Lenormand combination bear owl stars. Fox Lenorman Meanings Description Combinations Lenorman Fox

Fortune telling on the cards of Maria Lenormand allows you to lift the veil of secrecy and look into the future. In an effort to understand the plan of Fate, in the layout it is necessary to carefully study the combination of Lenormand cards. A correct interpretation will make it possible not only to predict turning events, but also to choose the best scenario for their development, to determine the point of application of one's efforts. So, to emerge victorious from difficult life situations.

Interpretation of card combinations

The basis of the interpretation is a simple and intuitive image of each card. In the Lenormand deck, the combination of symbols has an associative meaning. In order to bring the images of individual cards together and understand the information that the layout as a whole carries, three principles for constructing integral values ​​should be used:

Madame Lenormand's deck has positive, negative and neutral symbols. The keywords associated with their meaning make it possible to read paired combinations and triads of cards.

Paired Values

A short breakdown of relationships will help you understand the current situation, see the roots and consequences of what is happening in the present. It can be successfully used to reveal the nature and prospects of a love relationship. This requires a correct decoding of the meanings of the Lenormand cards in love layouts. Combinations are made up of the values ​​of two characters.

lucky event

Pair combinations that portend a happy event:

Signs like this are worth listening to.

good news

The appearance in the layout of the symbols Horseman or Letter, paired with a favorable card, predicts the receipt of a joyful message. The rider is a "carrier of information", the Letter is associated with a secret and means that the message will come from afar. The content of the message will be revealed by the adjacent map:

Look carefully and do not confuse the cards.

stable relationship

Pair combinations of cards denoting the stabilization of harmonious relations:

  • House + Heart: happiness in the house, great love.
  • Tree + Ring: strong relationships, fulfilling obligations.
  • Heart + Anchor: Deep and secure feelings that may lack variety.
  • Sun + Tower: strong bonds, stable relationships that bring joy.

Any of these pairs portends warmth and comfort in the house.

Losses, worsening situation

Pair combinations that predict losses, breakups, difficult circumstances in which improvement is not yet expected. There are two negative cards here or an unfavorable symbol is in the second position:

If during divination, along with the Heart and the Ring, a Snake, Fox, Fork, Owl falls out, deception or betrayal can be expected. This is a clear warning. If the Cross falls in the second position, this means that the current situation cannot be influenced. The decoding can be twofold: the relationship will cease to exist, or these relationships cannot be broken.

Triple character combinations

To predict the development of love relationships, a large alignment is used. The significators of the partners are the cards Man and Woman. All other meanings of the Lenormand cards in the relationship layout are interpreted based on these key cards. The symbols that are between the lovers make up the triads. It is necessary to understand and describe the holistic image created by the three cards.

Diaries with entries have been preserved in which the most important triple combinations of Lenormand cards are recorded. The meanings and combinations in the layout indicate the feelings of each of the partners, external circumstances, the state and prospects for the development of their relationship.

A favorable development of events is foreshadowed by triads, which include positive and neutral cards:

Difficulties portend combinations in which there is one or two negative cards. They are especially unfavorable in the middle or end of the triad:

  • Clouds, Ring, Moon: doubts, indecision, lack of dynamics. The union does not bring joy.
  • Bouquet, Scythe, Rats: an auspicious card at the beginning of the triad indicates a gift of Fate that will not bring happiness.
  • Broom, Rats, Anchor: constant conflicts and quarrels. The anchor at the end of the triad keeps the relationship stable and grounded. Changes are not expected.
  • Fox, Pisces, Cloud: deceit, weakness of spirit. The positive Pisces card is enclosed between the symbols of lies and trouble.
  • Heart, Clouds, Moon: heartfelt feelings, doubts, crisis. The moon next to the Clouds means heavy forebodings that cannot be got rid of.
  • Ring, Ship, Coffin: a quick rupture of marital ties or that which binds people.
  • Book, Cross, Mountain: obstacles are predetermined by Fate and inevitable. The triad does not show a way out of this situation.
  • Key, Fork, Coffin: irretrievable loss. The key in the first position indicates an opportunity that has been missed.
  • Heart, Fork, Snake: love triangle. It portends heart torment, insincerity, doubts. There is a third person in the relationship.

For love layouts, 36 cards of the Lenormand deck are more often used. Lisey Black, a popular fortune teller, recommends using a deck of 52 characters for a detailed study of relationships. This gives advantages in making a long-term forecast showing the fate and nature of a love union.

Frenchwoman Marie Lenormand is one of the most famous soothsayers in history. She lived in the troubled times of the French Revolution. Her clients were Napoleon and Josephine, Marat and Robespierre. And what she predicted to each of them later came true.

To predict the future, she used a deck of 36 cards, but she had her own card meanings for all occasions. The fortuneteller did not leave information about her system to her descendants, but today we can use Lenormand cards, which were recreated based on numerous memories.

  • Rider. Map number 1. Nine of hearts. New information, message. The theme will be determined by adjacent cards.
  • Clover. Map number 2. Six of tambourines. Symbolizes your plans. With positive, light cards nearby, it speaks of profit.
  • Ship. Map number 3. Ten spades. Movement, action, change, travel. With bad cards nearby - changes for the worse.
  • House. Map number 4. Hearts king. Successful, thriving business. A happy home is a full bowl.
  • Tree. Map number 5. Seven of Hearts. A flowering tree speaks of good health. The farther it is located from the fortuneteller's card, the better the state of health.
  • Clouds. Map number 6. King of clubs. Threats, problems. Clouds are gathering over you. Troubles are possible in some areas of life.
  • Snake. Map number 7. Club lady. In any position, it speaks of betrayal. Look for an ill-wisher in your environment.
  • Coffin. Map number 8. Diamond nine. The name speaks for itself. Difficulties. Problems. Disease.
  • Bouquet. Map number 9. Queen of Spades. A beautiful bouquet is a great card in any position. In love layouts, mutual feelings, understanding.
  • Spit. Map number 10. Jack of Diamonds. A complex card, signals a conflict. Can show failure, accident.
  • Broom. Map number 11. Club jack. The broom is a symbol of change, conflict.
  • Owls. Map number 12. Diamond seven. Gloomy owl birds are a symbol of anxiety. Evil thoughts.
  • Child. Map number 13. Jack of spades. Freshness and harmony in relationships, profit. New friends, the birth of a child.
  • Fox. Map number 14. Nine clubs. The appearance of a fox speaks of betrayal.
  • Bear. Map number 15. Ten of clubs. Powerful sign. Energy, the ability to create.
  • Stars. Map number 16. Hearts six. Stars are events. Their theme and coloration is determined by other cards.
  • Stork. Map number 17. Lady of worms. The stork is a cute, calm sign. Talk about happy change.

  • Dog. Map number 18. Heart ten. Indicates a true friend who is ready to help.
  • Tower. Map number 19. Peak six. A slender tower is the result of a long work. symbolizes the result.
  • Garden. Map number 20. Peak eight. Festive, light sign. Pleasure.
  • Mountain. Map number 21. Club eight. The mountain peak is always overcoming. Predicts serious difficulties.
  • Fork. Map number 22. Bubble lady. The crossroads says that you will need to choose your path.
  • Rat. Map number 23. Club seven. Gray rats spoil property - such is the map. She talks about loss, damage.
  • Heart. Map number 24. Jack of Hearts. One of the best cards. Indicates a period of selfless love.
  • Ring. Map number 25. Ace of clubs. Evidence of marriage. Possible wedding. Meeting with a person who is useful to you.
  • Book. Map number 26. Diamond ten. It is quite logical that the book talks about experience, learning.
  • Letter. Map number 27. Peak seven. News. An important document, a contract. The surrounding maps will tell about his theme.
  • Man. Map number 28. Ace of Hearts. Means a man (fortune teller). Also symbolizes father, brother, husband.
  • Woman. Map number 29. Ace of spades. Means a woman (fortuneteller). Mother, sister, wife. In divination for love - the feminine.
  • Lilies. Map number 30. Peak King. Symbol of power. Talking about patronage. In a love scenario - high relationships.
  • Sun. Map number 31. Ace of diamonds. Talk about great success. This is a card of wealth, winning, luck.
  • Moon. Map number 32. Heart eight. Symbolizes public recognition. If the card lies far from your card, then it says that all your efforts to create a strong position may be in vain.
  • Key. Map number 33. Diamond eight. An idea, a solution, a happy key to a situation. When placed away from the card, the fortuneteller says that the solution to the problem will not be found immediately.
  • Fish. Map number 34. Bubble King. Great card! Says that your wishes will soon come true.
  • Anchor. Map number 35. Peak nine. Persistence, help, support. Next to the card of the fortuneteller speaks of his reliability, fidelity.
  • Cross. Map number 36. Club six. Talks about suffering. The fortuneteller will face a serious problem. If the card is next to "your" card, the solution can be said to be nearby.
  • With Ship, House, Tree, Bouquet, Child, Stars, Stork, Heart, Pisces - new possibilities.

    With Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Oblique, Broom, Owls, Fox, Cross - negative news.

    With the Ship, the Rider, the House, the Tree, the Bouquet, the Child, the Stars, the Stork, the Heart, the Pisces, the Tower - the realization of hopes.

    With Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Oblique, Broom, Owls, Fox, Cross, Mountain, Rats, Anchor - unfavorable situations.

    With positive cards - a pleasant trip. With negative - worsening of the situation. If the Snake is nearby, danger is from afar. Dog - the arrival of a friend. Mountain, Fork, Rats means an unsuccessful trip.

    The map adds a positive value to each map. Softens bad cards. Enhances the positive. In combination with Clouds - trouble at home. The snake is a domestic tyrant.

    In combination with other cards, it speaks of the sphere of health, bodily well-being of a person. For example: with Clover - about life in nature. With the Ship - about a trip to nature. Scythe, Coffin - they talk about a possible operation.

    With some positive cards, the Clouds simply say that the period of trouble is over. For example: Rider, Clover, Sun, Key.

    Other positive cards simply indicate the place where troubles are realized: for example: Ship - troubles on the way. House - problems in the house.

    Degrades the value of all cards. He talks about danger, envy in any scenario.

    Exceptions: Stars - this combination speaks of knowledge. Stork - victory over the enemy. Book, Lily - ancient knowledge. The sun is health.

    Degrades all values. It has a general meaning: assurances, total, losses.

    Exceptions: Snake - rebirth. The bouquet is an inheritance. Bear, Sun - help will come at the most difficult moment. Stork - the end of a strip of problems. The dog is the help of a friend.

    Makes each map lighter and better.

    Exception: Snake (gift with a trick). A scythe is a rejection of joy. The mountain is a rejection of the holiday. Cross: a spoiled holiday.

    He talks about the danger in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example: in combination with the Ship - danger during the trip. The house is a division of the inheritance. Dog - a break with a friend. Heart - divorce, in the layout of relationships. Exception - Mountain: victory over enemies.

    The broom speaks of minor troubles, misunderstandings, minor problems. For example: Rider - gossip, House - quarrels.

    There are exceptions: the combination with the Ship is positive: problems will remain in the past. Bouquet - a truce.

    Owls talk about bad thoughts, forebodings, minor troubles. Degrade positive cards. In combination with negative ones, they speak of depression.

    It speaks of freshness, clarity of perception. It may simply indicate a small size. But it can also indicate infantilism (in combination with Clover, Fork, Man, Woman, Anchor).

    With wood: talent. With negative cards: anxiety about the child. problems associated with it.

    He always talks about cheating. Other cards indicate the area where to wait for deception. For example: The house is a deception in the family. The tree is a deception of the doctor. The heart is a deception from a loved one. A good combination: with the Coffin, Scythe - the end of lies.

    Talking about protection. Sometimes indicates the size. For example: A bouquet is a generous, great gift. The dog is a big, powerful friend. The tower is a stable position in society. Heart - very bright, strong feelings.

    Not a bad card. He talks about the order of the universe and the fulfillment of desires in combination with positive cards. In combination with negative ones, it speaks of trouble, the impossibility of fulfilling your dreams, loss.

    Symbol of happiness and homeland. Often changes even the value of negative cards. Talks about the beginning of a good period in combination with good cards (House, Ship, Garden, Mountain).

    Perhaps about the birth of a child (House, Child, Man, Woman, Moon) or about a new relationship (Heart, Ring).

    As a rule, the combinations are favorable. Talk about helping a friend. Clouds, the Snake, the Scythe, the Fox, the Fork, the Rats speak about the likelihood of deception, the Coffin, the Cross speak about the termination of friendship.

    Often talks about success, stability, friends. About the deterioration of the situation - in combination with the Clouds, the Snake, the Coffin, the Fox. Disease - Broom, Owls, Cross.

    The value of the card combination Heart

    A wonderful card, many combinations are good, they speak of happiness, joyful events, deep feelings. Hatred, negative feelings shows in combination with Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Scythe.

    The meaning of the combination of the Ring card

    Most of the meanings are a good, pleasant union, a useful contact. Warns of caution: in combination with Clouds, Serpents, Coffin, Scythe, Rats, Cross.

    The value of the book card combination

    He talks about obtaining information, revealing secrets in a particular area or by me. For example: in combination with the House, the Moon: family secrets. Owls, Clouds - dubious, dangerous information. The coffin, the Tower - the impossibility of revealing the secret. Child, Stork - the beginning of learning.

    The value of the combination with the letter card

    Talking about a message. Good cards add value: getting important, good information. In combination with bad news, it speaks of bad news. Snake, Fox: you will receive false data.

    The meaning of the combination with the Lily card

    Talking about virtue. Sometimes - about spiritual development (Horseman, Ship). Indicates abilities (House, Tree, Child, Dog, Tower, Book, Man, Woman, Moon).

    In combination with negative cards, it can mean slander, danger: Clouds, Snake, Broom. Scythe, Owls, Rats.

    The value of the combination of cards Sun

    It speaks of stability, takeoff, luck, prosperity in almost any combination.

    Exceptions: Clouds, Snake, Scythe, Cross. In this case, you are warned of possible unexpected troubles.

    The value of the card combination Key

    The key points to ideas, solutions, especially when combined with good cards. For example: with Clover, Tree, House, Rider, Snake, Scythe, Child, Bear, Tower, Moon.

    Fish are a symbol of water. Its meaning is not always clear. Sometimes he speaks of the fluidity of the situation, its fragility. Often talks about the financial sector. Combinations with the Horseman speak of profit. Clover, House, Tree, Bouquet, Bear, Stars, Stork, Tower, Heart, Ring, Sun. Cash losses: Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Broom, Owls, Mountain.

    The meaning of the combination of the card Anchor

    Sometimes a card can simply talk about the conservative views of a fortuneteller: for example, cards Man, Woman, Clover, House, Tree, Tower. Indicates stagnation, stagnation: Coffin, Clouds, Mountain.

    There are also good values: in combination with a Bouquet - a good gift. The bear is a big help. A dog is a very strong friendship. The heart is peace. The ring is the strength of feelings, relationships.

    With some positive cards, it may indicate the end of the test period. For example: Rider, Clover, Ship, Key. Has the idea of ​​retribution for sins: House, Tree, Bouquet, Child, Stork, Sun. Strengthens the value of negative cards.

    Each card from the oracle of Madame Lenormand contains 2 images, there are 6 of them in the Big Lenormand deck, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, in the language of flowers, villages, as well as knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece. There are two images in the Small deck: the main drawing, which is interpreted intuitively easily and close in meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and it is recommended for beginners to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with the accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings of gypsy cards.

    Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in the upright position, because. each card has several meanings at once, for example, the Child card can be a signifier of a child, point to something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, to the birth of a child.

    There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, besides, the cards are read in a special way, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the meaning of one card and does not require them to be reversed. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent a person, an action, an emotion, an object, or a way of life. You can easily determine each specific value in a particular case when you study the main meanings of Lenormand cards. It is the keywords that will help you understand the essence of the layout in relation to the question posed.

    For example, the Garden card itself means public fame or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of Garden and Child cards means: some kind of social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as the Child and the Garden, because if 2 cards fell out together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary to the main value. The location of the Lenormand cards in the layout greatly affects their interpretation. The rider and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a talkative deceiver, his teeth will speak, an agile criminal. The card that fell first affects the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional map expands this story, but also within the first map!

    "Rider and Fox" and "Fox and Rider" - Not the same thing

    • Key words - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable meanings for the interpretation of the card in the layout.
    • Description of the map - a description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
    • Symbolism - the key symbolism of the map, allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because. the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
    • Characteristic - at this point, the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, elements, organs in the body, terms and time frames, professions according to Lenormand cards, as well as a advice card, a warning card and a day card.
    • Character - the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
    • The main value is the key block, because it reflects all the main aspects of interpreting the meanings of Lenormand cards. We compare cards whose main meanings are closely related so that you can more accurately interpret their meanings and not get confused at first.
    • Negative value (Shadow of the card) - every card, even the best in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point should also be taken into account. When a positive card goes by description to a negative one.
    • Questions of personal relationships - the most popular topic for divination - love and relationships. We tell what is the meaning of Lenormand cards in divination for love.
    • Issues of business and finance - the second most popular topic for divination - work and money. We tell how each card describes this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.
    • Medical issues - the main areas of health that each card describes are covered
    • Personality Map - Questions about third parties are very often asked, this description will help you characterize a person in general terms.
    • Interpretation of the card in the layout - reveal the nuances of practical work.

    Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives the keys to how you can independently compile interpretations by summing up the values ​​​​of two cards. Combinations are presented here, but, of course, not a complete list of all possible options, but only an example of how you can read cards together. In essence, this is how to add syllables or collect sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form Lenormand pairs and triads, they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.

    Telling fortunes about love and relationships is interesting for each of us, and it doesn’t matter if we have a permanent partner or if we are in search. If there are a huge number of layouts on the topic of personal relationships, then sometimes difficulties arise with the interpretation of the cards. That is why today we will consider the detailed meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts, as well as their most important combinations. Get ready, it will be very interesting!

    Features of the Lenormand deck for divination for relationships

    The famous Small Lenormand deck is adored by novice fortune tellers for a reason. The symbolism of these cards is so simple and clear that it is not only easy, but also pleasant to interpret them in a layout. There is no complex tricky logic and ambiguous symbolism here, as in Tarot decks, there is no need to think about what aspect this or that card takes - everything is much simpler with the French Sibyl. There is a map - and there is its meaning. Not an archetype from which you can derive dozens and hundreds of reading variations, but just a picture that instantly gives a hint.

    That is why the meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts, combining them with each other can be studied easily and quickly. By the way, it is not necessary to study combinations of cards - it is enough to know their basic interpretations in order to connect two adjacent pictures with each other. Well, shall we try?

    The main meanings of Lenormand cards in love layouts

    We suggest that you consider the interpretation of Lenormand cards in love layouts in the form of a simple and understandable table. In the first column you will find the name of the card and its number, and in the second - the values ​​\u200b\u200bwhich it can take in relational matters.

    1. Rider: The beginning of a romance, the beginning of a relationship, the first flash of passion
    2. Clover: Joy, harmony, warmth that a person receives in a love union
    3. Ship: Parting, difference in interests
    4. House: Desire to start a family, stability, seriousness of feelings, intentions, family hearth
    5. Tree: Strength of feeling, but lack of romance
    6. Clouds: Quarrels, claims, disagreements, conflicts, crisis
    7. Snake: Sexual attraction, sometimes - treason, deceit, the presence of a rival or rival
    8. Coffin: End of romance, divorce, widowhood
    9. Bouquet: Candy-bouquet period, romance
    10. Spit: Misunderstanding, rejection, interference in the relationship of someone from the outside, someone's desire to destroy this union
    11. Broom: Showdown, quarrels, problems, temporary break
    12. Owls: Character difference, depression, a series of difficulties that you need to go through in order to restore harmony to relationships
    13. Child: Lack of experience, first love, romance
    14. Fox: Falsity, treason, deceit, cunning, mistrust
    15. Bear: Passionate union, sexuality
    16. Stars: Kindred of souls, union of creative people
    17. Stork: Desire to live together, equip a "family nest", attention to each other
    18. Dog: Return of love to relationships, consent, devotion, fidelity to each other
    19. The Tower: A Romance at Work
    20. Garden: Active life together, full of harmony and new experiences
    21. Mountain: Obstacles, alienation, difficulties in communicating with a loved one
    22. Fork in the road: Turning point in the union, the need to make an important decision
    23. Rats: Commercialism, unrequited love, manipulation of feelings
    24. Heart: Boundless happiness
    25. Ring: Close connection, marriage proposal, decision to live together
    26. Book: Marriage or relationships by fate (karmic)
    27. Letter: Good news from a loved one, desire to communicate
    28. Man: Support, reliability, support
    29. Woman: Emotional response, sensitivity, deep affection
    30. Lilies: Highly spiritual relationships, unity of souls, complete harmony
    31. Sun: A union in which people experience joy, happiness, sincere feelings
    32. Moon: Jealousy, suspicions of treason, magical influence, sometimes - fear of loneliness
    33. Key: Karmic union to be cherished
    34. Pisces: Relationships of a platonic nature, sometimes - material interest
    35. Anchor: Complete trust, reliability, stability
    36. Cross: Strong trials, working off karma

    How can combinations of cards be interpreted in love layouts?

    Before we proceed to a direct description of the main combinations of cards, it is worth saying this. You do not need to know the meaning of Lenormand cards in love spreads. The combination of the Cross and the Lily is nearby - what, for example, can it talk about if you try to connect these two pictures intuitively? Let's get a look. The cross is a sign of karma, what a person bears throughout life, a voluntary sacrifice, obligations, and Lilies are a symbol of the unity of souls, harmony. What can their combination say? Probably, that a person will have to sacrifice something for the sake of maintaining harmony, or take on some obligations, right?

    Let's try to take some other meaning of the Lenormand cards in love layouts. Is the Snake Woman a good example? A woman can point to a specific representative of the fair sex, and the Snake is sexual energy, sometimes deceit, temptation. It turns out that this bundle can be interpreted as a woman who will tempt a man - a kind of seductress. See how simple it really is?

    Since you have already learned how to interpret pairs of cards on your own, we will not give here all their possible combinations and limit ourselves to only the most common ones. And the rest you try to analyze and understand on your own, agreed?

    • Horseman + Heart: Receiving some news that you take to heart
    • Rider + Ring: News of an engagement or marriage, sometimes a marriage proposal
    • Clover + Fork: You need to make an important decision in a love matter
    • Ship + Sun: Holiday romance, romantic acquaintance while traveling
    • House + Scythe: Leaving the family
    • House + Fork: Solving family problems
    • Tree + Coffin: Serious problems, possible rupture
    • Clouds + Heart: Deep feelings on the basis of love
    • Snake + Coffin: Rival or rival will be eliminated, will not interfere with your personal happiness
    • Snake + Heart: Insane sexual affection
    • Coffin + Heart: Divorce, breakup of a long relationship, death of a loved one
    • Bouquet + Garden: Pleasant time together with a partner in good company
    • Scythe + Heart: Heart Wound
    • Scythe + Lilies: Self-sacrifice
    • Broom + House: Family quarrel
    • Broom + Bouquet: Between lovers after a quarrel, peace was restored
    • Owls + Horseman: Unpleasant rumors, gossip
    • Child + Stork: Pregnancy, childbirth
    • Fox + House: The person you live with is deceiving you
    • Bear + Heart: Very strong feelings
    • Stars + Stork: Happy accident
    • Stars + Heart: Romantic Date
    • Stork + Tower: Strong family
    • Stork + Ring: Wedding
    • Stork + Heart: The beginning of a new relationship
    • Dog + House: Friendship connects you with a partner
    • Tower + Letter: Receiving official documents (for love scenarios, this can be marriage or divorce certificates, changing a passport to a new surname, etc.)
    • Garden + Heart: A new acquaintance can develop into a romance
    • Mountain + Heart: Long Courtship
    • Fork + Rats: A loved one has someone else besides you
    • Rats + Child: Fertility (may indicate a mother of many children)
    • Heart + Coffin: Feelings are dead
    • Heart + Snake: Manipulation through sex
    • Heart + Fork: A Complicated Love Triangle
    • Ring + Stars: Successful marriage
    • Ring + Fork: Second marriage
    • Ring + Sun: Happy family life
    • Book + Heart: The need to resolve important issues in a relationship with a loved one
    • Letter + Anchor: Formalizing Relationships
    • Lilies + Coffin: Loss of virginity
    • Sun + Cross: Happiness will become sorrow
    • Moon + Anchor: Boring, mediocre relationship
    • Key + Lilies: Idealistic views
    • Pisces + Heart: An alliance based on material interest, a marriage of convenience
    • Anchor + Fork: Double Life
    • Cross + Rider: The black streak in a relationship will end soon

    So we examined the meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts. We hope you enjoyed it.

    Key words: vigilance, bribery, discretion, taking advantage, dexterity, cheating, survival skills, betrayal, stealth, evasion, lying, deceit, instinct, strategy, intelligence, common sense, insight, disguise, lying, theft, overtaking, escape, find.

    Primary Divinatory Meaning: Cunning, survival, taking advantage, dexterity, intelligence.

    An evil spirit, seductions and temptations, deceit and cunning, worldly logic, crafty intentions. Deception, deceit, intrigue.
    This is a warning card. She portends a possible deception, a trap. The fox traditionally symbolizes cunning, sneakiness, lies and evil.

    The questioner should be especially careful in conversations.
    A smart Fox is able to survive in any situation, dodging and getting out, kidnapping in broad daylight, acting solely in her own interests and skillfully manipulating circumstances. The Lenormand Fox card can characterize the ethics of labor relations, employment and the working environment. In addition, it means the desire for prudence, the struggle for survival and the manifestation of vigilance in any situation, as well as developed instincts - determination and cunning. If the Fox card falls out in the layout, be careful and keep your intentions a secret in order to outwit those who want to deceive you.
    People. Deceiver, swindler, detective, teenager, buyer, crook, spy, employee, criminal.
    Love. Dishonesty in relationships, family troubles, a secret romance on the side.
    Job. Poor leadership, uninteresting work.
    Finance and business. fraudulent transactions; make ends meet; spy from competitors.
    well-being. Caring for oneself and one's own affairs, satisfying one's needs, idleness.
    In matters of relationships. They are trying to lure you into cunningly woven networks. Do not be overly gullible and do not fall for fox tricks. Intrigues, petty lies and deceptions. It is possible that you are instructed by the horns.
    In business matters. Cunning and resourcefulness, which is good for trading. Take the appearance of this card as advice to keep your nose to the wind and your ears.
    In medical matters. The card warns of difficult-to-diagnose diseases; sometimes it can hint at a medical error. In some cases, it portends an increase in temperature.


    2 CLOVER minor deception
    3 SHIP far-reaching calculation

    4 HOUSE cheating in the family
    5 WOOD misdiagnosis
    6 CLOUDS harm caused by lies
    7 SNAKE smart and treacherous enemy
    8 Coffin the end of lies
    9 BOUQUET flattery
    10 KOSA eradication of lies
    11 Broom quarrels over cheating
    12 OWLS philosophical speculations
    13 CHILD inept deception
    15 BEAR selfish help
    16 STARS
    17 STORK the appearance of a dishonest, deceitful person
    18 DOG Cheating From A Close Friend
    19 TOWER cheating in an official establishment
    20 SAD warning to beware of false friends