested ideas, thoughts. Clamping.

64. Maxillary sinuses. They are the receptacle of energy, self-pride.

65. Gangrene. Joyful feelings drown in poisonous thoughts. mental problems.

66. Gastritis. Prolonged uncertainty, uncertainty. Rock feeling.

67. Hemorrhoids - expansion of the veins of the lower rectum.
A painful feeling. Fear of letting go. Fear of the forbidden line, the limit. Anger towards the past.

68. Genitalia, genitals. (Personalize the male or female principle.)
- problems, diseases of the genitals - anxiety that is not good enough or good.

69. Huntington's chorea is a chronic hereditary progressive disease characterized by an increase in choreic hyperkinesia and dementia.
(Chorea - rapid, erratic, violent movements of various muscles.) Feeling of hopelessness. Resentment, resentment that you cannot change others.

70. Hepatitis. The liver is the seat of anger and rage. Anger, hatred, resistance to change.

71. Gynecological diseases. In innocent girls and old women, he speaks of a disdainful attitude towards the male sex and sexual life. And the microbes that peacefully inhabit the body turn into pathogenic and disease-causing ones.

72. Gynecology. A woman does not know how to run a household like a woman. He interferes in men's affairs imperiously, humiliatingly, restlessly, shows distrust of a man, humiliates men, considers himself stronger than his husband.

73. Hyperactivity. The feeling that you are being pressured and that you are going on a rampage.

74. Hyperventilation - increased breathing. Distrust of processes. Resistance to change.

75. Hyperglycemia - an increased amount of sugar in the blood. (See diabetes.)
Overwhelmed by the burden of life. What is the use of this?

76. Pituitary - personifies the center of control.
Tumor, inflammation of the brain, Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Lack of mental balance. An overproduction of destructive, overwhelming ideas. Feeling overpowered.

77. Eyes - personify the ability to clearly see the past, present, future.
They reflect the state of the liver, which is the focus of malice and anger, and the eyes are the place where sadness is released. Whoever pacifies his anger, because simple contrition satisfies him, since his hardened soul requires a more fierce retribution, aggressiveness arises in him.
- the birth of evil - purposeful conscious malice - incurable eye diseases.
- discharge of pus - resentment for coercion.

78. Eye diseases, eye problems.
You don't like what you see with your own eyes.
Occurs when sadness is not completely poured out. Therefore, the eyes get sick both in those who cry constantly and in those who never cry. When people reproach their eyes for seeing only one unpleasant thing, the foundation of an eye disease is laid.
Loss of vision - the occurrence in memory and the scrolling of some bad events.
Vision loss caused by aging is the reluctance to see the annoying little things in life. An aged person wants to see the great things that have been done or achieved in life.
- astigmatism - restlessness, excitement, anxiety. Fear of actually seeing yourself.
- an eyesore, a divergent strabismus - the fear of looking into the present right here.
- myopia - fear of the future.
- glaucoma - inexorable unforgiveness, pressure from long-past pain, wounds. An illness associated with sadness. Along with the headache is the process of increasing sadness.
- congenital - the mother had to endure a lot of sadness during pregnancy. She was greatly offended, but she clenched her teeth and endured everything, but she cannot forgive. Sorrow lived in her even before pregnancy, and during it she attracted injustice, from which she suffered and became vengeful. She drew to her a child with an identical mentality, whose debt of karma was given the opportunity to be redeemed. Overflowing and suppressing it.
farsightedness - fear of the present.
- cataract - inability to look ahead with joy. The future is shrouded in darkness.
- conjunctivitis is a disorder. downfall, disappointment, as to what you are looking at in life.
- acute conjunctivitis, infectious, pink eyes - disorder, unwillingness to see.
- strabismus (see keratitis) - unwillingness to see what is there. Crossed goals.
- dry eyes - refusal to see, to experience a feeling of love. I would rather die than forgive. The person is malevolent, caustic, unfriendly.
- barley on the eye - a look at life with eyes full of anger. Someone's anger. Eye problems in children - unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.

79. Worms.
- Enterobiasis - pinworms. The presence of small cruel tricks associated with the completion of work and cases that he is trying to hide.
- Ascariasis - an unkind attitude towards women's work, women's life. love and freedom are not put in anything. It is necessary to release the hidden cruelty.
- Diphyllobathriasis - tapeworm. Hidden cruelty: clinging to trifles and making an elephant out of a fly.

80. Deafness. Denial, isolation, stubbornness. Do not disturb me. What we don't want to hear.

81. Purulent acne.
- on the chest - an unbearable humiliation associated with a feeling of love. The love of such a person is rejected or not appreciated.
- under the arm - the desire of a person to hide his feeling of love and the accompanying need for affection and tenderness out of a sense of shame and fear of sinning against established traditions.
- on the back - the impossibility of realizing desires.
- on the buttocks - humiliation associated with major economic problems.

82. Ankle joints.
Correlate with the desire of a person to brag about his achievements.
- swelling of the left ankle joint - chagrin due to the inability to boast of male achievements.
- swelling of the right ankle joint - too, but female achievements.
- destruction - anger due to fear that he will be considered an upstart.
- inflammation of the ankle joint - suppression of anger and putting on the mask of a good person.

83. Calf.
The lower leg represents the standards, the foundations of life. Destruction of ideals. Expresses how progress in life is realized.
- rupture of the calf muscle - anger at female slowness.
- fracture of the leg bone - anger at male slowness.
- inflammation - feeling humiliated due to too slow progress.
- muscle cramps - confusion of will due to fear of moving forward.

84. Headache.
Self-criticism. Assessing your inferiority. The child is used by parents as a shield to repel mutual attacks. The children's world of feelings and thoughts is destroyed.
A woman has fear and domination - dominating in a masculine manner in order to please her superiors.

85. Brain.
Spasms of the brain - a manic desire for intelligence. Conscientious fools, frightened people striving for intelligence, because:
- they want to gain wisdom.
- and through it to gain intelligence.
- and through it to gain honor and glory.
- acquire wealth.
Desire to break up with one's own head (mind).

86. Vertigo. Distracted, disordered thinking, flight. Refusal to look around.

87. Hunger. (Increased feeling of hunger.)
A violent desire to cleanse oneself of feelings of self-hatred. Horror without hope for change.

88. Vocal cords.
The voice is gone - the body does not allow you to raise your voice anymore.
Vocal cord inflammation is accumulated, unspoken anger.
A tumor on the vocal cords - a person goes into an angry scream and his accusations outgrow all sorts of limits.

89. Gonorrhea. Seeking punishment for being bad, bad.

90. Throat.
Creativity channel. means of expression.
- sores - retention of angry words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
- problems, illnesses - indecision in the desire to "get up and go." Restraining yourself.
- scolding yourself or others - a subconscious resentment towards yourself.
- a person wants to prove his own rightness or the wrongness of another person. The stronger the desire, the more serious the disease.

91. Fungus.
stagnant beliefs. Refusal to release the past. Letting the past rule today.

92. Influenza (see influenza.) A state of dejection.

93. Chest. Represents care, care and upbringing, nutrition. Sacrifice from the heart chakra of the heart is an opportunity to remain without a heart at all. Sacrificing one's heart - a woman, a job, etc. - to earn love. The desire to breastfeed his way to prove that he is something of himself.
- breast diseases - excessive care and care for someone. Overprotection from someone.

94. Women's breasts.
If a woman sacrifices her breasts to a man, hoping to become loved through this. Either she is unhappy that she cannot sacrifice her breasts - for to sacrifice, as if there is nothing and nothing - she can lose her breasts.
The chest is tender like love. Its shameless use in order to move up the corporate ladder, inciting passion - turns against the very breast.
- cyst, tumor, ulcers - suppression position. Power interruption.

95. Hernia. Broken ties. Tension, load, load, burden. Wrong creative expression.

96. Hernia of the spinal cord. Debt of karma.
- in a past life left someone to die with a broken spine.

97. Duodenum.
The duodenum is a team, a person is a leader. A team that is constantly humiliated breaks up and does not want to serve as a solid support. Marking time on the spot makes the leader pissed off and makes him increasingly look for the cause in others. The more this heartless nerd, for whom the goal is more important than people, bonfires the team, the more severe the disease.
- constant pain - constant anger at the team.
- ulcerative bleeding - vindictiveness towards the team.
- rupture of the duodenum - anger turned into cruelty from which the person burst.

98. Depression. Feeling of hopelessness. The anger you feel about not being able to have what you want.

99. Gums, bleeding. Lack of joy in the decisions you make in life.

100. Gums, problems. Inability to maintain their decisions. Weakness, amoebicity about life.

101. Children's diseases.
Belief in ideals, social ideas and false laws. Children's behavior in the adults around them.

102. Diabetes. (Hyperglycemia is high blood sugar.)
- wanting others to make my life good.
- an attempt by the human body to make life sweeter.
- a common cause is a marriage without love, a child born in such a marriage is a latent diabetic.
- humiliating anger of a woman against a man and a man's reciprocal. The essence of malice is that the other side has destroyed the happiness of life and beauty.
- is a disease of open or secret hatred, vile, petty and treacherous.
- comes to where fabulous dreams are not realized.

103. Diarrhea. Denial, flight, fear.

104. Dysentery.
Fear and intense anger. Belief that they are here to get you. Oppression, oppression, depression and hopelessness.

105. Dysbacteriosis. (Violation of the mobile balance of microflora.)
The emergence of conflicting judgments regarding the activities of others.

106. Disk, offset. The feeling that life doesn't support you at all. Indecision.

107. Dysmenorrhea. (See Women's Diseases.) Hatred of the body or women. Anger at yourself.

108. Progressive muscular dystrophy.
Unwillingness to accept own value, dignity. Denial of success.

109. Muscular dystrophy.
An insane desire to control everything and everyone. Loss of faith and trust. Deep need to feel safe. Extreme fear.

110. Breath. Represents the ability to recognize life.
- breathing problems - fear or refusal to fully acknowledge life. You do not feel in yourself the right to occupy space in the world around you or even to exist in time.

111. Breathing bad. Anger and thoughts of revenge. Feels like he/she is being held down.

112. Glands. They represent holding a place. An activity that begins to manifest itself.

113. Stomach - governs nutrition. Digests, assimilates ideas.
Stomach problems - fear, fear of the new, inability to assimilate the new. Blaming yourself for the state of affairs, the desire to make your life full, forcing yourself to do something even more.
- bleeding - bearing a terrible revenge in the soul.
- prolapse of the stomach and atrophic gastritis (low acidity, anemia due to lack of vitamin B - 12) - a disease that accompanies passivity, as well as guilty without guilt, who forces himself to prove his innocence.
- ulcerative gastritis - forcing myself to overcome fear does not like me and actively take up work.
- increased acidity - forcing everyone around to spin, showering them with accusations.
- low acidity - a feeling of guilt in all kinds of affairs.
- cancer of the stomach - vicious violence against oneself.

114. Jaundice, biliousness, envy, jealousy.
Internal and external prejudice, preconceived notions. The base is out of balance.

115. Gallbladder.
Containment of anger, which can only be brought out through the body. Accumulates in the gallbladder.

116. Gallstones. Bitterness, Heavy thoughts, condemnation, censure, pride, arrogance, hatred.

117. Women's diseases. Rejection of femininity, rejection of the feminine principle, denial of oneself.

118. Rigidity, lack of flexibility. Rigid, stagnant thinking.

119. Belly.
The location of the disease in the abdomen indicates the location of the cause of the problem.
- upper abdomen (stomach, liver, duodenum, transverse colon and spleen) - problems associated with spiritual affairs.
- the middle of the abdomen (small and large intestine) - with mental affairs.
- lower abdomen (sigmoid colon, rectum, genitals, bladder) - with material.

120. Fat.
Represents protection, hypersensitivity. Often personifies fear and shows the need for protection. Fear can also serve as a cover for hidden anger and resistance to forgiveness.
- hips at the waist - pieces of stubborn anger at parents.
- thighs - packed children's anger.
- stomach - anger at rejected support, nourishment.
- hands - anger at rejected love.

121. Connective tissue disease - collagenoses.
Typical of people who try to leave a good impression on a bad thing. This disease is characteristic of hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

122. Diseases of the lower part of the body.
- weakening - disappointment and humility of life.
- overexertion up to complete immobility - stubborn struggle and unwillingness to give up under any circumstances.
- both types of pathology - muscle wasting in pursuit of meaningless values.

123. Back. Inflicting a soft but powerful blow with the stern, wanting to knock off the interfering course.

124. Stuttering. There is no sense of security. There is no possibility of self-expression. They are not allowed to cry.

125. Constipation.
Refusal to let go of old ideas, thoughts. Attachment to the past. Sometimes torment. Anger: I still can't get it! Man saves everything for himself. Covetousness can be spiritual, mental and material:
- fear that knowledge or awareness will be exploited by others, fear of losing it, does not allow sharing even worldly wisdom, stinginess in the divisibility of quality.
- stinginess in giving love - stinginess in relation to things.
The use of a laxative goes against the desires of a person.
- the wall of the descending colon is completely thickened and insensitive - a hopeless loss of faith that life can get better. A person is absolutely sure of his worthlessness and therefore does not share his love with anyone.
- the sigmoid colon is enlarged, without tone - in his hopelessness, a person has killed his sadness, i.e. anger caused by lying and theft.
Constipation accelerates the onset of bowel cancer. Constipation in thinking and constipation in the anus are one and the same.

126. Wrist. Represents movement and lightness.

127. Goiter. Goitre.
A feeling of hatred for the fact that you have been hurt, suffering. Man is a victim. Unfeasibility. The feeling that you are being blocked from your path in life.

128. Teeth. They represent solutions.
- diseases - protracted indecision, inability to gnaw through thoughts and ideas for analysis and decision making.
In children whose father suffers from an inferiority complex, the teeth grow at random.
Upper teeth - express the feeling of inferiority of the father in relation to the upper part of his body, future and mind.
Lower teeth - express the feeling of inferiority of the father in relation to the lower body, potency, past and material support of the family.
Bite - the father is forced to clench his teeth from suffering.
The destruction of the child's teeth is the mother's anger at the father's masculinity, the child supports the mother's point of view and is angry with the father.

129. Jawed wisdom tooth. You do not give mental space to create a solid foundation.

130. Itching.
Desires that are not to your liking do not fit with reality. Dissatisfaction. Remorse, remorse. Excessive desire to go out, to become famous or to leave, slip away.

131. Heartburn. Squeezing fear.
Forcing yourself out of fear leads to the release of excess acids, plus anger, the acid concentration rises and food is burned.

132. Ileitis - inflammation of the ileum. Worrying about yourself, about your condition, is not good enough.

133. Impotence.
Pressure, tension, guilt over social beliefs. Anger at the previous partner, fear of the mother. Fear that I will be blamed for not being able to feed my family, not doing my job, not being able to be a diligent owner, that I am not able to love and sexually satisfy a woman, that I am not a real man. Self-flagellation for the same reasons. If a man constantly has to prove his sexual viability, then he is not destined to have sex for a long time.

134. Heart attack. Feeling of worthlessness.

135. Infection. Irritation, anger, annoyance.

136. Influenza. A response to the negativity and beliefs of the masses, groups of people. Faith in statistics.

137. Sciatica - disease of the sciatic nerve. Supercriticality. fear for money and the future. Making plans that are not consistent with the real state of affairs. Anxiety, due to unwillingness to grasp the trends of the current moment. Persistent impossibility or unwillingness (inability) to "enter" the state of "here and now".

138. Stones in organs. Petrified emotions - the sadness of a stupid fossil.

Gallstones - a fierce struggle with evil, because it is evil. Anger at the boss. Heavy thoughts, arrogance, pride, bitterness. Hatred. Regardless of whether they hate me or I hate someone, or there are people around me who hate each other - all this affects a person, gets inside him and begins to grow a stone.
Kidney stones - the fear that they do not love me, causes the need to hide their anger for evil, then they will love - secret malice.

139. Candidiasis - thrush, a group of diseases caused by a yeast-like fungus.
Strong sense of distraction. The presence of a large amount of anger and feelings of disappointment, hopelessness. Demanding and distrusting relationships with people. Love for disputes, for confrontational heated discussions.

140. Carbuncles. Poisonous anger at personal injustice.

141. Cataract. Inability to look ahead with joy. The future is shrouded in darkness.

142. Cough, coughing. Desire to bark at the world. "See me! Listen to me!"

143. Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea. The desire to beat and beat everyone and everything around. Extreme anger.

144. Cyst.
Scrolling through old images that hurt. Carry on with your wounds and the harm that has been done to you. False growth (growth in the wrong direction.)
The stage of unshed sadness, active hope for getting rid of the annoying feeling of sadness and readiness to shed a tear. He does not dare and does not want to cry, but he cannot help crying.

145. Brushes. Hand problems - problems with the characteristics listed below.
Hold and manage. Grab and hold tight. Grab and release. Caress. Pinching. All ways to interact with diverse life experiences.

146. Intestines. Assimilation. Absorption. Easy emptying.

147. Intestines - personify liberation from waste. - problems - fear of letting go of the old, unnecessary.

148. Menopause.
- problems - fear of ceasing to be desired / desired. Fear of age. Self rejection. Not good enough. (Usually accompanied by hysteria.)

149. Skin.
Protects our individuality. organ of perception. The skin hides the spiritual life of a person; it is the first to give him a sign.
skin diseases - anxiety, fear. Old, deeply hidden dregs, dirt, something disgusting. I'm in danger.
Dry skin - a person does not want to show his anger, the drier the skin, the more hidden anger.
Dandruff is the desire to get rid of annoying thoughtlessness.
Peeling of dry skin is an urgent need to get rid of anger, which, however, does not work out due to inability.
Redness of dry skin - anger has become explosive. Peeling and reddening of dry skin in the form of spots is characteristic of psoriasis.
Psoriasis is mental masochism: heroic mental patience that brings happiness to a person with its scope.
Oily skin - a person is not shy about venting his anger. He stays young longer.
Purulent acne is a specific malice or enemy, but he keeps this anger in himself.
Normal skin is a balanced person.
Pigment is the "light" of life, temperament. The suppression of temperament makes the skin white.
Age spots - a person lacks recognition, he cannot assert himself, his sense of dignity is hurt.
Congenital spots, moles - the same problems, but in the mother, due to similar stresses.
Depigmentation spots are an unconscious feeling of guilt, because of which a person does not allow himself to assert himself in life. A person suppresses himself because of someone else's opinion, often this is a debt of past life karma.
Red spots - excitement, indicate that there is a struggle between fear and anger.

150. Knees.
They represent pride and ego. They express the principles according to which progress in life occurs. They indicate with what feelings we go through life.
- problems - stubborn, unyielding ego and pride. Inability to submit. Fear, lack of flexibility. I won't give up for anything.
- a peace-loving, friendly and balanced traveler has healthy knees,
- the traveler, walking with battle and deceit, has broken knees,
- in a person who wants to outsmart life, the menisci are damaged,
- the knees of a person walking with pressure get sick.
- from sadness about failures, water forms in the knees.
- from the sadness caused by revenge, blood accumulates.
Violations in achieving life goals, dissatisfaction with the goals achieved:
- crunch and creak - the desire to be good for everyone, the connection of the past and the future;
- weakness in the knees - hopelessness about progress in life, fear and doubts about the success of the future, loss of faith, a person constantly drives himself forward, at the thought that he is wasting time - self-flagellation mixed with self-pity;
- weakening of the knee ligaments - hopelessness to advance in life;
- knee ligaments reflect progress in life with the help of connections:
a) violation of the flexion and extensor ligaments of the knees - violation of honest and business relationships;
b) violation of the lateral and transverse ligaments of the knees - a violation in business relations that take into account the interests of all parties;
c) violations of the intra-articular ligaments of the knees - disrespect for a hidden informal business partner.
d) torn knee ligaments - using your ligaments to fool someone.
- a painful aching sensation in the knees - fear due to the fact that life has stalled.
- clicking in the knees - a person, due to the preservation of his reputation, suppresses the sadness and anger caused by stagnation in movement.
- rupture of the knee tendons - an attack of anger at stagnation in life.
- damage to the meniscus - an attack of anger at the one who knocked the ground out from under your feet, did not keep his promise, etc.
- damage to the patella (patella) - anger at the fact that your progress has not found support or protection. The stronger the desire of a person to kick another, the more severe the knee injury he gets.

151. Colic, sharp pains. Mental irritation, anger, impatience, annoyance, irritation in the environment.

152. Colitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon.
It embodies the ease of leaving what presses. Overly demanding parents. Feelings of oppression and defeat. A huge need for love, affection. Lack of a sense of security.

153. Spastic colitis. Fear of letting go, letting go. Lack of a sense of security.

154. Ulcerative colitis.
An ulcer of every kind is caused by the cruelty that comes from the suppression of sorrow; and she, in turn, from the unwillingness to be helpless and to reveal this helplessness. Ulcerative colitis is the disease of the martyr, the one who suffers for his faith and beliefs.

155. Lump in throat. Distrust in the process of life. Fear.

156. Coma. Escape from something, from someone.

157. Coronary thrombosis.
Feelings of loneliness and fear. I don't do enough. I will never do this. Not good enough/good enough.

158. Scab. Dried sadness.

159. Clubfoot. Attitude towards children with increased demands.

160. Bones.
They represent the structure of the universe. Attitude to the father and to the man.
-deformation - mental pressure and tightness. Muscles cannot stretch. Lack of mobility of mind.
- fractures, cracks - rebellion against authority.

161. Pubic bone. Represents the protection of the genitals.

162. Bone marrow.
Like a woman, being a source of love, he is under the strong protection of a man - bones - and does what a woman was created for - to love a man.

163. Urticaria, rash. Little hidden fears. You make an elephant out of a fly.

164. Blood vessels of the eyes - burst. Own malice.

165. Hemorrhage in the brain. Stroke. Paralysis.
- A person overestimates the potential of his brain and wants to be better than others. A kind of revenge for the past - in fact, a thirst for revenge. The severity of the disease depends on the magnitude of this thirst.
- manifestation - imbalance, headaches, heaviness in the head. Two possibilities of a stroke: - a blood vessel of the brain bursts, with a sudden attack of anger and an angry desire to take revenge on the one who considers him a fool. Love turned into malice breaks out of the boundaries, i.e. from a blood vessel.
- blockage of the blood vessels of the brain - a person suffering from an inferiority complex loses hope of proving that he is not the same as others think. A breakdown due to the complete loss of self-esteem.
Whoever retains his mind, and the feeling of guilt intensifies, is not given to recover. Whoever feels joy from the fact that the disease saved him from a humiliating position, recovers.
CONCLUSION: If you wish to avoid a stroke, release the fear of evil discontent.

166. Bleeding. Departing joy. But where, where? Frustration, the collapse of everything.

167. Blood.
It personifies the joy in life, the free flow through it. Blood symbolizes the soul and the woman.
- density of blood - greed.
- mucus in the blood - resentment at the unfulfilled desire to get something from the female.

168. Blood, diseases. (See leukemia.)
No joy, no circulation of thoughts, ideas. Curtailment - blocking the flow of joy.

169. Blood discharge. Desire to take revenge.

170. Blood pressure.
- high - over tension, a long-existing insoluble emotional problem.
- low - lack of love in childhood, defeatist mood. What is the use of all this, it still won't work!?

171. Croup - (see bronchitis.) Heated atmosphere in the family. Arguments, swearing. Sometimes boiling inside.

172. Lungs.
The ability to accept life. organs of freedom. Freedom is love, servility is hate. Anger at the female or male sex destroys the corresponding organ - left or right.
-problems - depression, depression. Grief, sadness, grief, misfortune, failure. Fear of accepting life. Doesn't deserve to live life to the fullest.
Inflammation of the lungs (in a child) - both parents have a blocked feeling of love, the child's energy has flowed to the parents. There are quarrels and screams in the family, or condemning silence.

173. Pulmonary pleura.
The disease indicates problems associated with the restriction of freedom.
- covering the lungs - limiting one's own freedom.
- lining the inside of the chest cavity - freedom is limited by others.

174. Leukemia - leukemia. Persistent increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood.
Hardly suppressed inspiration. What is the use of all this!?

175. Leukopenia is a decrease in the number of leukocytes.
Painful reduction in the blood of white blood cells - leukocytes.
A woman has a destructive attitude towards a man, and a man has a destructive attitude towards himself.
Leukorrhea - (whites) - the belief that women are helpless before the opposite sex. Anger at a partner.

176. Lymph - symbolizes the spirit and the man.
Problems - spiritual impurity, greed - a warning that the mind needs to be switched to the essentials: love and joy!
- mucus in the lymph - resentment at the unfulfilled desire to get something from the male.

177. Lymph nodes - tumor.
Chronic enlargement of the head and neck - an attitude with arrogant contempt for male stupidity and professional helplessness, especially when there is a feeling that a person is not appreciated enough or his genius goes unnoticed.
- censure, guilt and a huge fear that "not good enough." A frantic race to prove myself - until there is no substance left in the blood to support itself. In this race to be accepted, the joy of life is forgotten.

178. Fever. Anger, anger, anger, anger.

179. Face - personifies what we show to the World.
Expresses attitude to visibility, to illusions.
- Thickening of the skin of the face and covering with tubercles - anger and sadness.
- Papilloma - constant sadness about the collapse of a particular illusion.
- age spots, or papilloma is pigmented - a person, contrary to his desire, does not give free rein to his own temperament.
- sagging features - comes from skewed thoughts. Resentment about life.
Feelings of resentment towards life.

180. Shingles.
Waiting for the other shoe to fall off the foot. Fear and tension. Too much sensitivity.

181. Lishay-herpes on the genitals, coccyx.
Complete and deep belief in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. public shame. Faith in the punishment of the Lord. Rejection of the genitals.
- a cold on the lips - bitter words remain unspoken.

182. Ringworm.
Letting others get under your skin. Don't feel good enough or clean enough.

183. Ankles. They personify mobility and direction, where to go, as well as the ability to receive pleasure.

184. Elbows. They represent a change of direction and the admission of a new experience of experiences. Punching the road with elbows.

185. Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx.
So recklessly you can't speak. Fear to speak out. Resentment, indignation, Resentment against authority.

186. Baldness, baldness. Voltage. Trying to control everything and everything around. Do not trust the process of life.

187. Anemia. Vitality and the meaning of life dried up. Believing that you are not good enough destroys the power of joy in life. Occurs in one who considers the breadwinner bad,
- in a child: - if the mother considers her husband a poor breadwinner of the family, - when the mother considers herself helpless and stupid and exhausts the child with lamentations about this.

188. Malaria. Lack of balance with nature and life.

189. Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland. Over caring for someone or something.

190. Mastoiditis - inflammation of the nipple.
Frustration. Wanting not to hear what's going on. Fear that infects a sober understanding of the situation.

191. Uterus. Represents the place of creativity.
If a woman believes that the feminine in her is her body and demands love and reverence from her husband and children, then her uterus must suffer, because. she demands the cult of her body. She feels that she is not loved, not noticed, etc. Sex with a husband is a routine self-sacrifice - the wife's debt is fulfilled. Passion is spent on hoarding and is no longer enough for a bed.
- endometriosis, a disease of the mucous membrane - the replacement of self-love with sugar. Frustration, frustration and insecurity.

192. Meningitis of the spinal cord. Inflamed thinking and anger at life.
Very strong disagreements in the family. Lots of clutter inside. Lack of support. Living in an atmosphere of anger and fear.

193. Meniscus. An attack of anger at the one who knocked the ground out from under your feet, did not keep his promise, etc.

194. Menstrual problems.
Rejection of your feminine nature. The belief that the genitals are full of sin or dirty.

195. Migraine. Resistance to the flow of life.
Disgust when led. Sexual fears. (Usually can be relieved by masturbation.)
The injection of sadness causes an increase in intracranial pressure in the adult, with a very severe headache, which culminates in vomiting, after which it subsides.
In the invisible plane there is a critical accumulation of sadness, which at the physical level causes swelling of the brain. The movement of the brain fluid is blocked by fear: they don’t love me, because of which the suppressed fear develops into anger - they don’t love me, they don’t feel sorry for me, they don’t consider me, they don’t listen to me, etc. When restraint acquires life-threatening proportions and a desire to fight for life awakens in a person, i.e. suppressed aggressive anger against life, at that moment vomiting occurs. (See vomiting.)

196. Myocarditis. Inflammation of the heart muscle - a lack of love exhausts the heart chakra.

197. Myoma.
A woman accumulates in herself the cares of her mother (the uterus is the organ of motherhood), adding them to her own, and from the impotence to overcome them, she begins to hate everything.
The daughter's feeling or fear that her mother does not love me clashes with the mother's domineering, possessive behavior.

198. Myopia, myopia. distrust of what lies ahead. Fear of the future.

199. Brain. Represents a computer distributive model.
- tumor - stubbornness, refusal to change old thought patterns, erroneous beliefs, miscalculated beliefs.

200. Corns. (Usually on the legs.) Hardened areas of thought are a stubborn attachment to pain experienced in the past.

201. Mononucleosis - damage to the palatine, pharyngeal tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen and characteristic changes in the blood.
The man no longer cares about himself. One of the forms of diminishing life. Anger at not getting love and approval. Lots of internal criticism. Fear of your own anger. You force others to make mistakes, you attribute mistakes to them. The habit of playing the game: But, isn't it all terrible?

202. Sea sickness. Lack of control. Death fear.

203. Urine, incontinence. Fear of parents, usually father.

204. Bladder. Not the realization in practice of their spiritual abilities. It accumulates disappointments affecting the emotional sphere,
- an unpleasant smell of urine - disappointments associated with the lies of the person himself.
- inflammation - exasperation due to the fact that work dulls the senses.
- chronic inflammation of the bladder - the accumulation of bitterness for life.
- infection - humiliated, usually by the opposite sex, lover or mistress. Blaming others
- CYSTITIS - restraining oneself in relation to old thoughts. Reluctance and fear to let them go. Offended.

205. Urolithiasis.
A suppressed bouquet of stresses to a stone indifference, so as not to turn out to be unintelligent.

206. Muscles. Represent our ability to move through life. Resistance to new experiences.

207. Muscular atrophy - drying out of muscles.
Arrogance towards others. A person considers himself better than others and is ready to defend this at any cost.
He does not put people in anything, but he craves fame and power. The sickness comes to help prevent mental arrogance from turning into outward violence.
Overexertion of the calf muscles indicates a conscious desire to hurry, shrinkage means the suppression of sadness. for example - all the men in the family were forced to walk on tiptoe for fear of disturbing the mother in her eternal haste. Men in the family were assigned a secondary role in economic affairs. Tiptoe walking signifies exceptional obedience.

208. Muscles. Attitude towards mother and woman.

209. Adrenal glands.
organs of dignity. Virtue is the courage to believe in one's own inner wisdom and grow in the direction of increasing that wisdom. Dignity is the crown of courage. The adrenal glands are like caps on the heads of the kidneys, a sign of respect for both female and male prudence, which means worldly wisdom.

210. Narcolepsy - irresistible drowsiness, Zhelino's disease.
Reluctance to be here. Wanting to get away from it all. Can't handle.

211. Drug addiction.
If fear is not loved, it develops into disappointment with everyone and everything, and in the realization that no one needs me, that no one needs my love, a person is drawn to drugs.
Panic fear of death leads a person to drugs.
Getting into a spiritual impasse, having suffered from false goodness, as the only goal of life. Drug use destroys spirituality. One of the types of drug addiction is work addiction (see smoking).

212. Violation of digestion.
In an infant, infections caused by Escherichia coli, gastritis, inflammation of the intestines, etc., mean that the mother is frightened and angry.

213. Neuralgia - an attack of pain along the course of a nerve. Punishment for guilt. Flour, pain in communication.

214. Neurasthenia - irritable weakness, neurosis - a functional disorder of the psyche, a disease of the soul.
If a person, out of fear that he is not loved, feels that everything is bad and that everyone harms him personally, he becomes aggressive. And the desire to be a good person makes you suppress aggressiveness, from such an internal combat of fears - a neurosis develops.
The neurotic does not recognize his own mistakes, for him everyone is bad except himself.
People with an unshakably rigid, rational mindset, which implements the will with an iron sequence, sooner or later fall into a state of crisis, and a loud cry marks the beginning of a neurosis.

215. Unhealthy desire for purity.
It occurs when a person has many problems with his internal uncleanliness, i.e. resentment and the higher the requirements not only for one's own but also for someone else's cleanliness.

216. Terminally ill/sick.
It cannot be cured by external means, we must "go inside" in order to carry out treatment, healing, re-awareness. This (disease) came (attracted) "from nowhere" and will go back - to "nowhere".

217. Incorrect posture, landing of the head. Inappropriate timing. Not now, later. Fear of the future.

218. Nervous breakdown.
Concentrated self-centeredness. Pinching (blocking) of communication channels. Runaway.

219. Nervousness. Anxiety, tossing, anxiety, haste, fear.

220. Nerves. They represent communication and connection. Receptive transmitters. (And according to academician V.P. Kaznacheev, energy conductors, transport routes.)
- problems with nerves - blocking of energy, tightness, looping, blocking of vital forces within oneself, in a certain energy center. (Chakra.) See the image of the energy structure of a person on the page of the site "Conversation with a Healer".

221. Indigestion, dyspepsia, indigestion.
Sitting deep inside fear, horror, anxiety.

222. Intemperance, intemperance.
Letting go. Feeling emotionally out of control. Lack of self-feeding.

223. Accidents.
Unwillingness to speak aloud about their needs and problems. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.

224. Nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys. Overreacting to adversity and failure.

225. Legs. Carry us forward in life.
- problems - when work is done for the sake of prosperity in life.
Athletic - the inability to move forward easily. Fear that they will not be accepted as/such as/what they are.
- upper legs - obsession with old injuries.
- the lower part of the legs - fear of the future, unwillingness to move.
- feet (up to the ankles) - personify our understanding of ourselves, life, other people.
- problems with the feet - fear of the future and lack of strength to walk through life.
- swelling on the thumb - lack of joy when meeting with the experience of life.
- ingrown toenail - anxiety and guilt regarding the right to move forward.
- toes - represent the small details of the future.

226. Nails represent protection.
- bitten nails - frustration of plans, collapse of hopes, devouring oneself, anger at one of the parents.

227. Nose - personifies recognition, approval of oneself.
- stuffy, clogged nose, swelling in the nose - do not recognize your own value, sadness due to your own insolvency,
- flows from the nose, drips - a person feels sorry for himself, the need for recognition, approval. The feeling that they do not recognize and do not notice. Cry for love, ask for help. - snot - the situation is even more offensive,
- thick snot - a person thinks a lot about his offense,
- squelching nose - a person still does not understand what happened to him,
- noisy blowing of thick snot - a person believes that he knows exactly who or what is the offender,
- bleeding from the nose - an outbreak of a thirst for revenge.
- posterior nasal flow - internal crying, children's tears, sacrifice.

228. Baldness.
Fear and disappointment that I am not loved destroys the hairline, both in women and in men. Severe baldness occurs after a mental crisis. Fighting people cannot move forward in life without love, but they want to. To this end, a bald person subconsciously seeks contact with higher powers and finds it. The spirit of such people is more open than that of a person with good hair. So there is no bad without good.

229. Metabolism. - problems - inability to give from the heart.

230. Fainting, loss of consciousness. Disguise, can't handle, fear.

231. Sense of smell.
Violation - a sudden feeling of hopelessness due to the inability to find at least some way out.

232. Burns. Irritation, anger, burning.

233. Obesity is a soft tissue problem.
"Everything in life is not the way I want." It means that a person wants to get more from life than to give. Anger makes a person fat.
Anger accumulates in adipose tissues. People whose mother has absorbed a lot of stress and leads a merciless life struggle are prone to obesity. Because we ourselves choose a mother, then among other problems, we are in order to learn how to achieve a normal weight. Start getting rid of anger first of all by forgiveness!
Neck, shoulders, arms - anger that they don’t like me, that nothing works out for me, they don’t perceive me, in short, anger that everything is not the way I want. Torso - malicious accusations and guilt, no matter who they concern. Waist - a person stigmatizes another for fear of being guilty himself and accumulates this anger in himself.
- hiding sadness behind a joyful expression,
- compassion, but the society of compassionate people quickly exhausts,
- restraining oneself and trying to improve the life of another in the expectation that he will moderate his tears,
- forcing yourself to live with someone who pities himself, the more patience and desire to remain intelligent in him no matter what, the slower and more stable he will put on weight. If hope for a better life glimmers in his soul, then adipose tissue will be dense, if hope goes out, adipose tissue becomes flabby,
- weight gain after illness - the sufferer wants people to know about his hard life, but at the same time do without words. It is important to release the fear of self-pity. Continuous release of self-pity helps to reduce weight, but you should stay away from self-pitying people.
- ever-increasing adipose tissue is a form of self-defense, the fear of weakening overpowers the desire to lose weight.
- fear of the future and the stress of hoarding for the future prevents getting rid of excess weight (for example, death from starvation in one of past lives). The greater the inner helplessness of a person, the larger outwardly he is.

234. Parathyroid glands. Organs of great promises.
They are located on the back surface of the thyroid gland - the will area. Express the will of God to give man the freedom of choice. They say: Love anything - earth or sky, man or woman, materiality or spirituality, but most importantly - love without conditions. If you love someone or something sincerely, from the heart, then you will learn to love others. - each of the four thyroid glands has its own task:
a) lower left - strength - calcium - man,
b) upper left - prudence - phosphorus - man,
c) lower right - stamina - iron - woman,
d) upper right - flexibility - selenium - woman,
A woman defines life, a man creates life.
- glands regulate the condition of human bones.

235. Muscle necrosis.
Excessive sadness due to their poor fitness or simply because of their low physical strength.
- for men - sadness because of their male helplessness, - for women - exhausting themselves like a man, an attempt to overcome sadness by force.

236. Swelling. Attachment in thinking. Clogged painful thoughts.

237. Tumors.
(see edema.) - atheroma, or sebaceous gland cyst - blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland of the skin, - lipoma, or wen - a benign tumor of adipose tissue, - dermoid, or skin tumor of the gonads, may consist of tissues of different consistency, often from thick fat - teratoma, or a congenital tumor consisting of many tissues. It is not the difference between these diseases that is important, but the fundamental similarity of their occurrence! Carry around with old wounds and shocks. Remorse, remorse.
- neoplasms - old grievances caused to you by old wounds. The indignation in oneself of indignation, indignation, feelings of resentment.

238. Tumor of the breast. A bitter resentment against her husband without the intention of starting to change herself!

239. Osteomyelitis - inflammation of the bone marrow.
Feelings that are not supported by others. Frustration, resentment and anger about the very structure of life.

240. Osteoporosis - rarefaction of bone tissue.
The feeling that there is no support left in life. Loss of faith in the ability of the male sex to restore strength and vitality. As well as the loss of faith in their own ability to restore their former idealized and promising strength. Bones, affected by osteoporosis, wept dry, to emptiness.

241. Edema, dropsy.
Occurs with constant sadness. Who or what do you want to get rid of? Constant puffiness turns into fullness and obesity disease. Accumulations of puffiness in tissues and organs of different consistency - from a clear liquid to a thick slurry, turn into tissue tumors.

242. Otitis
- inflammation of the ear, pain in the ears. Unwillingness to hear. Unwillingness, refusal to believe what they heard. Too much confusion, noise, arguing parents.

243. Belching. You greedily and too quickly swallow everything that happens to you.

244. Numbness
- paresthesia, numbness, stiffness, numbness. Denial of love and attention. mental death.

245. Paget's disease
- is associated with very high values ​​of alkaline phosphatase, osteomalacia and moderate rickets. The feeling that there is no more foundation left to build on. "Nobody cares".

246. Pernicious habits. Escape from yourself. Not knowing how to love yourself.

247. Sinus sinuses, disease, fistula. Irritation to some person, to some close one.

248. Fingers. Represent certain details of life.
The big one is the father. Represents intelligence, anxiety, excitement, anxiety, concern.
Index - mother. Represents ego and fear.
The middle one is the man himself. Represents anger and sexuality.
Nameless - brothers and sisters. Represents unions, grief, sadness.
Little finger - strangers. Represents family, pretense, claims.
Finger problems - problems associated with giving and receiving in the course of work and various activities.
Toe problems are everyday problems associated with movement and success in the field of work and affairs in general.

249. Panaritium.
Ingrown toenail: a nail is a window to the world, and if a person is interested in exactly what he sees, peeping out of the corner of his eye, then the nail grows in breadth, as if expanding its field of vision. If it hurts, then peeping has become espionage. Conclusion: Don't poke your nose into other people's business.

250. Alcoholic pancreatitis. Anger at not being able to defeat a partner.

251. Chronic pancreatitis.
A person accumulates anger for a long time. Negation. An upset, because life seems to have lost its sweetness, its freshness.

253. Paralysis is a victim of anger. Resistance. Flight from a situation or a person.
Making fun of a person's mental abilities paralyzes the brain. If a child is made fun of, he may become hysterical. The pent-up hatred of the senseless running erupts in a fit of anger, and the body refuses to run.

254. Paralysis of the facial nerve. Unwillingness to express their feelings. Extreme degree of control over anger.

255. Paralytic trembling, state of complete helplessness. Paralyzing thoughts, looping, attachment.

256. Parkinson's disease. A strong desire to control everything and everyone. Fear.

257. Fracture of the femoral neck. Stubbornness in defending their rightness.

258. Liver - concentration of malice and anger, primitive emotions.
Hiding the boiling anger inside behind a smiling mask leads to splashing out anger into the blood. (Narrowing of the bile ducts). - problems - chronic complaints about everything. You feel bad all the time. Finding excuses for nitpicking to deceive yourself.
- liver enlargement - overflowing with sadness, anger at the state.
- reduction of the liver - fear for the state.
- cirrhosis of the liver - dependence on state power, a victim of his closed nature, in the course of life's struggle, he accumulated deep layers of destructive anger - to the point of necrosis of the liver.
- swelling of the liver - sadness due to injustice.
- bleeding in the liver - a thirst for revenge directed against the state.

259. Age spots (see skin).

260. Pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney and pelvis. Blaming others.
A person humiliated by the opposite sex or lover / mistress.

261. Pyorrhea - suppuration. Weak expressionless people, talkers. Lack of ability to make decisions.

262. Digestive tract. Problems - doing work for the sake of work.

263. Esophagus. (Main passage.) -problems - you can't take anything from life. Core beliefs are destroyed.

264. Food poisoning - letting others take control of you, feeling defenseless.

265. Weeping. Tears are the river of life.
Tears of joy are salty, tears of sadness are bitter, tears of disappointment burn like acid.

266. Pleurisy - inflammation of the serous membrane of the lungs.
Anger sits in a person against the restriction of freedom and he suppresses the desire to cry, which is why the pleura begins to secrete a lot of excess fluid and wet pleurisy occurs.

267. Shoulders. It is meant to bring joy, not a heavy burden.
- stooped - (see scoliosis) - carry the burden of life, helplessness, defenselessness.

268. Flat feet.
Male submissiveness, dejection, unwillingness or inability to overcome economic difficulties. The mother absolutely does not rely on her father, does not respect him, does not rely on him.

269. Pneumonia inflammation of the lung. Emotional wounds that cannot be healed, weariness from life, driven to despair.

270. Damage - anger at oneself / oneself, guilt.

271. Increased blood pressure. It is the habit of judging and finding the faults of others.

272. High cholesterol. Maximalism, the desire to get everything at once and quickly.

273. Gout. Lack of patience, need for dominance.

274. Pancreas - personifies the sweetness, freshness of life.
This is a body that allows you to judge how a person is able to endure loneliness and be a person. Healthy, when a person does good for himself, and only then for others.
- Edema is an unshed sadness, a desire to humiliate another.
- acute inflammation - the malice of the humiliated,
- chronic inflammation - picky attitude towards others,
- cancer - a wish of evil to everyone whom he has written down as his enemies and whose bullying he has to swallow.
Any prohibition irritates the pancreas and it stops digesting food. Particularly serious harm is done to the pancreas when a person forbids himself something good that he badly needs (a small evil, so that, having learned it, learn to avoid the big one). When ordered to oneself or others, it strikes the external secretion of the pancreas, which leads to the release of digestive enzymes and an increase in blood sugar. The protest against the orders blocks the release of insulin, the blood sugar level drops.
- diabetes mellitus - a person is fed up with the orders of others and, following their example, he himself begins to give orders.

275. Spine
– flexible life support. The spine connects the energy past, present and future. He, like a mirror, reflects the basic truths about a person. He characterizes his father. Weak spine - weak father. Crooked spine - inability to follow the support received from life, from the father, attempts to adhere to old principles and obsolete ideas, lack of integrity, completeness, distrust of life, lack of courage to admit one's wrong, father with twisted principles. If the child is hunched over, then his father probably has a gentle character. At the height of each vertebra, channels branch off into organs and tissues; when these channels are blocked by the energy of a particular stress, damage to an organ or part of the body occurs:
- from the crown of the head to the 3rd chest + shoulder and upper arm + 1-3 fingers - a feeling of love - fear that they don’t love me, that they don’t love my parents, family, children, life partner, etc.
- 4-5 chest sts + lower arm + 4-5th fingers + axillary cavity - feelings of guilt and accusations associated with love - fear that they accuse me, they don’t like me. The accusation that they do not like me.
- 6-12 chest - guilt and blaming others - fear that I am accused, blaming others.
-1-5 lumbar - guilt associated with material problems and blaming others - fear that I am accused of being unable to solve financial problems, spending money, blaming another for all material problems. - from the sacrum to the fingers - economic problems and fear of them.

276. An indicator of sugar in the blood - expresses the spiritual courage of a person to do good, first of all, for himself.

277. Poliomyelitis - paralyzing jealousy, the desire to stop someone.

278. Polyp of the rectum. The suppression of sadness due to dissatisfaction with the work and the results of one's work.

279. Sexual organs - unwillingness to take care of oneself.

Inflammation in men: - who blames women for their sexual frustrations, believes that all women are equally bad, believes that he suffers because of women.

Underdevelopment in boys: - a woman makes fun of her husband, and directs all her love and excessive guardianship to her son, which scares him very much.

The testicles do not descend: - the mother's ironic attitude towards her husband's sexual characteristics.

In women, external - personify vulnerability, vulnerability.

280. Diarrhea - fear of what might happen. Eagerness to see the results of your work. Diarrhea is the stronger, the stronger the fear of not being able to do something.

281. Defeat of skin, hair, nails.

Excessive sadness about appearance, in which he sees the reason for his failures, and efforts to correct the appearance do not bear fruit. The degree of defeat is proportional to bitterness and to how much a person has given up on himself.

282. Cuts are punishment for not following your own rules.

283. Renal failure. Thirst for revenge, which leads to the permeability of the blood vessels of the kidneys.

284. Kidneys are organs of learning. Man learns from obstacles, which is fear.

The stronger the fear, the stronger the obstacle. Development is the process of liberation from fear. The organs of the right side symbolize efficiency, the left - spirituality. - do not suppress your emotions, do not force yourself, forcing restraint out of a desire to be intelligent. You have the ability to think with which you can release your stresses and gain dignity.

Problems - criticism, disappointment, annoyance, failure, failure, lack of something, mistake, failure, inability. You react like a small child.

Inflammation - chronic nephritis, shriveled kidneys - feel like a child who "can't do it right" and who is "not good enough". Loser, loss, defeat.

285. Premenstrual syndrome.

Allow embarrassment and confusion to reign within you, give strength to external influences, denial of female processes.

286. Prostate gland.

Prostate health reflects the mother's attitude towards her husband and men as the embodiment of fatherhood, as well as the reaction of the son to the mother's vision of the world. Love, respect and veneration by the mother of her husband provides her son with a healthy life. It falls ill in a man, for whom the masculine principle is associated with the genitals, absorbs all male insults into the prostate gland, since it is the organ of physical masculinity and fatherhood. Male helplessness before the derogatory attitude of women towards the male sex.

A tumor of the prostate gland - a man who is not allowed to give all the best that he has begins to feel sorry for himself because of his own helplessness. Talks about the inconsolable sadness of a man because of his inability to be a good father.

287. Premature birth - a child, instead of dying or suffering, decides to run away. The child is ready for self-sacrifice for the life of the mother.

288. Leprosy. Complete inability to manage life, to understand it. A persistent belief that one is not good enough or pure enough.

289. Prostate - personifies the male principle.

Prostate disease - mental fears that weaken male nature, sexual pressure and guilt, rejection, concessions, faith in age.

290. Cold with coryza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Too much comes on at once. Confusion, confusion, little harm, little wounds, cuts, bruises. Belief type: "I get three colds every winter."

291. Cold with chilliness and chilliness.

Self-restraint, desire to retreat, "leave me alone", mental contraction - pull and pull.

292. Cold sores

Ulcers, fever blisters, blistering, labialis. The words of anger that torment a person and the fear of saying them openly.

293. Pimples - rejection of oneself, dissatisfaction with oneself.

Not recognizing your own mistakes. Expresses attitude towards completion of work. - spasm - unwillingness to see the result of their work because of fear, - incontinence - the desire to quickly get rid of the results of their work, as if from a nightmare. - proctitis - fear of publishing the results of their work. - paraproctitis - a painful and fearful attitude to the evaluation of one's work. - itching of the anus - a fierce struggle between a sense of duty and unwillingness to do something, - fissures of the anus - one's own merciless compulsion, - rupture of the anus from a dense fecal mass - the desire not to trifle, but to create something great that you can admire. It bleeds when you want to take revenge on the hindering the implementation of great and noble goals. - inflammation, diaper rash - big bright plans, but the fear that nothing will work out. In children, parents painfully assess the results of their upbringing. - infectious inflammation - blaming others for the impossibility of achieving the goal of the accused. - fungal inflammation - bitterness from failure in business, - varicose veins - accumulation of anger against others, postponing today's affairs for tomorrow. - cancer - the desire to be above all things, a contemptuous attitude towards the results of one's work. Fear of hearing critical reviews.

295. Mental illnesses.

Excessive obedience to parents, teachers, the state, order and law makes a person mentally ill, because this is just the desire of a frightened person to curry love.

296. Psoriasis.

Mental masochism is a heroic mental patience that brings happiness to a person with its scope. Mortification of feelings and of oneself, refusal to take responsibility for one's own feelings. Fear of being hurt, hurt.

297. Pfeiffer's disease - infectious mononucleosis, Filatov's disease, mononucleosis tonsillitis, acute benign lymphoblastosis. Don't take care of yourself anymore. Anger at not getting good grades and love.

298. Heels - kicking like a skittish horse, dispersing competitors.

299. Balance - absence - scattered thinking, not concentrated.

Energy information about cancer enters the body even when a neighbor or parents have cancer, etc. The main thing is that a person is afraid and fear attracts him to himself. - rational pride in their suffering, malicious malice - the fear that they do not love me, causes the need to hide their malicious malice, because everyone needs the love of others, there is never too much of it - a rapidly developing cancer. Carrying hate, what's the use of all this? Prolonged feeling of resentment and resentment, a deep wound, intense, hidden, or colored by grief and sadness, devouring oneself.

301. Cancer of the brain - fear that they do not love me.

302. Breast cancer.

The mammary gland is very susceptible to reproaches, complaints, accusations. - stress in which a woman accuses her husband of not loving her - stress, a woman feels guilty because her husband does not love her because of infidelity, misunderstanding, inexperience - pathology of the left breast - awareness the fact that the father did not love the mother, pity for the mother, developing into pity and compassion for women in general - the pathology of the right breast - the mother does not love me and I blame her for this. The reasons for stress - men do not like women, are indifferent to them: - mutual accusations of parents, - conflicts between the male and female sexes, - denial of love (especially among unmarried and divorced ones), - the spirit of stubbornness: I can do without a husband. As well as the denial of stress and the cultivation of anger - men do not love me, it is not clear what they find in other women - envy of the one they love - the father does not love me because he wanted a son. If such stresses accumulate, and patients and doctors do not deal with them, then bitterness arises, fear intensifies, developing into violent anger.

303. Stomach cancer is a compulsion.

304. Uterine cancer.

A woman becomes hardened because the male sex is not so good that she can love her husband, or is humiliated because of children who do not obey her mother, or because of the absence of children, and feels helpless because of the impossibility of changing her life. - cervix - a woman's perverse attitude to sex.

305. Bladder cancer - wishing evil on so-called bad people.

306. Prostate cancer.

Anger at his helplessness, which arises from the fact that the female sex constantly mocks manhood and fatherhood, and he cannot respond to this like a man. The man's anger at his sexual weakness, which does not allow him to take revenge in a primitive rude way. Fear of being accused of not being a real man.

307. Cancer.

Occurs when a sad person feels helpless and becomes unkind.

308. Wounds - anger and guilt on oneself. The value depends on the degree of death of sadness, the intensity of bleeding depends on the strength of the thirst for revenge, depending on who the person sees as an enemy and from whom he demands to correct his life, the corresponding assistant comes.

A criminal comes to those who hate evil and do not recognize their own cruelty, - to those who hate the state and do not consider themselves part of it, a surgeon comes - who hates himself because of his own worthlessness, he kills himself.

309. Multiple sclerosis.

Mental rigidity, hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility. The disease of a man who has given up on himself. Arises in response to deep hidden sadness and a sense of meaninglessness. Years of physical overexertion in order to achieve something very valuable destroys the meaning of life.

Workaholics get sick, who do not spare themselves or others, but become only angrier if their plans are not carried out. Athletes who, despite overtraining and full dedication to the sport, luck slips out of their hands. This severe and medically incurable disease arises from anger and bitterness of defeat, when a person does not get what he sought.

The longer he intends to laugh at life and thereby hide his anger at life's injustice, the more hopeless the destruction of his muscles becomes. The destruction of muscle tissue usually occurs in the children of a very belligerent mother.

Her anger suppresses the family and destroys the muscles of the child, although she will later look for the culprit in her daughter-in-law or son-in-law. A cure is possible when a person has a desire to help himself, a desire to change his way of thinking.

310. Sprain.

Reluctance to move in a certain direction of life, resistance to movement.

311. Combing scratches - the feeling that life is dragging you, that you are being skinned.

312. Rickets - lack of emotional nourishment, lack of love and security.

313. Vomiting - violent rejection of ideas, fear of the new. It represents an aversion to the world, to the future, a desire to return to the good old days. A strong physical jolt caused by the gag reflex stretches the neck deformed from tension, allowing the cervical vertebrae to shift to the desired position, when the energy channels passing through the neck open and the body gets the opportunity to remove accumulated toxins through the liver.

One-time - a terrible fear: what will happen now, the desire to make amends for what was done, as if nothing had happened.

Chronic - thoughtlessness: first he speaks, then he thinks and constantly reproaches himself for such a manner, and repeats the same thing.

314. Child.

The mind of a child is the father with his physical world and education, Spirituality is the father with his spiritual dignity. Discretion is the father of this combined physical and spiritual wisdom.

315. Rheumatism.

The desire to quickly mobilize oneself, keep pace everywhere and get used to any situation (become mobile). The desire to be the first in everything tells a person to ask himself to the maximum, denying himself all positive emotions. Accusation through allegory. The disease of hypocrisy and hypocritical arbitrariness over the male sex and the development of material life, The destruction of one's own supports by hypocritical kindness.

316. Rheumatoid arthritis - strong criticism of authority, feeling that they are very burdened, deceived.

317. Respiratory diseases - fear of fully accepting life.

318. Mouth - personifies the acceptance of new ideas and nourishment.

Bad smell - rotten, fragile, weak positions, low talk, gossip, dirty thoughts.

Problems - closed mind, inability to accept new ideas, established opinions.

319. Hands - personify the ability and ability to withstand the experiences and experience of life (from the hands to the shoulders). Doing work just for the sake of receiving. Right - communication with the female sex. Left - with male. Fingers: - big - father, - index - mother, - middle - you yourself, - nameless - brothers and sisters, - little finger - people.

320. Suicide - suicide - seeing life only in black and white, refusing to see another way out.

321. Blood sugar. The participation of sugar in the process of metabolism expresses the essence of the conversion of "bad" into "good".

Lack of vitality, energy, in the transformation of "lead" into "gold". Decreased vitality. Filling oneself with the "sweetness" of life, not from the inside, but from the outside. (In relation to the child, it is necessary to look at the life of the parents and the attitude towards the child, their natal charts, their anamnesis, their socio-psychological conditions of the relationship.)

322. Diabetes mellitus. A person is fed up with the orders of others and, following their example, he himself begins to give orders.

Satiation with the "command-administrative" structure of life, the environment, which suppresses a person. Insufficient amount of love in the environment, in a person's life.

Or a person does not know how (does not want) to see love in the world around him. A consequence of callousness, soullessness, lack of joy in every moment of being. Inability or impossibility (unwillingness) to transform "bad" into "good", "negative" into "positive".

(In relation to the child, it is necessary to look at the life of the parents and the attitude towards the child, their natal charts, their anamnesis, their socio-psychological conditions of the relationship.)

323. Sexual problems in young men.

The feeling of one's own inferiority due to the fact that the technical side of sex is put in the first place, the discrepancy between one's own physiological parameters and psychologically imposed ones - magazines, porn films, etc.

324. Spleen - is the custodian of the primary energy of the physical body. It symbolizes the relationship between parents - If the father pushes the mother around, the child's white blood cell count rises. On the contrary, their number decreases.

Blueness, anger, irritation are obsessions, you are tormented by obsessions about things happening to you.

325. Semen tube

Blockage - having sex out of a sense of duty. When finding a way out of the situation, they seem to clear themselves.

326. Hay fever - accumulation of emotions, fear of the calendar, belief in persecution, guilt.

327. Heart - personifies the center of love, security, protection.

Attacks - the displacement of all experiences of joy from the heart for the sake of money, one's own position, etc.

Problems - long-standing emotional problems, lack of joy, hardening of the heart, belief in tension, overwork and pressure, stress.

328. Sigmoid colon - problems - lies and theft in various manifestations.

329. Parkinson's syndrome.

It occurs in those who want to give as much as possible, i.e. fulfill their sacred duty, but what they give does not bring the expected results, because these people do not know that no one can make an unfortunate person happy. - the functioning of nerve cells is impaired due to a lack of the chemical dopamine. It carries the energy of fulfilling a holy duty.

330. Bruises, bruises - small clashes in life, self-punishment.

331. Syphilis - see venereal diseases.

332. Scarlet fever - sad, hopeless pride, which forces you to pull your neck up.

333. Skeleton - problems - disintegration of the structure, bones personify the structure of life.

334. Scleroderma - a disease with thickening of the skin and underlying tissues. Feelings of insecurity and danger. Feeling that other people annoy you and threaten you. Creation of protection.

335. Sclerosis - pathological thickening of tissues.

A stone-insensitive person is distinguished by inflexibility and self-confidence. After all, he is always right. The more people around him who agree with everything, the more the disease progresses, leading to dementia.

If water in the mucous membranes, skin, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, adipose and other soft tissues is compressed into a stone, then sclerosis occurs, the volume and mass of tissues decrease.

336. Scoliosis - see hunched shoulders.

337. Accumulation of fluid in an organ or cavity.

The result of unshed sadness. It can happen with incredible speed, but it can disappear just as quickly. - Instead of releasing every tear, a person puts collection vessels under the tears - head, legs, stomach, back, heart, lungs, liver - it all depends on what problems he is saddened by.

338. Weakness is the need for mental rest.

339. Dementia. Dementia develops from a slowly maturing desire to be better than others.

Hearing loss - releasing your stress and not wanting someone to say bad things about your spouse, children, etc.

341. Solitaires - a strong belief that you are a victim and that you are dirty, helplessness in relation to the imaginary positions of other people.

342. Spasms - tension of thoughts due to fear.

343. Spasm of the larynx - immeasurable fear that I will not be able to prove my case.

344. Spikes - convulsive clinging to one's ideas, beliefs. In the stomach - stop the process, fear.

345. AIDS - denial of oneself, blaming oneself on sexual grounds. The fear of not being loved ceases into bitterness and anger at the fact that they do not love me, and this feeling turns into dullness and indifference to everyone and to oneself, or into a desire to somehow win someone's love, and the blockage is so great that love is not recognized , or the desire has become unrealistically large. The need for spiritual love has ended, love turns into a thing. The ingrained notion that money can buy everything, including love. The purse takes the place of the mother. This is a disease of lack of love, a feeling of extreme spiritual emptiness, with possible external violent activity.

346. Back - represents support from the problems of life.

Diseases: upper part - lack of emotional support, feeling not loved, holding back feelings of love.

The middle part is guilt, closing on everything that remains behind, "get off me."

The lower part is the lack of financial support, the fear generated by the lack of money.

347. Old age, decrepitude - a return to the so-called safety of childhood, the demand for care and attention, flight, one of the forms of control over others.

348. Tetanus - the need to release anger, thoughts that torment you.

349. Convulsions, spasms - tension, tightness, retention, fear.

350. Joints - personify changes in directions in life and the ease of these movements. They express worldly mobility i.e. pliability, pliability, flexibility.

351. Rash - irritation about delays, delays, a childish way to attract attention.

352. Tobacco smoking.

This is one of the types of drug addiction that arises from work addiction. A person is forced to work by a sense of duty, which develops into a sense of responsibility. A factor in the relative increase in the sense of responsibility is a lit cigarette. The more stress from work, the more cigarettes are consumed.

A sense of duty is nothing more than the need of a brave person to work, i.e. study. The stronger, the fear will not love me if I do not work well. the more the sense of duty turns into a sense of responsibility and fear of being guilty. The growing feeling of guilt drives a person to work in order to be loved. The heart, lungs and stomach are the organs that pay for the fact that a person earns love by work.

353. Taz - means the lower support or house in which a person finds support.

354. Paroxysmal tachycardia - classification, blackout, cannot cope.

355. Body: bad smell - disgusted with oneself, fear of other people. - left side (for right-handers) - personifies receptivity, acceptance, female energy, woman, mother.

356. Temperature

Shows how vigorously the body tries to help burn or destroy the negativity that a person has absorbed into himself through his ineptitude, his stupidity.

An increase in temperature means that the person has already found the culprit, be it himself or another person. It normalizes the faster, the faster the mistake is realized, after a quarrel - the loss of energy has reached a maximum.

High temperature - a strong fierce malice.

Chronic fever is an old and long-term malice (don't forget your parents).

Subfebrile temperature is a particularly poisonous malice that the body is not able to burn out at once in order to survive.

357. Tick, twitch - the feeling that others are looking at you.

358. Thymus gland - the main gland of the immune system.

Problems - the feeling that life is pushing, "they" came to take possession of me, my freedom.

359. Large intestine - a negative attitude towards the father, husband and men's affairs. Issues related to unfinished business. - mucus - stratification of deposits of the old, confused thoughts that pollute the purification channel. Wallowing in the viscous swamp of the past.

It is possible to AVOID diseases if: - lovingly accepting unfinished work, - lovingly completing unfinished work by others, - lovingly accepting unfinished work from the wrong hands.

360. Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils. Suppressed emotions, stifled creativity.

361. Small intestine.

Negative, ironic, arrogant attitude to the work of the mother, wife, women in general (in men). Similarly for women (for men). - diarrhea (sweating of the small intestine) - a tragedy associated with work and deeds.

362. Nausea is the denial of any thought or experience. - motion sickness - fear that you are not in control of the situation.

363. Injuries

All injuries, without exception, including those resulting from car accidents, stem from anger. Whoever has no malice will not suffer in a car accident. Everything that happens to an adult is, first of all, his own mistake.

Family - you yourself have chosen this path, unfinished business, we ourselves choose our parents and children, karmic.

364. Tubular bone - carries complete information about the human body.

365. Tuberculosis

Wither away from selfishness, obsessed with possessive ideas, revenge, cruel, ruthless, tormenting thoughts.

Tuberculosis of the kidneys - complaints about the inability to realize one's desire, - female genitalia - complaints about the disorder of sexual life, - the brain of women - complaints about the inability to use the potential of one's brain, - lymphatic vessels of women - complaints about male worthlessness, - lungs - the desire to maintain one's reputation as an intellectual exceeds the desire to scream out his mental pain. The person is just complaining.

Tuberculosis of the lungs is a typical disease of a prisoner and a prisoner of fear. The mentality of a slave, completely resigned to life.

366. Acne - the feeling that one is dirty and unloved, small outbursts of anger.

367. Blow, paralysis - refusal, compliance, resistance, it is better to die than to change, denial of life.

368. Retention of liquids - what are you afraid of losing?

369. Suffocation, seizures - lack of confidence in the process of life, stuck in childhood.

370. Nodules

Feelings of resentment, indignation, indignation, frustration of plans, the collapse of hopes and a wounded ego regarding a career.

371. Bites of: - animals - anger directed inwards, need for punishment.

Bedbugs, insects - a feeling of guilt about some insignificant things.

372. Insanity - flight from the family, escape from the problems of life, forced separation from life.

373. Urethra, inflammation - emotions of anger, humiliation, accusation.

374. Fatigue - resistance, boredom, lack of love for what you are doing.

375. Fatigue - a feeling of guilt - is a stress of the heart. The soul hurts, the heart is heavy, you want to groan, there is nothing to breathe - a sign that the feeling of guilt is a burden on the heart. Under the yoke of guilt, a person experiences rapid fatigue, weakness, decreased efficiency, indifference to work and life. Resistance to stress decreases, life loses its meaning, depression occurs - then illness.

376. Ears - personify the ability to hear.

Ringing in the ears - refusal to listen, stubbornness, do not hear the inner voice.

377. Fibroid tumors and cysts - nourishing a wound received from a partner, a blow to the female "I".

378. Cystic fibrosis - cystic fibrosis - a strong belief that life will not work for you, poor me.

379. Fistula, fistula - a block in allowing the process to develop.

380. Phlebitis - inflammation of the veins. Frustration, anger, blaming others for limiting life and lack of joy in it.

381. Frigidity.

Denial of pleasure, pleasure, belief that sex is bad, insensitive partners, fear of the father.

382. Boils - constant boiling and seething inside.

383. Chlamydia and mycoplasmas.

Mycoplasma hominis - an implacable self-hatred for their cowardice, forcing them to flee, an idealization of someone who died with his head held high.

Micoplasma pneumoniae - a bitter realization of one's too small possibilities, but despite this desire to achieve one's own.

Chlamydia trachomatis - Anger at having to put up with violence out of helplessness.

Chlamydia pneumoniae - the desire to appease violence with a bribe, while knowing that violence will accept a bribe, but will do it in its own way.

384. Cholesterol (see arteriosclerosis). Contamination of the channels of joy, fear of accepting joy.

Expresses despair at the inability to establish relationships with people. A stubborn refusal to break free from old patterns.

386. Chronic diseases - denial of changes, fear of the future, lack of a sense of security.

387. Cellulite.

Inflammation of loose tissue. Long-lasting anger and self-punishment, attachment to early childhood pain; obsession with blows and bumps received in the past; difficulty moving forward Fear of choosing your own direction in life.

388. Cerebral palsy - the need to unite the family in an act of love.

389. Circulation - circulation - personifies the ability to feel and express emotions in a positive way.

390. Liver cirrhosis - proliferation of dense connective tissue of an organ. (see liver).

391. Jaw.

Problems - indignation, indignation, resentment, desire for revenge.

Muscle spasm - the desire to control, the refusal to openly express their feelings.

392. Callousness, heartlessness - rigid concepts and thoughts, fear that has hardened.

393. Scabies - infected thinking, you allow others to penetrate under your skin.

394. Cervix.

It is the neck of motherhood and reveals the problems of a woman as a mother. Diseases are caused by dissatisfaction with sexual life, i.e. the inability to love sexually without conditions.

Underdevelopment - the daughter, seeing the difficult life of her mother, echoing her, blames her father for this. She (the daughter) stops developing the cervix, as if to say that a hostile attitude towards men has already been formed.

395. Cervical sciatica is a hard and unbending conception. Stubbornness in defending their rightness.

It personifies flexibility, the ability to see what is happening there, behind. All diseases are the result of discontent.

Neck problems - refusal to look at the issue from different angles, stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility.

Inflammation - discontent that humiliates - swelling and enlargement - discontent that saddens - pain - discontent that rages - tumors - suppressed sadness - rigid, inflexible - inflexible stubbornness, self-will, rigid thinking.

Salt deposition is a stubborn insistence on one's rights and a desire to fix the world in one's own way.

397. Schizophrenia is a disease of the spirit, a desire for everything to be just fine.

398. Thyroid gland.

The organ of communication, the development of love without conditions. Dysfunction - guilt-ridden, humiliated, "I'll never get permission to do what I want, when will it be my turn?" At the same time, the performance of all organs and tissues decreases, because. it regulates their communication with each other.

The left share - the ability to communicate with the male sex, - the right - with the female,

Isthmus - combines both types of communication into a single whole, as if saying that otherwise life is impossible.

Thyroid cyst. - sadness because of his helplessness and lack of rights, not crying with tears. Anger accumulates in the thyroid gland, which escapes only through the mouth. Holding back verbal anger means spewing the equal energy of anger into the thyroid gland. It's better to let it all out and heal.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland: - who forbids himself to cry, but wants to show how sad he was, caused by discontent, - protrusion outward (goiter), - who under no circumstances wants to reveal his miserable condition, the thyroid gland, hides behind the sternum (suffocates ).

Increases to accommodate more iodine - a mineral that supports decent communication, so that a person can, despite pressure from outside, remain himself.

Functional insufficiency of the thyroid gland, weakening of the function - compliance, refusal, a feeling of hopeless depression, the emergence of an inferiority complex and reaching a critical point, fear of a dissatisfied over-demanding, entails limitation, dullness and a decrease in mental ability up to cretinism. - functional oversufficiency - the struggle against humiliation in order to exalt. It can compensate for deficiency over many years.

Increased function of the thyroid gland, increased function, (thyrotoxicosis) - extreme disappointment in not being able to do what you want; realization of others, not of oneself; rage that remained "overboard"; internal struggle of fear of anger and anger at anger. The more poisonous, i.e. the meaner the thought and the word, the heavier the flow. Man is a victim who makes others suffer.

Comparison of signs of the thyroid gland:

LOWER FUNCTION - lethargy, indifference, desire for solitude, fatigue, drowsiness, desire to sleep a lot, slowness in thoughts and deeds, dry skin, inability to cry, fear of cold, thickening and brittle nails, hair loss, puffiness of the face, puffiness, raspy voice from swelling of the vocal cords, poor diction due to swelling of the tongue, decreased intelligence, reticence, reluctance to speak, slow pulse, low blood pressure, general slowing of metabolism, growth inhibition, weight gain, obesity, apparent calmness, constipation, bloating, flatulence , attracting accusations.

INCREASED FUNCTION - energy, the need for activity, in communication, unnatural cheerfulness, insomnia, or nightmares, haste always and in everything, sweating or oily skin, constant desire to burst into tears, frequent tears, a feeling of heat, a constant increase in body temperature, thin elastic nails, accelerated hair growth, sharpened facial features, sonorous voice, shrill, unintelligible hurried speech, apparent increase in intelligence, leading to self-praise, verbosity, joy at the opportunity to talk, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, general acceleration of metabolism, accelerated growth, weight loss , weight loss, haste until hands tremble, diarrhea, active release of gases with a bad smell, attraction of intimidation. The larger the stress, the more noticeable in appearance their external signs.

Not the ability and not the ability to express their opinion, because children are not supposed to, their opinion is always wrong.

399. Eczema - extremely strong antagonism, mental explosion.

400. Emphysema - fear of accepting life, thoughts - "it's not worth living."

401. Tick-borne encephalitis.

It is the malice of a selfish extortionist who seeks to squeeze out someone else's intellectual potential to the last drop. This is a humiliated anger at one's own helplessness to refuse others to appropriate one's spiritual wealth.

402. Epilepsy - a feeling of persecution, denial of life, a feeling of great struggle, violence towards oneself.

403. Buttocks - personifies strength, power; - sagging buttocks - loss of strength.

404. Peptic ulcer.

From violence against oneself, the solar plexus chakra suffers, a strong belief in that. that you are not good enough, fear.

405. Gastrointestinal ulcer - craving to please, believing you are not good enough.

406. Ulcerative inflammations, stomatitis - words that torment a person, which they do not give an exit, censure, reproach.

407. Language - personifies the ability to receive positive pleasure from life.

408. Testicles - male principle, masculinity. Testicles not lowering - the mother's ironic attitude to her husband's sexual characteristics.

409. Ovaries.

They personify the place where life and creativity are created, personify the male part and the relationship of a woman to the male sex:

The state of the left - attitude towards other men, including her husband and son-in-law, - the state of the right - the attitude of a mother towards her son, - left, cyst - sadness about economic and sexual problems associated with men, - right - also associated with women. If the organ is surgically removed, this indicates a corresponding negative attitude of the mother, which intensified in the daughter, and as a result, mental denial turned into material.

410. Oviduct (fallopian tubes).

Personify the female part and attitude towards the female sex:

The right one indicates how the mother wants to see the daughter's relationship with the male sex, - the left one says how the mother wants to see the daughter's relationship with the female sex - if the organ is surgically removed, this indicates the negative attitude of the mother that the daughter has aggravated, and as a result, mental denial turned into material, - blockage - having sex out of a sense of duty. When finding a way out of the situation, the oviducts are cleared as if by themselves.

35 353 0 Hello! In the article, you will get acquainted with a table that lists the main diseases and the emotional problems that caused them, according to Louise Hay. It also contains affirmations that will help you heal from these physical and psychological problems.

Psychosomatics of diseases by Louise Hay

The table of psychosomatic diseases of Louise Hay is based on many years of observation of the relationship between the human body and its mental state. According to the psychologist, all negative emotional shocks, neurosis, internal insults and experiences directly lead to illness.

The table fully describes their root causes, as well as ways to deal with them with help. The table became the basis of the book "Heal Yourself" by Louise Hay, which helps people change the course of their lives, make it more joyful and successful.

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases

Disease Cause of illness Formula
Abscess(abscess)Resentment, vindictiveness, feeling underestimatedI release mine. I stop thinking about the past. My soul is at peace.
Abscess perianal Anger at something you can't get rid of.I can get rid of everything safely. I release what I don't need from my body.
Adenoiditis Misunderstanding in the family, skirmishes. Lack of feelings of self-love from loved ones in a child.This kid is the whole universe for his parents. He was very much expected and grateful to fate for him.
Alcohol addiction Lost, feeling that you are to blame, disrespect for your person.The present is my reality. Every new moment brings renewed emotions. I'm beginning to realize why I'm important to this world. All my actions are correct and justified.
allergic reactions Rejection of someone. Rejection of oneself as a strong personality.There is no danger for me in the world, for we are friends with him. There are no dangers around me. The universe and I live in harmony.
Amenorrhea(absence of a menstrual cycle for six months or more)Rejection of oneself as a woman. Self-dislike.I'm glad to be a woman. I am a perfect creation of nature with timely menstruation.
Amnesia(memory loss)A permanent state of fear. Trying to escape from real life. The inability to defend yourself.I am intelligent, courageous and highly esteem myself as a person. Everything around me is absolutely safe.
Angina(affirmations should be said after treating the throat with herbs)You want to be rude to everyone around you. It seems to you that you are not able to convey the idea in a different way.I take off my shackles and become a free person, able to be the way nature created me.
Anemia The absence of joyful excitement in the soul, regardless of the situation. Unreasonable fears of any minor problem. Bad feeling.Joyful feelings help me move forward and make my life brighter. My gratitude to the Universe is boundless.
sickle cell anemia


Treatment of any disease, according to Louise Hay, occurs at the level of psychological impact. For a complete healing, it is important to combine the main treatment with the regular pronunciation of affirmations, sincerely believing in your healing, and the result will not be long in coming.

101 thoughts that carry power

Useful articles:

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay's diseases is a system of knowledge expressed in a table of the relationship between psychological factors and somatic ailments. Louise Hay's chart is based on her own observations and years of experience. Her vision of cause and effect relationships between the psyche and the body is published in the book "Heal Your Body", where she sets out her thoughts, observations and recommendations for people. The woman claims that negative emotions, experiences and memories are destructive to the body.

The psychosomatics of diseases in the Louise Hay table shows how these internal destructive impulses affect the health of the body. In addition to the root cause of diseases, Louise Hay gives recommendations for self-treatment using the settings that she cites next to the disease.

Louise Hay cannot be called a pioneer in science. The first knowledge about the influence of the soul on the body appeared in ancient Greece, where philosophers discussed the connection between psychological experiences and their impact on health. Along with this, the medicine of the eastern countries also developed this knowledge. However, their observations are not scientific, but are only the fruit of guesses and assumptions.

In the middle of the 19th century, there were attempts to isolate psychosomatics, but at that time it was not yet popular. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study diseases caused by the unconscious. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments had no scientific basis, and his hypotheses were not recognized.

In the early 20th century, the first serious observations were systematized by Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar. It was they who then laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of the "Chicago Seven", which includes seven major psychosomatic diseases. Toward the middle of the 20th century, a journal dealing with psychosomatic illnesses began to be published in the United States. Another popular author dealing with the psychosomatics of various diseases is this.

Louise Hay has no special education. Almost all her life she was looking for part-time jobs and did not have a permanent job. She was inspired to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma. In the 70s, she found herself, and began to preach in the church, where she realized that she was unwittingly advising parishioners and partially healing them. While working, she began to compile her own reference book, which eventually turned into Louise Hay's psychosomatic table.

The impact of psychological problems on somatic health

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system that includes knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology. There are several theories that explain the impact of psychological problems on the health of the body in their own way:

Who is at risk of psychosomatic problems

There is a risk group, which includes people with certain personality traits and type of thinking:

It is important to remember that the temporary appearance of one of the points does not affect health. However, a constant stay in this state adversely affects the body.

Description of the summary psychosomatic table of the main diseases

Louise Hay's summary table describes the psychological causes of illness. The most common of them:

How to properly work with this table:

On the left are diseases or syndromes. On the right is the psychological cause of their occurrence. It is enough to look at the list and find your ailment, then - the reason.

How can you heal yourself

It will not be possible to completely recover on your own - for this you need to contact a psychotherapist. Often the thoughts or emotions that lead to the development of diseases are not realized. They exist somewhere in the unconscious. Only full-fledged work with a psychotherapist will give a healing effect.

However, it is possible to carry out prevention on your own. Psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis is the only thing that can help a person prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases. Mental hygiene includes the following subsections:

  1. Psychohygiene of the family and sexual activity.
  2. Psychohygiene of education, teaching at school and university.
  3. Psychohygiene of work and rest.

Ultimately, psychological hygiene is aimed at satisfying the main vital needs:

Louise Hay's Model of Healing

Louise Hay used a holistic approach in the healing process, which in 1977 allowed a woman to get rid of cancer on her own. She abandoned the methods of traditional medicine and decided to put her experience into practice.

Louise Hay has created several exercises for everyday work on yourself:

The woman herself did this: every morning she thanked herself for what she now has. Louise then meditated and took a shower. After that, she started her morning exercises, had breakfast with fruit, tea, and got to work.

Louise Hay Affirmations

Louise Hay gained popularity with her affirmations. These are positive verbal attitudes to life, repeating which daily, a person gets rid of internal experiences and a negative way of thinking. The author of the book “Heal Yourself” has compiled a series of such affirmations that she recommends repeating to achieve success and cure. She created settings for everyone: women, men, children and the elderly.

The most common settings:

  • I deserve a good life;
  • I rejoice every day;
  • I am unique and incomparable;
  • in my power to solve any problem;
  • I don't need to be afraid of change;
  • my life is in my hands;
  • I respect myself, others respect me;
  • I am strong and self-confident;
  • expressing your feelings is safe;
  • I have great friends;
  • it is easy for me to cope with difficulties;
  • all obstacles are surmountable.

How to work with the book "Heal Yourself"

Reading this book means more than simply skimming through the chapters. Reading psychological literature involves a deep awareness of every thought of the author. In the process of studying the material, it is necessary to form an internal review of what has been read, to analyze your feelings and thoughts. This is not only work with the text, but also work on yourself while reading.

Do you have foot problems? Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of foot problems and diseases.

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection remains to be established in the future ... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors - hypothermia, infections - act secondarily, as a trigger mechanism ... »

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” he writes: “Illness is the language, the speech of the subject ... To understand the disease, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious ... Then the second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of foot problems.
Here is what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about this.


in their book "Reiki - the universal energy of life" they write about the possible metaphysical causes of foot problems:
With our feet we enter the future, and if you have a fear of the future or you understand that you can no longer live the way you live, but you do not consciously admit it to yourself, then your feet will clearly show you the current situation - they will prevent you step forward. Take a conscious look at your life situation and acknowledge the presence of this fear. If you cannot move forward in your outer life, then go inside yourself, gather peace and strength there, and then ask yourself what you really want and what you can achieve easily and without problems. Choose that and then take steps in that direction. So you can again confidently and joyfully move forward.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov
In his book The Connection of Illness with Character, he writes about the possible metaphysical causes of foot problems:
Suppose a person at work is firmly, actively acting, and when he goes home from work, he goes out, in which case his legs will gradually start to hurt. This occurs when there is joy in professional (creative) activity, but there is no joy in general, in life. If, on the contrary, a person does not want to do his job, but in life he is joyful, lively, his legs are strong. But if he does not want to engage in professional activities correctly, firmly and cheerfully, he is passive in it, then the bones of the hands will suffer.

Louise Hay
in his books “Heal Yourself”, “How to Heal Your Life” points to the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of foot problems:

Feet carry us through life. Leg problems indicate a fear of moving forward or an unwillingness to move in a certain direction. Our legs carry us, drag us, drag us, and on them sit big, fat, full of children's resentment thighs. The reluctance to act often manifests itself in serious foot problems. Varicose veins are either a home or a job that you hate.

Diseases of the legs in the lower part:
Fear of the future. Reluctance to move.
Harmonizing Thoughts: I move forward joyfully and confidently, knowing that my future is great.

Hips (top):
Stable body support. The main mechanism for moving forward.
Harmonizing thoughts: Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand firmly on my feet and enjoy freedom.

Dr. Luule Viilma In his book The Psychological Causes of Disease, he writes:
Legs (problems and diseases):
Insincerity in communication related to economic issues.
The desire to receive material benefits, honor and glory in everything.

Sergei N. Lazarev in his books "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future" he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he aspires to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge, and many, many other material and spiritual values ​​... But this is not the goal, but only means to gain divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, as a feedback from the Universe, illnesses, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary in order for a person to think, realize that he is going the wrong way, think, say and do something wrong and begin to correct himself, take the right Path! There are many nuances of how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from books, seminars and video seminars by Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev.

Achilles tendon

Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says “Love Yourself!” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the Achilles tendon:
See article HEEL, with the addition that a person is too eager to show his power.


Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says “Love Yourself!” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of hip problems:
As a rule, if a person complains of hip pain, it is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis. If it is a cramp, see the article CAP.
Emotional blocking:
The thigh is the section of the leg (and the legs move us forward) between the knee and hip joint; the metaphysical meaning of the hip is associated with desires and sensations. The thighs contain important arteries and veins that provide blood flow to the legs. Since blood vessels are associated with the ability to enjoy life, pain in the hip suggests that a too serious adult part of a person’s personality will not allow him to enjoy the things he plans. A person who has a hip pain holds back his feelings and often tries to prove his worth to other people.
mental blocking:
Hip pain prompts you to pay attention to the desires of your inner child who wants to play and have fun. This does not mean that you should forget about your serious side - just try to establish harmony between the needs of a child and an adult that coexist in your personality. You no longer have to obey the voice of your adult self (which is an echo of your father's or your mother's voice). From now on, you have to manage your own life.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila
in their book "Reiki - the universal energy of life" they write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the hips:
Hip problems also indicate a certain inflexibility and stiffness caused by fear of the future and an inability to make decisions in important situations. Don't force yourself to move forward. Reiki will help you develop inner peace, vitality and trust, on the basis of which you will again be able to joyfully and freely make decisions and move forward. Then each step will be a true forward movement.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself” he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of foot problems.

Hips (top):
Fear of moving forward in the implementation of major decisions. Lack of purpose.
Harmonizing thoughts: Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand firmly on my feet and enjoy freedom. My stability is absolute. I easily and joyfully go forward in life at any age.

BURSIT OF THE BIG TOE (inflammation of the sac between the tendon and the bone)

Louise Hay in his book "Heal Yourself" points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of bunion.
Lack of joy in looking at life.
Harmonizing Thoughts: I joyfully run forward to welcome the amazing events of my life.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of varicose veins:
Varicose veins are a disease that manifests itself in an increase in the size of the veins and a decrease in the elasticity of the venous walls.
Emotional blocking:
A person suffering from varicose veins wants to have more freedom and free time, but does not know what to do. He overstrains, and many tasks and problems seem overwhelming to him, as he tends to exaggerate their seriousness. While working, he does not feel joy. Perhaps this person constantly forces himself to be in a situation that is extremely unpleasant for him. The purpose of the part of the body in which varicose veins have arisen indicates in which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife the problem should be sought.
mental blocking:
The stronger the feeling of heaviness (in the legs, for example) that diseased veins cause in you, the harder your life seems to be. It's time for you to understand that not everything in this life is determined by the word need. You can afford to rest, relax, without blaming yourself. The quiet voice that makes you work tirelessly all the time is not the voice of your heart. Trust your heart, which knows your needs best. Choose what you want and what you love.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of varicose veins:
Varicose veins often affect people who feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed. One of the causes of this disease is an incorrectly chosen direction in Life. Think about your profession. Does it allow you to unleash your creativity? Or, on the contrary, hinders your development? If the latter is true, reconsider your attitude to work. It should give you not only the opportunity to earn money, but also the joy of creativity, pleasure, the possibility of self-improvement.
Staying in a situation you hate for a long time can also lead to varicose veins. For example, dead-end family relationships.
A man and a woman have been married for more than twenty years. He abuses alcohol, insults her, beats her. She pulls a load of family problems on herself. There has been no love and understanding in the family for a long time. The woman is not satisfied with this situation, but she does not dare to take a decisive step and break off this relationship.
Another important reason is fear of the future. This fear becomes an obstacle to easy and free progress.
A young woman went to my wife for a massage for a while. She didn't work anywhere. Her husband was a big businessman, and she did not experience a lack of money. She looked great, and the only thing that bothered her was the dilated veins in her legs. The woman often talked about herself and her life. From her stories, the reasons for her illness became clear.
- Lyudmila, you know, I often think about what awaits me in the future. And for some reason, I always feel fear, anxiety. I think something might happen to my husband. And what will happen to me then?

Louise Hay
in his book "Heal Yourself" he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of varicose veins:
Being in a situation you hate. Disapproval. Feeling overwhelmed and overwhelmed by work.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am friends with the truth, I live and move forward with joy. I love life and move freely in it.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of dislocation:
A dislocation is a persistent abnormal displacement of the articular surfaces in relation to each other, usually caused by a sudden movement. With a dislocation, there is a sharp intermittent pain. The ankles, knees and wrists are most prone to dislocations.
Emotional blocking:
A dislocation occurs in a person who feels compelled to go where they don't want to go (legs) or do something they don't want to do (arms). He allows others to manipulate him, pushes himself beyond his limits, and gets angry because he can't say no to someone. He is afraid of breaking some rules, and a dislocation is a convenient excuse for him to stop.
mental blocking:
The dislocation speaks of the intensity of the suffering that you inflict on yourself by stubbornly continuing to look at everything in your own way, that is, to squeeze the world into the narrow framework of your rules. Try to be more flexible. Before you resent the fact that others are trying to force you to do something against your will, try to analyze the motives of these people.
Perhaps then you will either agree with them, or realize that you simply cannot live up to their expectations, and let them know about it. If you force yourself to move in any direction, find out what fear drives you and how real this fear is. If you show more flexibility towards yourself and other people, it will be much easier for you to satisfy your needs.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of shin pain:
The shin is the part of the leg between the knee and the ankle. Lower leg pain usually occurs when a person is standing or walking.
Emotional blocking:
Clearly, shin pain interferes with moving forward, whether walking or running, so it is related to our attitude towards the future and our ability to move forward in life. Any pain in the lower leg speaks of fear, which is caused either by a collision with something new, or by the need to do something to achieve the goal. Such fear may be associated with a new job or love relationship.
If the lower leg hurts when a person is at rest, this means that he does not give himself the opportunity to stop and prepare to move in a new direction. If the pain in the lower leg is the result of an ACCIDENT, see the relevant article in addition to this explanation.
mental blocking:
If shin pain occurs while moving, your body is telling you that you are thinking too long before moving forward. These reflections, or indecision, are caused by some fears that help you avoid mistakes, but at the same time prevent you from experiencing some important and necessary experience for you. Try to gain faith in yourself and in this world - this will help you move faster and more confidently into action.
If the pain in the lower leg occurs only at rest, then it indicates that you want to do too much and too quickly. Don't think people will think you're lazy or ungrateful if you give yourself a little break.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself” he points to the main negative attitudes (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of problems with the lower leg:
The collapse of ideals. The shins symbolize the principles of life.
Harmonizing Thoughts: I live with joy and love to my highest standards.

calves (problems)

Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says “Love Yourself!” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of calf problems:
The calf is a rounded muscle on the back of the lower leg, between the popliteal fossa and the ankle. See the article LEG (PAIN), with the addition that this part of the leg determines its strength, as well as the stability of the whole body when walking. Any problem in this place indicates that a person wants to move forward faster or more steadily, but some kind of fear stops him.


Liz Burbo
The following description applies to all problems that can affect the natural functions of the knee, as well as pain in this joint.
Emotional blocking:
Pain or a problem in the knee that interferes with one of its functions is a sign of a lack of flexibility in relation to the future. Knee pain usually occurs in a vain and stubborn person who does not want to accept other people's ideas and advice. This attitude only harms him, as he deprives himself of the opportunity to find easier ways to secure his future. If the pain is caused by ARTHRITIS or ARTHROSIS, see also the relevant articles.
mental blocking:
This pain helps you realize that you are not flexible enough. Don't forget that your body is always trying to warn you of things you may not be aware of. You do not want to accept new ideas and change your attitude towards your own future or the future of the people you love, because you are afraid of losing control over yourself or over the situation. You no longer have to believe that giving in means kneeling or submitting. Perhaps the lack of flexibility is due to the fact that you are afraid of becoming like one of your parents. Know that you can live an independent life, independent of your parents. But absolute independence does not exist, we all need someone's help from time to time.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book ""Reiki" - the universal energy of life" write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the knees:
If you internally cannot or do not want to bow - out of pride, stubbornness, selfishness or unconscious fear - then this manifests itself at the level of the body in inflexible, unbending knees. You can avoid unpleasant knee pain by developing tolerance and empathy, as well as the ability to forgive. Reiki helps tremendously with this. If you can bow inwardly humbly, then your knees will soon begin to bend painlessly.

Louise Hay in his book Heal Yourself, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of knee problems:
Stubbornness and pride. Inability to be a malleable person. Fear. Inflexibility. Unwillingness to give in.
Harmonizing Thoughts: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I easily give in and give in, and everything goes well.

Alexander Astrogor
In his book Confessions of a Sore, he writes:
The knees hurt in people who are overcome by pride. If pride is a good quality, because a person should be proud of himself, of his profession or work, of his children, country, and so on, then pride is already a spiritual vice of a person, it is it that beats a person on the knees ...
Pride is when a person compares himself with someone, but in his own favor. At the same time, the person confidently says about himself that I am better than him (her), that he will not put me on my knees, I will not crawl in front of him on my knees! In order for a knee to hurt, it is not at all necessary to constantly compare yourself with another person. Sometimes it is enough to emotionally create sensual tension once for the knee or both at once to receive an energy hole. But every time, as soon as a person sees the object of his pride, a sharp pain will immediately remind of itself. If the situation is released, forgotten, begged for forgiveness, then the knees stop hurting. It's that simple. It is more difficult to remove pride, your stubbornness, forgive, forget, not react ...
The knees also hurt those who are conceited, and therefore emphasize their superiority even more. In this case, it is no coincidence that people say that if you are arrogant, then life will bring you to your knees. But people see very different reasons, saying that for many of them the problem with their knees is that the joints cannot cope with the load that a person's weight, expressed in kilograms, represents. No, this is the weight and strength of your feelings, which crush the soul, so as not to break the spirit of stubbornness.
Having two knees: right and left, a person experiences pain in one of them, then in both at once. Why is this happening? No medicine, except karmic, answers this question, and it explains it as follows. The fact is that each knee has its own energy and mental causes, which include a painful reaction.

RIGHT KNEE - this is me with my problems, I don’t want to and I won’t do what they incline me to. And sometimes they bow rightly. For example, a person graduated from a university and worked for a long time at a factory, at an institute or somewhere else. But his job was reduced, the plant went bankrupt, the institute fell apart, because no one needed his research. And they say to a person: “Go sell newspapers, sell ice cream, etc.” And he replies: “Yes, I have a higher education, and I will never stoop to this!” He does not understand that it was his education that turned out to be useless to anyone, like himself, but at the same time pride hits him on the knees.
The right knee shows us a Protestant person with an installation on his principles that do not correspond to reality. And the more stubbornness he shows, the stronger and longer his right knee will hurt.
From the above arguments, let's move on to facts that, despite the ban on disclosing the disease, are easily reported by the media.
In March 1997, American President Bill Clinton was to meet in Helsinki with Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The meeting had to be rescheduled for one day because Clinton had injured his right knee while walking down the stairs a few days earlier. He had to urgently undergo surgery. Topic of the meeting: NATO expansion to the East. Clinton's sensual-emotional protest: not to bow before Russia hit him on the right knee.
While preparing for elections at various levels, some candidates begin to have problems with their knees. If a person puts pressure on others with his authority, name or position, then it is he who will have problems with the menisci, as a rule, on the right knee. And how many artists and other famous people have problems not only with the right, but also with the left knee at the same time?
In front of the knee covers the kneecap, called a cup. You are invited to a cup of coffee to solve some mercantile issues, but you refuse because of your convictions, then the right knee will signal to you that overly sharp reaction that you, without showing it, suppressed in yourself.

LEFT KNEE is the world around me. It reacts to people with whom a person lives or constantly communicates. Very often this is a psychological reaction of a husband to his wife, or vice versa, if one of them is constantly trying to subjugate the other (boss - subordinate). At the same time, education, position, money, or anything you like, just to emphasize your superiority, is flaunted. The acute mental reaction of a person that you will not put me on my knees leads to a disease of the left knee.
People with sore knees always feel an ache when the weather changes. It is just like our mood changes at the sight of some person: it becomes cloudy in the soul (the joy of life is lost), dampness (tears) in the eyes, and aches as a protest against those who are trying to break us, to subjugate us to their will.
The left knee can also react painfully in any work team, when everyone is the same, but at the same time someone exploits someone, uses them. A person understands this, but cannot do anything, however, a painful reaction to these actions will cause pain in the left knee.
So it turns out that either you yourself will kneel (right knee), or they will put you on your knees (left knee). But all this requires an acute mental reaction, which can result in the knee joint being replaced with an artificial one ...
We put those we love on our knees, therefore, in order to relieve pain, we need to put someone we love on our knees. It is best if these are children, grandchildren, playing with whom you forget about those problems that constantly keep you in suspense. For lack of loved ones, put a cat or dog on your lap. Their medicinal properties have been known since ancient times…


Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says “Love Yourself!” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of knee problems:
When the knee is bent inward, the axis of the leg is also shifted inward, and when the knee is bent outward, the axis of the leg is turned outward. The legs at the same time have an arched shape. See the article LEG (PAIN), with the addition that it is difficult for a person suffering from this anomaly to be direct and move straight towards the goal.


Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says "Love Yourself!" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of ankle problems:
See the article FEET (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person is not flexible enough in terms of the ability to act, to control the course of his life. If the problems are related to an ACCIDENT, see the relevant article.


Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says “Love Yourself!” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of calluses:
A callus is a significant thickening of the epidermis. Calluses usually appear on the legs (on the soles of the feet or on the fingers) and on the hands in those places that are constantly or regularly subjected to mechanical irritation - pressure or friction.
Emotional blocking:
People who have calluses on their feet are very afraid of the future. They constantly hold back their natural impulses and desires, thus blocking their future. A callus on the hand has the same meaning, with the only difference being that fear is more about the present than the future.
mental blocking:
A callus on your foot or on your hand means that you are not allowing yourself to do what you want to do. What fear is holding back your natural impulses? Fear of not being liked by the one you love? Maybe you are too demanding of yourself and therefore are constantly afraid to fail? Your body wants you to show all your abilities to the fullest and stop holding back the natural movements of the soul.

Louise Hay in his book Heal Yourself, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of corns:
Hardened areas of thinking - a stubborn desire to keep the pain of the past in the mind. Hardened concepts and thoughts. Solidified fear.
Harmonizing Thoughts: New ways and thoughts are perfectly safe. I free myself from the burden of the past and move forward freely. I'm safe. I enjoy freedom.


Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says "Love Yourself!" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of toe problems:
The following problems are associated with toes: DEFORMATION, FRACTURE, CAPTURES, CORN, WOUND, and ININGO NAILS.
Emotional blocking:
Since the feet symbolize our movement in life, the toes are related to how we perceive the elements of this movement. Most toe problems prevent us from walking easily and freely, so they say that a person creates unnecessary fears for himself, preventing him from moving forward or perceiving his future. He is especially concerned about all sorts of little things that prevent him from seeing the situation as a whole. They say about such people "he does not see the forest for the trees." In the end, he completely loses contact with his desires, and his progress gradually slows down.
The big toes are most commonly affected (for example, by ingrown toenails). Since the thumb indicates direction, problems with the thumb indicate feelings of guilt or regret associated with the direction chosen or with the direction that the person is only planning to take. This feeling of guilt is sure to affect his future.
If it is a BROKEN, CRAP, or CORN, see the relevant articles in this book.
mental blocking:
Toe problems mean you have to get back in touch with your desires and your vision for the future without distracting your attention to minor details. Understand that the fear of the unknown is experienced by all people and that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. By focusing on the details, you slow down your progress and block your own desires. Also, know that, whatever your decision about the future, regret only breeds new fears. There are no mistakes, there are only experiences that will be useful to you in the future.

Louise Hay in his book Heal Yourself, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of toe problems:
Symbolize minor details of the future.
Harmonizing thoughts: Everything will be decided by itself. I have a calm attitude to the little things in life.


Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says “Love Yourself!” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of heel pain:
The heel is the back of the foot that the foot rests on when walking. Heel pain very often occurs for no apparent physical reason.
Emotional blocking:
Pain in the heel indicates that a person wants to move forward towards their goals, but hesitates, as they feel a lack of support, support. A person of this type cannot proceed to action without someone's consent or permission. He does not dare to admit to himself that he wants someone to step on his heels. When he acts without getting the approval of Other people, he feels guilty. Without support, he is unable not only to move forward, but even to remain in place.
mental blocking:
Your heel tells you that you can make decisions and move forward relying only on yourself. You yourself are the best support you should count on. You no longer have to believe that you can love or be loved only if your views completely coincide with the views of the people around you, those whose love you are looking for. There is not a single pair of people in this world who would agree with each other on absolutely everything. If we all thought and felt exactly the same way, life would be unbearably boring. Understand that no one is obliged to support all your plans, but you are not obliged to support all the undertakings of those you love. And one more thing: let someone step on your heels, but you must move forward on your own under any conditions.


Liz Burbo in his book Your Body Says “Love Yourself!” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of foot problems:
The foot is the lower part of the leg that allows a person to walk, stand, etc. There are so many different problems associated with the feet that there is a whole separate branch of medicine that deals exclusively with the study of the foot. If the problem is with one of the bones in the foot, see BONE (PROBLEMS) and the description below.
Emotional blocking:
Since the feet are associated with walking, they symbolize forward movement, development. Foot problems indicate that a person does not develop, does not move forward. He either feels some kind of fear that stops him, or he allows others to restrain his development. He is not confident in himself and cannot give his life the right direction. Problems with the feet can also occur if a person feels that he is stuck, marking time in one place. But it can also be a person who is not firmly attached to the earth or the physical world and would like to escape from reality. Some false fears make him leave the material world for the spiritual or fantasy world. Pain in the foot often haunts a person who is afraid that he may be kicked, that is, fired or otherwise removed from performing some functions. If the pain in the foot increases at rest, this indicates that the person does not allow himself to rest. He is in too much of a hurry to achieve the goal, making too much effort, as he evaluates himself in accordance with what and how he can do.
mental blocking:
The foot is a very important part of your physical body. The feet support you and allow you to move forward. They tell you that you should move briskly and easily, without straining. Your feet are constantly in contact with our caring Mother Earth, so problems with them indicate that you must stand firmly on your feet, be here and now, trust the world and your intuition. Move forward more boldly and use without hesitation the means you deem necessary for this movement. Don't let others step on your toes. So you will accumulate rich experience and discover new abilities in yourself. Feel confident and Life will support you.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila
in their book ""Reiki" - the universal energy of life" they write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the feet:
Foot problems are generally similar to foot problems. If, for example, the toes are affected, then the problem is related to some details of the future. And here we are dealing with a certain fear of the future, caused by an insufficient understanding of the patterns of life. Foot problems clearly indicate this, when the feet do not allow you to step forward without effort. Often foot problems indicate too rapid volitional progress, which in this way is somewhat inhibited. Understand that progress always arises from the interaction of two poles - activity and rest. Follow the demands of your body and consciously move into the resting stage. Find in yourself that inner silence from which truth and understanding grow, as well as love and strength. Then you can move forward with joy again.

The search and research of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of foot problems continues. This material is constantly updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


  1. Louise Hay. "Heal Yourself", "How to Heal Your Life".
  2. Lazarev S. N. "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future".
  3. Valery Sinelnikov. "Love your disease."
  4. Liz Burbo. “Your body says: “Love yourself!”.
  5. Torsunov O. G. “Relationship of diseases with character. Human life energy.
  6. Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. Reiki is the universal life energy.
  7. Alexander Astrogor "Confession of a Sore".
  8. L. Viilma "Soul light", "Psychological causes of diseases", "I forgive myself."