Teaching tarot cards. Studying tarot on your own

Stages of knowledge

Any person in ek, beginning the study of the Tarot system, most often refers to it because of its mantic or predictivespruce opportunities. Any Tarot school usually begins to acquaint students with the predictive meanings of the Arcana.

There is a set in a group for the 3rd step from March 17th.

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The first difficulty on this path is to understand and remember 156 card meanings, sometimes contradictory, it can be very difficult for a beginner tarologist. Without knowledge of the symbolism of the Arcana, simple cramming does not work, it is simply not possible to memorize all the meanings haphazardly.

The second difficulty that a person faces is which Tarot deck to start studying with. Now a huge number of different decks are being produced, which also baffles.

As in any system, a student, starting learning Tarot cards, must gain basic knowledge of what a particular system is based on, which means that time-tested classic decks are most suitable for this. We advise you to start with the Marseille Tarot or the Rider-White deck, and only after that, in our opinion, you can master all the others. By the way, the deck of Maria Lenormand has nothing to do with the system we are considering, since it does not reflect the main philosophy of this system, the symbolism and energy of the cards are violated. This deck is designed only to work with predictions and nothing more.

The first stage of mastering the system, like any Tarot school, we begin by studying the symbolism of the cards. Symbolism plays a very important role in many esoteric directions. All ancient predictive practices are based on the understanding and interpretation of symbols, ranging from runes to coffee divination, pyromania and other predictive systems. When the student masters the symbolism, he ceases to perceive the cards as a not always clear set of drawings. A person begins to understand why Tarot cards, the meaning of which is interpreted in this way with one question, and when another area of ​​​​life is affected, their meaning can change significantly.

The study of layouts is the next stage in the knowledge of the system. Understanding what the position in the layout means gives the correct further interpretation of the card, and if the position speaks of feelings, then it should not be interpreted as an event. Human feelings play an important role in the development of events. Therefore, do not forget their importance in the formation of desires. How a person’s attitude to an event can affect its outcome is also not an unimportant moment, which is reflected in the alignment, and which an experienced tarot reader will always tell the client about. Tarot layouts are numerous, they need to be studied and selected for themselves. For study in our School, we give classical layouts that answer the main questions of life.

The rules of the session, the same is not an unimportant part for beginners to practice. How to behave correctly so as not to hang on the client's problem yourself, the sequence of the session and what attributes should be used? All this is given at the time when Tarot is taught.

The ability to connect the meaning of the Arcana in combinations provides additional opportunities in obtaining information, in revealing the topic discussed in the layout. This topic can also be quite difficult for a beginner tarologist.

The next stage in comprehending the cards is meditation on the Tarot, they provide an opportunity to comprehend the energy of the cards. And this is a different approach to the cards. It enables the transition to Tarot magic. Through the image, you can feel the vibration of the Arcana and gain certain knowledge in meditation. Connecting with the archetype that Arkan represents, you can understand your own problems through your sense of this archetypal image and work them out. Since the Major Arcana are the archetypes of the collective unconscious, those general best patterns of behavior that in a person’s ordinary life are filled with a specific meaning.

Working with the Archetypes makes it possible to get rid of various psychological problems, as well as working with the energy of the cards, to view the development of the course of specific events at this level.

Tarot cards, the study of possession of which continues towards the comprehension of magical techniques. Mastering them makes it possible to reprogram the events that you saw in the layout. But by this point, the student must learn to take responsibility for his own desires and thoughts, to understand that the immediate result in the future may bring disappointment. The energies of the elements, which are embedded in the symbolism, in the images on the Arcana, make it possible, by connecting with them, to change the course of events. These are not cardinal changes, but it is possible to neutralize a strongly negative result of the alignment, or you can strengthen the positive result with your work.

An even higher level of knowledge of the Tarot is an understanding through the Arcana of the meaning of the Kabbalistic Tree of Sephiroth. This is the philosophical level of the cards. Here you will be able to understand how the Creator's plan energetically, as a result of lowering vibrations, was realized into matter and how the road is built along which the Soul must return back to the Creator. What is the Grail in the ancient sense and how it can be activated in oneself. What is it filled with and why is it needed? Find out what the Small and Large Faces of the Creator are and why they say that a person is similar to God? All this is understood and practiced at the last stage of studying the system.

  • 1st Stage
    • The History of Tarot Cards
    • Numerology and Tarot
    • Major Arcana - we pass the path of the "Fool"
    • Symbolism of the Major Arcana - its meaning
    • Minor Arcana. An exclusive technique for memorizing the meaning and meaning of the Minor Arcana
    • Mastering the basic layouts: "Celtic Cross", "Choice", "Relationships", "Choice", "Playing the Fool", "Horoscope", "Planets"
    • Safety
    • Session Rules
    • Major Arcana Combinations
    • 4 DVDs included
  • 2nd Stage(5-6 lessons for 2.5 hours once a week) cost - 12,000 rubles
    • Additional options for removing information from the "Celtic Cross" layout
    • Combinations of the Major Arcana with the Minor Arcana
    • Business layouts
    • Karmic layouts
    • "Radiu Wheel" layout
    • Meditations on tarot cards
    • Archetypes in Tarot as a portal for working through psychological problems
    • Portals of the Minor Arcana, how to view the development of situations
  • 3rd Stage(5 lessons 2.5 hours) cost -20,000 rubles.
    • Tarot Magic. Changing negative situations by influencing the vibrations of Tarot cards
    • Mission map
    • The meanings of the cards in the layouts for health
    • Layouts for viewing karmic situations
    • Initiation into the Master
  • 4th Stage
    • Tarot and the Kabalistic Tree of Sephiroth
    • The Descent of the Divine Light from Kether to Malchut
    • Meditative Practices of Passing the Sephiroth
    • Paths of passage from Malkuth to Kether with the help of meditations on the Major Arcana. tarot cards.

Zabolotnaya Marina.

Each person comes in his own way to the study of tarot - someone wants to know the world with the help of this effective oracle, someone learns to guess, someone develops and learns to meditate.

However, no matter what goals a person who wants to comprehend the mystery of tarot pursues, you first need to undergo training. How to start learning tarot?

There are various methods of studying cards developed by professional tarologists, and in order for the training to be more productive, you need to familiarize yourself with all of them and choose for yourself the method that will arouse your affection.

Structural study of the deck

The development of the deck by the method of free associations can also take place in a structured way.

The process looks like this:

- you take any card from the deck (it is better to start with the major arcana, because they are the most symbolic), and carefully examine what is depicted on it - you can even meditate while looking at the image;
- After that, you need to answer a number of questions:

  • What was your first impression of the card?
  • What intuitive feeling does the image evoke?
  • Formulate in one or two words what is shown on the map, without using the original name.
  • Sequentially describe the associations and emotions from each symbol on the map.
  • If there is an image of a person on the card, feel his story - what is his mood? Where is he going or where did he come from? What is his facial expression? What is the reason for the color scheme of his clothes? What does his posture mean? Who could he be to another person? What can he say?
  • If there is an image of an animal on the card, then do the work similar to the one described in the previous paragraph.
  • The image of plants on the map also requires detailed study.
  • Disassemble your own associations with the time of year and time of day that are depicted.
  • Answer the question with what numbers and symbols this card could be associated.

All this information should be written down., because over time, these reflections in the process of learning tarot will come in handy for you.

In addition, the following questions must be answered:

  1. In what situation can this card be a good sign?
  2. In what situation can a card be a bad sign?
  3. What deep lesson for self-knowledge does it bring?
  4. How does this card describe the work situation, personal relationships, health situation, etc.?

As the deck is worked out, it is also necessary to compare your feelings with classical interpretations, which can be considered from any sensible textbook. In order to understand how your feelings and classical interpretations correlate, try to work out the deck using the test questions method.

The essence of the method is that you invite some audience to ask a deck of verification questions - for example, about the state of affairs at work or on a personal front. It is important that people answering these questions can give feedback - that is, they would tell how exactly they are doing in a particular area. Thus, by comparing reality and predictions, you can understand which interpretations are closest to reality.

The practical method of studying the tarot deck is through daily exercises. The method is also called the "Card of the Day" and is as follows: before starting the day, ask yourself how it will go and draw a card from the deck. Try to interpret it in some way, and in the evening you need to analyze which of the predicted events were realized in what form.

Also a good technique is divination for household questions- pull out one card from the deck in response to the simplest everyday question “Will I buy a dress?”, “Will my friends like a new manicure?”, And learn to interpret what the tarot cards tell you.

Over time, the task can be complicated, and ask a little more complex questions, for example, what this or that acquaintance will bring to you.

In the process of learning tarot, pay attention to your own - any textbook can only be a help, you cannot be guided by what is written in the book if your personal feelings and ideas are not attached to it.

The tarot deck requires a special attitude, so always tune in to work with tarot cards, prepare both internally and externally - for example, wash your hands, carefully wipe the surface on which you will work. In addition to practical value (you can’t touch the tarot with dirty hands), this will also help you quickly switch to a working state over time.

You can learn tarot on your own, or you can go to any course - the only thing that needs to be clarified before choosing a course is the qualifications and level of the teacher. Does he have his own achievements, how long has he been practicing. All this will allow you to choose the course that will bring good results.

Of course, this is far from complete information on where to start learning tarot - this is just some tip of the iceberg, the basic basics, following which you can find your way, including in tarot.

If you have experience in learning tarot, be sure to share it with the readers below in the comments.

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What gives knowledge of Tarot

Do you want to learn tarot reading? Always have at hand the opportunity to consult with higher powers and look beyond the obvious? Or maybe even make tarot a way to earn extra money or even your profession? All this is possible, but even this is not the main thing in the course that I offer you. Tarot is, first of all, a change in one's worldview, a broader view of life, the awakening of one's true aspirations and a way to learn to be happy and enjoy life!

Can this be learned? Is a special gift needed?

Tarot is a tool that works according to its clear laws. To master this tool, you do not need to have any special gift. From my own experience, I can say that Tarot divination is available to anyone. Someone gets a little faster, someone a little slower - as with any science. Surely remember that at school, not everything worked out right away, even in your favorite subjects. Knowledge of psychology also helps in mastering the Tarot, so I teach the basics of psychology in my courses.

How fast can you learn to guess

Guessing can be learned pretty quickly. For example, study the basic principles, open the book with meanings that comes with each deck, and now you are already guessing. This is what is called "grab on top." But any science loves a fundamental approach and from the side it will be very noticeable if the subject is not deeply studied. Therefore, if you really want to learn how to guess seriously, be prepared to put in some effort and time.

At the school "Taropsychology" the following online Tarot programs are open for you:



TAROT-WORKSHOP (support for graduates)

How to read Tarot cards? This is a universal system. For divination, you need a deck and a good mood. Let's talk about the basic rules of divination for beginners, popular decks and layouts.

In the article:

Tarot as a mantic system

Tarot is one of the most popular divination tools. At all times there were people who did not believe that pieces of paper with pictures could tell about the future. However, the Tarot has established itself not only as a system of divination, but also as a tool for knowing oneself and the world.

The classic Tarot deck consists of 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana, 78 cards in total.. Depending on the school to which the deck belongs, the Major Arcana have a different sequence: Major Arcana or begin with a card "Jester", or end with it, the arcana change places "Force" And "Justice". The names of the Major Arcana differ, for example, in the Tarot system Crowley 22 lasso "World" called " Universe". The major arcana also differ externally, for example, on the arcana of the school Papus letters are always present Kabbalah.

The drawings on the Minor Arcana can depict a particular situation that describes the meaning of the card, or they can remain symbolic (for example, seven swords will be depicted on the seven of swords). The minor arcana are represented by four suits: cups, wands, swords and pentacles.

Four card suits corresponded with four estates: swords represented the nobility, goblets represented the clergy (through association with the communion cup), coins represented merchants and townspeople, and staves represented peasants and servants. The court cards Page, Knight, Queen and King conditionally designate the four ranks of the aristocracy in ascending order of power. In the future, the names of the suits began to be called differently: there were roses, acorns, bells and others, until, as a result of the development of engraving and the spread of card printing, figures of hearts, a tambourine, a spade and clubs were not established. Tarot games were very popular in Europe, especially in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Flanders. With the settlers, the cards also reached North America, where at some point the Joker, a descendant of the "Jester" Taro, was born.
Bednenko G. B. “The Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Theory and practice".

Traditionally, there are three systems:

  1. Tarot Rider-White - the most popular. About ninety percent of modern decks and oracles are based on the principles of this school. Classic deck - deck Ryder-White: understandable colorful cards, traced plots of the Minor Arcana help you quickly remember the meanings and not get confused when interpreting in the layout.
  2. Tarot Papus - came earlier Ryder-White, differs in the interpretations of some arcana, the order of the cards in the deck and the philosophical explanation of the origin of the cards and their meanings. The Minor Arcana are not drawn in all the decks of the system, which makes memorization difficult. On the territory of Russian-speaking countries, it is much less common than Ryder White. Classic decks of this system: Papus Tarot , Kabbalistic Tarot G.O.M., Egyptian Tarot.
  3. Taro Crowley - reflects the philosophy of the author Aleister Crowley and his occult organization "Order of the Golden Dawn". Appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. This is one deck designed by the founder of the system, - Tarot Thoth. Both the appearance of the arcana and their divinatory meaning are very different from the schools described above. It is generally recommended to move on to Crowley after mastering one of the two classic tarot systems. Easy to learn without basic tarot knowledge Crowleyans(followers of the teachings of Crowley).

Deck: how to choose and get acquainted

Where to start if you decide to learn to read Tarot cards? First of all, you need a deck, but how to choose it?

Every year, a huge number of new tarot decks are released. How to understand which one is suitable for a particular fortune teller? Beginners are encouraged to gain experience on the classic deck of a particular Tarot system. In the early stages, it is better to avoid working with decks of a narrow theme, for example, and "dark" decks ( Taro Vargo, Shadows, all Gothic decks).

Before buying, you need to look on the Web for images of the deck you like. If possible, you should hold the unpacked box with the deck in your hands before buying.

When the deck is purchased, you can get to work. You need to understand the cards well and have a mindset suitable for divination.

Beginners are advised to start with deck development . These are exercises during which the deck is studied in detail, acquaintance with the cards takes place. The most popular deck development techniques - instant layout « » And lasso meditation practice.

"Card of the day" means a quick daily layout on one card, which symbolizes the general nature of the day for the fortuneteller. Considering the number of cards in the deck, it will take at least a couple of months to develop.

As for meditation on the lasso, everything is both simpler and more difficult. Most often, the practice is applied to the Major Arcana for a better understanding of their meanings. There are several ways to meditate that can be used for any system deck.

To create a special mood before divination, they use candles, aromatic oils, special ritual tablecloths for layouts.

How not to take tarot cards in your hands

There is no need to force a person to make a deal if there is no mood or the fortuneteller is physically unwell. Any altered state of consciousness (alcohol intoxication) does not help the beginner to work correctly with the cards.

The fortuneteller is not advised to make a deal on a significant personal question, since his own interest will interfere with the correct and objective interpretation. It is better to turn to a person who is less emotionally involved in the situation. This also applies to divination for another person. From the first days of practice, you need to track when the fortuneteller interprets the alignment, and when he says querent(to the questioner) own opinion about the situation.

No need to be shy at first to use hints during interpretation. Comes with every deck book with the main meaning of each lasso. Later, having gained experience, the fortuneteller will remember the meanings of the cards by heart.

Separately, it should be said about the rule "Do not give your cards into the wrong hands." Many tarot readers do not allow outsiders to touch the divination tool, even if the layout requires the querent to choose the cards himself and lay them upright or inverted, for example, "Seven Bodies". This also applies to cases when the fortuneteller is offered personal cards for the layout. You need to listen to yourself: if your hands reach out to someone else's Tarot, you need to trust your intuition and work with the deck, and if a fortuneteller is against touching the deck of someone else's hands, you should use layouts where the querent's touch is optional.

About layouts

there is a great variety, all are divided into classical and modern, well-known and author's, easy (for a small number of cards) and polysyllabic, general and for a specific purpose, impersonal and personal (considering an individual, his personality, character, etc.).

There are more chances for dropped cards and to understand the picture as a whole for beginners when performing small layouts of 5–6 cards (classic "Celtic Cross", "Compass", "Gypsy", "Path Choice" and others). Large spreads, although giving a more detailed answer, require more cards, and it is easy for a beginner to get confused in the interpretation. It is not recommended to start practice, for example, with "12 houses" or "Butterflies".

Where to start learning Tarot if you do not yet have the slightest idea about working with these cards? Each person has his own path: someone is guessing, someone is looking for opportunities for development, someone is learning to meditate with the help of this esoteric oracle. But regardless of your goal, you need to start with the first simple steps, which we will talk about.

Examine the deck when it is in your hands. You need to understand its structure. It is divided into major and minor arcana:

  • 22 Major Arcana
  • 14 minor arcana: suit of Cups (Cups)
  • 14 Minor Arcana: Suit of Swords
  • 14 Minor Arcana: suit of Pentacles (Coins)
  • 14 Minor Arcana: Suit of Wands

Working out the structure of the deck

For structural study, the method of structural associations is used. You need to take each lasso from the deck in turn, examine it carefully, and then ask yourself questions while looking at the card.

The questions are the following:

  1. Emotions you experience when you look at the picture
  2. What does intuition suggest, what sensations arise?
  3. What is the image on the map associated with, describe in a few words
  4. If a person is drawn on the lasso, listen to yourself and imagine his image in your imagination. Think about how he feels, what he is doing, what occupies his thoughts, what his goals are. Try to decipher the meaning of the colors of his clothes, posture, facial expressions. Imagine that he is addressing you and saying something. What are these words?
  5. Similarly, draw an associative series with lasso, on which animals or plants are drawn.
  6. See the weather, time of day and year on the map. What mental images do you have?
  7. Think about what number you associate with the image of the lasso

Important: try to take a piece of paper and write down the answers to the questions. In the future, this information will be useful for introspection and verification of how the classic interpretations of the cards coincide with your feelings.

There are additional questions that you can work through as well. If you are tired, put it off until a more appropriate moment, but if you are ready to study further, start right now.

Ask, mentally referring to each of the arcana:

  1. In what cases can a card indicate favorable circumstances, predict something good?
  2. And vice versa - when does its meaning carry a negative context?
  3. How is it useful for self-development and self-knowledge?
  4. What forecast does it give in different areas of life (personal life, health, work, finances, self-realization)?

It can take several days or even weeks to work through the entire deck. Take your time, analyze each card carefully and in detail. This will not only help to better understand the meaning of the cards, but also create an energetic connection with the deck, which will be useful in divination in the future.

Watch video tutorials on how to quickly learn how to work with Tarot cards:

After the structural study of the deck, the next stage of training begins - the study of the classical meanings of all the arcana of the Tarot. Arm yourself with a detailed interpreter taken from a reliable source, and get out your notes that you made during the first stage.

You need to check your own feelings with the "official" interpretations. There is a method that simplifies the task. This is the test question method:

  • You give a prediction, for example, about a person’s personal life, based on personal feelings (written down in the first stage)
  • Take the second prediction from the textbook of tarology
  • Then listen to what the person has to say.

Check what matches and what doesn't. In this way, you begin to realize when your intuition is right, and in which cases it is better to listen to the opinion of official sources.

  • In the morning, ask the Tarot a question about what awaits you in the coming day.
  • Get an answer and interpret the prediction
  • At the end of the day, check what came true, what didn’t, and what part of the prediction is too vague

Instead of a card of the day, you can use express layouts. That is, you turn to the deck with some small question. For example, "Will I be at work on time today?" You get an answer, wait, find out if it was correct.

It is very important to practice regularly. Then gradually you will work out all the skills necessary for a beginner to work with Tarot and will be able to proceed to a more complex level of training.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: